Ultracronologia del Universo Marvel Earth X


Caballero del Dragon
Apr 28, 2009
Reino de Teran; Hogar de los Caballeros del Dragon
Teoria Unificadora y origen de todo

Cronologia Ingles

here exists a perfect universe. In this perfect universe, perfect knowledge is possible. One group of beings evolve themselves into beings of pure energy which require vibranium armor to retain cohesion. To reproduce, these Celestials must implant vibranium and a portion of their energy into entire worlds which serve as incubation devices. The inhabitants of these worlds are altered so that they can protect the growing embryos. One such world is the planet Taa.

[Universe X #12, pg. 4-5]

Note: According to Marvel lore, Taa was the most technologically advanced planet in the original universe.

The destruction of worlds by the Celestials damages the universe. When Taa is destroyed by its embryo before the birth can take place, the universe begins to collapse.

[Universe X #7, pg. 2]

Speculation: The destruction of worlds was like a cancer within Eternity, the embodiment of the universe. The destruction of Taa mortally wounded Eternity, and this is the cause of the Universe's collapse.

One of Taa's surviving inhabitants is a starship Captain named Galan.

[Universe X #5, pg. 18; Universe X #7, pg. 2]

Speculation: Galan, as an inhabitant of an infected world, possesses a mutable seed himself.

He travels into the heart of the collapsing universe, and a voice offers him power and a chance for survival. This is the voice of the Enigma Force which has traveled back in time from the death of the Microverse. Galan accepts this power.

[Universe X #5, pg. 18; Universe X #7, pg. 2]

Speculation: Although this seems to be a closed loop where the Enigma Force creates itself, it is not. The sequence is more like a spiral than a loop. Each trip back through time creates a new reality, so the Enigma Force is empowering a new Galen each time. In the first loop of the spiral, it was most likely Eternity who gave the Enigma Force, a portion of his power, to Galen.

15,000,000,000 B.C.E. The collapse of the original universe causes a Big Bang which creates a new universe.

[Universe X #7, pg. 2]

Note: The date for the Big Bang is based on current scientific theory and may not apply to Reality X.

Some forces/beings travel from the original universe to the new one. These include Death, Eternity, the Phoenix Force, the Grandmaster, the Gardener, the Collector, Lord Order, Master Chaos, and the In-betweener. Collectively they are known as the Elders of the Universe. Their goal is the recreation of the original universe. They use the remains of the Celestials' homeworld to create the Realm of Death - a staging area where the rebuilding can begin.

[Paradise X #3, pg. 4-5]

The Celestials travel from the original universe to the new one.

[Universe X #12, pg. 4-5]

Galan travels from the old universe to the new one. He begins his slow metamorphosis into Galactus.

[Universe X #7, pg. 2-3]

Speculation: The Negative Zone is the remains of the original universe. The previous universe was made of antimatter, and when it collapsed around the planet Taa it created a black hole which led to a new universe. Antimatter flowed into the black hole, was reversed in polarity, and flowed out of the other side, causing the Big Bang. The inhabitants of Taa used their advanced technology to preserve the remains of their planet at the heart of the black hole. There it became known as Tyanna; a world which legends say is home to the oldest and most advanced civilization in existence. The wormhole connecting the two universes is now known as the Crossroads of Infinity. The black hole at the center of the Negative Zone is now known as the Antimatter Sun.

[Scientific Theory]

8,000,000,000 B.C.E. Chronos creates Eon to carry his consciousness so that he will be able to oppose the eventual rise of Thanos.

[Universe X #0, pg. 41]

Speculation: Chronos must have traveled back in time to create Eon since he was born on Earth which won't form until about 4.5 billion B.C.E.

[Universe X #0, pg. 41]

The Watchers gift the Prosilicans with nuclear technology, and the Prosilicans use it to destroy themselves.

[Universe X #7, pg. 3]

The Watchers adopt a policy of noninterference at the urging of Uatu's father Ikor, who was responsible for the Prosilican experiment.

[Universe X #7, pg. 3]

Galactus emerges and begins to 'balance' the universe by devouring Celestial embryos.

[Universe X #7, pg. 3]

The Watcher Ecce observes the "birth" of Galactus and although he has the power to destroy him, he does nothing.

[Universe X #7, pg. 3]

Torn between the moral consequences of both their actions and their inactions, the Watchers petition the Celestials to enslave them.

[Universe X #7, pg. 5]

Speculation: The Watchers, being shape-shifters, are yet another race that was altered by the Celestials.

4,600,000,000 B.C.E. The Solar System begins to form.

Note: The date for the formation of the solar system is based on current scientific theory and may not apply to Reality X.

[Scientific Theory]

Millions B.C.E. The Celestials implant an embryo in the Skrull homeworld and introduce Celestial seeds into the Skrulls who become shape-shifters. They expand to other worlds and create a vast empire.

Note: According to Rom #50, one genetic branch of Skrulls becomes the Dire Wraiths. This has not been confirmed in Reality X.

The Skrulls create the first Cosmic Cube to be the ultimate weapon. The Cosmic Cube is in fact a Skrull whose mutation is particularly advanced. The Cube eventually regains awareness, and then kills the Emperor and two-thirds of the Skrull Empire. Eventually the Cube matures and becomes known as The Shaper of Worlds.

[Universe X #8, pg. 2]

1,000,000 B.C.E. The First Host of Celestials arrives on Earth to find early humanity coexisting with dinosaurs.

[Earth X #0, pg. 16-17]

Note: In actuality, the dinosaurs became extinct about 65 million years before humanity.

The Celestial Host cuts away a portion of the Earth to expose the core for embryonic implantation. This causes the extinction of the dinosaurs. The mass which was removed becomes the moon.

[Earth X #0, pg. 16-17]

Note: In actuality, the moon was formed at about the same time as the Earth. It was likely formed when a large asteroid impacted the Earth. It is thought that the formation of the moon may have taken as little time as 1000 years.

The Celestials begins to alter humanity. Their first experiments are rejected because their mutations make their forms and identities too susceptible to the imagination of other humans. Mephisto is the first of these demons.

[Paradise X #7, pg. 2]

Note: At this time, Mephisto has red skin, goat-like legs and small horns.

Prince Wayfinder arrives from the distant future with his 'ark' filled with aliens. Beset by demons, Wayfinder uses the Sword in the Star to create the Microverse. He transports himself and his followers to this 'world within a world' thus inspiring Mephisto's vision of a multiverse of worlds. Wayfinder is transformed into the first of the Time-Travelers who protect the Microverse. The Sword is hidden.

[Paradise X #7, pg. 2-3]

Note: The timing of these events presents some problems. In Universe X #, we are told that Wayfinder traveled back to a time before the Celestials altered humanity, but this clearly is impossible since they found an Earth populated by the demons who were created by the Celestials. We are also told that the Earth was populated by dinosaurs as well as demons. This suggests that these events took place before the creation of the moon, but humanity wasn't yet altered when the Kree were on the moon.

The Skrulls visit the planet Hala to offer technology and an alliance with its inhabitants. The Skrulls are unaware that they have achieved such a high level of mutation that their identities are now subject to the will of others. When they discover that both the Kree and the plant-people known as the Cotati live on Hala, they propose a contest to determine which species will receive their gifts. The Skrulls create an atmosphere over portion of Earth's moon, an area which will one day be known as the Blue Area. Equal numbers of Kree and Cotati are transported to the Blue Area and told that the group which achieves the most will become allies of the Skrulls.

[Universe X #0, pg. 28-29]

The Kree spend a year building a grand city, only to lose the contest when the Cotati use their powers to resurrect the plant-life that existed on the moon when it was part of the Earth.

[Universe X #0, pg. 16, 28-29]

Note: Somehow the Skrulls, Cotati and Kree seem to have overlooked the First Celestial Host hanging around the Earth. Perhaps they were temporarily absent.

Note: When this story was originally told in Avengers #, the Cotati were placed on a small asteroid rather than the moon.

The Skrulls decide that the Cotati have won the contest. The angry Kree slaughter the Cotati and the Skrulls, and then steal the Skrull starships. They master Skrull technology and build their own fleet. They use their captured ships to launch a sneak attack on the Skrulls. The Kree-Skrull war will become the longest conflict in the history of the universe. The Kree are unaware that it is their own perception of the Skrulls which has turned a species of peaceful, yet suggestible people into a race of warriors.

[Universe X #0, pg. 30]

990,750 B.C.E. The Kree create the Supreme Intelligence in order to create a Cosmic Cube of their own. Supremor refuses and becomes an advisor to the Kree Science Council.

[Universe X #0, pg. 30]

990,497 B.C.E.
The Kree are not aware that Supremor absorbs the mind of every Kree upon their deaths. As he absorbs Kree souls, Supremor's mental power grows until he becomes the leader and god of the Kree.

[Universe X #9, pg. 13-14]

Note: According to Universe X, it was Supremor that enabled the Kree to master the Skrull technology so there is something wrong with this part of the timeline.

The Celestials' second attempt to alter humanity produces the Deviants, a race with a very unstable genetic structure. The Deviants have too much aggression to serve the Celestials' purpose.

[Earth X #0, pg. 20]

To control the aggression of the Deviants, the Celestials create a third genetic strain of humanity, the Eternals. These beings have tremendous powers and a very stable genetic structure, but they are too passive to serve the Celestials' goals.

[Earth X #0, pg. 20; Universe X #0, pg. 26]

The Celestials make a fourth type of humanity: homo superior. This species of human possesses mutable seeds which will germinate when the time is right. These humans have increases intelligence and aggressiveness combined with shorter life-spans and decreased healing abilities. One bloodline among the new humanity is implanted with the potential to control all others. This power is designed to activate when the rest of the population has mutated.

Some humans escape from the Celestials without being altered. One of these tribes worships the newly formed moon. The new humans hunt the unaltered types to the point of extinction.

Note: The Tribe of the Moon may eventually become the one shown in Alpha Flight, v.1, #83.

Note: Moonboy was one of the unaltered humans. Devil Dinosaur was shown crying over his arrow-pierced body in Paradise X #4, but the skeletons of both Devil and Moonboy were shown to be on the moon in Earth X #0. How this is possible seems to be one of the central mysteries of this series.

Supremor encourages the Kree to breed with other species, producing a new class of pink-skinned Kree. The purpose of this breeding program is to overcome some physical limitations of the Kree.

[Universe X #0, pg. 31]

Speculation: Since the Kree were never altered by the Celetials, they have no mutable seeds. Supremor may have wanted to introduce them into the species by crossbreeding with altered species.

78,000 B.C.E. The Kree establish an unmanned base on Uranus. The base is protected by a force field and a Sentry robot.

[Universe X #, pg. ]

23,000 B.C.E. Conflict between the brothers Chronos and his brother Uranos turns into a civil war among the Eternals. Chronos is victorious and banishes his enemies by converting them into energy which is sent into space. Chronos begins to build a city which will be unequalled in human history.

[Universe X #0, pg. 26]

Uranos and his followers mange to direct their course toward the planet Uranus. The force field surrounding the Kree base converts them back into matter. They defeat the Sentry, but not before a signal is sent to the Kree.

[Universe X #0, pg. 27]

The Uranian Eternals build a starship, and all but a few board it to return home. The Kree catch the ship and destroy both it and Uranos. The few survivors settle on Saturn's moon, Titan, where they begin to build a civilization.

[Universe X #0, pg. 31]

Having dissected one of the Eternals, the Kree are aware that the Celestials have visited Earth. They decide to use the altered humanity to create a race of superbeings which they can use against the Skrulls. These beings become known as the Inhumans.

[Universe X #0, pg. 35]

The Eternals on Titan are wiped out as part of the Kree-Skrull War. A single Skrull is left behind on Titan.

[Universe X #0, pg. ]

Chronos summons the Cosmic Consciousness to this reality. Chronos is unable to contain this Perfect Knowledge, and thus causes a tremendous explosion which destroys his city. The Cosmic Consciousness is fragmented, and the pieces are dispersed throughout reality. Chronos himself ascends to a higher plane while retaining possession of one piece of the Cosmic Consciousness. The explosion alters the other Eternals, granting them indestructability and immortality. They also gain the ability to combine themselves into a single entity known as the Uni-mind. In that form, the Eternals share their thoughts and dreams.

[Universe X #0, pg. 32]

Note: Presumably Chronos summoned the Cosmic Consciousness from the original universe. Apparently the full Cosmic Consciousness can not be used without the power of the Enigma Force.

Chronos' sons Alars and Zuras participate in a Uni-mind with their fellow Eternals. It becomes clear to both that the Eternals want Zuras to be their leader. To avoid strife, Alars leaves Earth and travels to what he believes is a thriving colony of Eternals on Titan.

[Universe X #0, pg. ?]

Alars arrives on Titan to find the colony destroyed. He meets the Skrull disguised as an Eternal named Sui-San. They fall in love and marry. Renames himself mentor.

[Universe X #0, pg. ?]

23,000 B.C.E. The Deviants enslave humanity. The 2nd host arrives and destroys Atlantis.

[Earth X #0, pg. 24-25]

10,000 B.C.E. Conan the barbarian becomes king of Aquilonia.

[Earth X #0, pg. 28]

8235 B.C.E. Ulysses Bloodstone becomes Immortal.

Ulysses Bloodstone encounters Mephisto.

B.C.E. Celestial Host and Uatu tell Pharoah Set about resurrection stone.

1000 B.C.E. The living mummy is created.

1 C.E. Odin meets Asgardians.

The alien Kree placed Sentry 9168 on a Pacific island.

500 C.E. Merlin raises Arthur to be King. He gives Arthur the sword Excalibur and the Cosmic Consciousness which he calls the Spirit of the Pendragon. Arthur dies before Merlin can find the last piece of the Cosmic Consciousness which is possessed ny Eon in the Negative Zone.

C.E. 3rd Celestial Host makes deal with Odin et al

1459 C.E. Vlad becomes Dracula.

? C.E. Birth of Thanos ux0, 34

1890? C.E. Birth of Logan px ?, ?

1920 C.E. Prince Namor is born. A human-atlantean crossbreed, Namor is the first of those .

[Earth X #, pg.]

1922 C.E. Steve Rogers is born.

[Earth X #, pg.]

Victor von Doom is born. His mother sells her soul to Mephisto so that her son will be successful. She dies after completing this bargain. Doom's father dies a few years later.

[Paradise X #5, pg. 2]

1939 C.E. The Human Torch is created.

[Earth X #, pg.]

1940 C.E. Steve Rogers becomes Captain America.

[Earth X #, pg.]

1941 C.E. Erik Magnus Lehnsherr, who will later become Magneto, is imprisoned in Auschwitz.

[Earth X #, pg.]

Reed Richards fights in World War II.

[Paradise X #11, pg. 3]

Captain America saves the life of Anthony Stark's father.

[Paradise X #, pg.]

1945 C.E. James 'Bucky' Barnes is killed by an explosion planned by the Red Skull. Captain America is knocked free of the exploding plane and falls into the arctic water. His germinated seed allows him to survive being frozen solid.

[Earth X #, pg.]

Reed Richards, Ben Grimm, Susan Storm, and Johnny Storm travel into space where they are exposed to cosmic rays. With their mutable seeds activated, they become the Fantastic Four.

[Earth X #, pg.]

Henry Pym discovers an enzyme which enables him to alter his size and mass. This enzyme is, in fact, the mutable seed implanted by the Celestials. Pym later develops a gas which will activate this enzyme, and takes on the identity of Ant-Man.

[Paradise X #8, pg. 2-3]

Speculation: It is possible that Pym's 'shrinking gas' is the same formula as the 'Terrigen Mists.'

Dr. Bruce Banner invents the Gamma Bomb. Banner saves Rick Jones from becoming a victim of the first test of the bomb. Banner is exposed to vast amounts of gamma radiation which germinates his mutable seed. As a result, Banner becomes the Hulk.

[Earth X #, pg.]

Promted by Mephisto, Victor von Doom invents a Time Machine and then uses it to send Reed Richards, Ben Grimm and Johnny Storm back to the time of Blackbeard the pirate.

[Earth X #, pg.]

Donald Blake finds Mjolnir.

[Earth X #, pg.]

Peter Parker becomes Spider-Man.

[Earth X #, pg.]

Anthony Stark sells munitions used in the Korean War. When visiting Korea, he is caught in the explosion of a land mine. His heart is damaged by shrapnel, but he is able to construct a suit of armor which will keep him alive. He becomes an Iron Man.

[Paradise X #?, pg. ?]

[Paradise X #11, pg. 3]

Professor X forms the X-Men.

[Earth X #, pg.]

Matt Murdock is blinded.

[Earth X #, pg.]

Adam Warlock is created by the Beehive.

[Earth X #, pg.]

The Fantastic Four accidentally activate a Kree Sentry Robot. The Supreme Intelligence sends Ronan the aAccuser to test theor powers. His defeat convinces Supremor to send Mar-vell to Earth.

[Universe X #0, pg. 35]

Mar-vell arrives on Earth.

[Universe X #0, pg. 36]

Jude is created by the Cosmic Cube.

[Universe X #8, pg. 5]

Belasco arrives in the Savage Land from the future.

[Earth X #, pg.]

The new X-Men are formed.

[Earth X #, pg.]

A dying Jean Grey is discovered by the Phoenix Force. They become a binary being. Scott Summers, Logan and Peter Rasputin become infatuated with her. She falls in love with Scott and establishes a permanent psychic link with him.

[Paradise X #3, pg. 3]

The Phoenix commits suicide on the moon so that she will able to replace Death if needed.

[Paradise X #3, pg. 5]

Frank Castle's family is killed. He becomes the Punisher and begins a one-man war on criminals.

[Earth X #, pg.]

Ulysses Bloodstone dies.

[Earth X #, pg.]

Nighthawk receives eyes which can see the future. At first he believes that these eyes were a gift from an angel, but he later discovers that the angel was Mephisto.

[Universe X #0, pg. 20]

Machine Man retires from crime-fighting and adopts the identity of Aaron Stack. He spends his days imitating the life of his 'father,' Abel Stack.

[Earth X #0, pg. 1-2; Earth X #10, pg. 5]

Maximus builds a Terrigen Bomb which will mutate all of humanity by releasing the Terrigen Mists into Earth's atmosphere. The Inhuman royal family attempts to stop him. Maximus and Lockjaw are killed in the conflict.

[Earth X #, ]

Note: The Inhuman royal family later use Lockjaw's 'horn' as a teleportation device.

Wishing to leave Attilan, the Inhumans rebel against the royal family and Ruling Council. The suffer illness from pollution as well as oppression from humanity.

Black Bolt blinds Uatu.

Bolt activates the Terrigen Bomb to protect his people from prejudice and pollution.

The Inhuman royal family leaves Earth for space.

1979 C.E. Earth X #0

Note: This date is based on comments in Earth X #2, that indicate the Watcher's equipment hasn't had an operator in 20 years..

May Parker is born.

Mary Jane Parker dies.

Spider-Man's identity is made public. J. Jonah Jameson's career is ruined and the Daily Bugle goes out of business.

With the support of the world's governments, Reed Richards builds a series of receiving stations which are intended to convert vibranium into energy to serve the entire planet. A scientist at one station falls into a vat on vibranium triggering a chain reaction which destroys all of the stations. The scientist becomes the Iron Maiden.

Humanity begins to mutate due to the Terrigen Mists. Reed Richards believs that it is the result of the explosion at his receiving stations and he blames himself.

Animal life begins to die off. Fishing becomes the major source of meat.

Speculation: The extinction of animal species may be caused by the Terrigen Mists or it may be caused by the eco-damage resulting from the growth of the Celestial embryo.

[Earth X #2, pg, 10]

1989 C.E.

Doom and Namor fight with Captain America and the Fantastic Four. Namor kills Johnny Storm and Franklin Richards curses him to burn forever. Doom kills Susan Storm in an explosion which accidentally kills him as well.

[Earth X #2, pg. 12-14]

Note: This date is based on Ben Grimm's comment in Earth X #2, that these events occurred about ten years earlier.

The Grey Gargoyle turns most of X-Calibur (Spitfire?, Meggan and ) into stone. Captain Britain kills the Gargoyle. Nightcrawler escaped by teleporting, but he left his left arm behind. His appearance also became that of a human, whose right arm is missing. He is killed by a mob of human-hating mutants. Mephisto tricks him into becoming Belasco and freezes him in a block of ice within Limbo.

Franklin Richards becomes Galactus.

Wong mutates. His mind splits and his evil half, who serves Death, begins to manipulate Clea and Loki to trap Strange in a state between life and death.

Jean Grey marries Logan and at some point she loses her psychic abilities.

Loki tricks Odin into changing Thor into a woman.

Crusher Creel kills 1/3 of the world's population by becoming a deadly virus.

Crusher Creel kills the Avengers in Washington D.C. The vision shatters Creel. Lord Sunfire distributes pieces of Creel to heroes around the world in the hopse that he will never be reconstructed. These heroes include...

Loki warns Stephen Strange that Clea and Wong are going to betray him.
Strange hides the Darkhold and the Book of the Vishanti in the Siege Perilous.
Strange casts a protective spell around his house.
Clea stabs an enchanted blade into Stephens heart, sending his astral form to the Realm of the Dead. Since Stephen's body is still alive, he is aware of his death. Clea assumes the mantle of Sorceress Supreme. Wong cares for Stephen's body while his alter ego leads the Tong of Creel in the search for the parts of Creel's body.

May Parker bonds with symbiote.

The Green Goblin returns from the dead. He strikes a deal with Tony Stark and declares himself to be President.

Rann dies and takes Enigma Force to Mar-vell. The surviving Micronauts (Bug, Mari, ...) leave the Microverse and use the Man-Thing to plug the hole. The Man-Thing dies. The Microverse ends and that fragment of the Enigma Force travels back in time to empower Galan.

The Skull's power awakens, sending out a psychic wave which kills all psychics on Earth, including his father, Comet Man.

1999 C.E. Earth X (1/2, 1-12 and X)

Note: This date is based on the facts that the Marvel Child is ready to be born at the end of Earth X and that he is three years old at the beginning of Universe X.

2002 C.E. Universe X

Note: This date is based on comments in Paradise X that indicate one year has passed since the end of Universe X.


2003 C.E. Paradise X

Note: This date is given in Paradise X #11.

[Paradise X #11, pg. 1]

Arno Stark accidentally detonates a nuclear bomb in New York City causing widespread mutations.

[Paradise X #9, pg. 17]

Note: This is an alternate future.

Killraven fights to save the Earth from an alien invasion launched from Mars.

Note: This is an alternate futuren.

Nathaniel Richards, a descendent of either Reed Richards or Victor Von Doom, is bored with his easy life. He rebuilds Doom's time machine and uses it to travel to ancient Egypt where he is worsipped as the god-king Rama-Tut.

Note: Nathaniel will later become Kang and then Immortus.

The Guardians of the Galaxy fight to keep the world safe from a Badoon invasion.

Note: This is an alternate future.

Prince Wayfinder travels the universe searching for the Sword in the Star. Along the way he gathers beings of all types in his Space Ark. At one point encounters Rocket Raccoon.

Note: One of the aliens in Wayfinder's Ark looks suspiciously like the mutated J. Jonah Jameson.

Prince Wayfinder finds the Sword in the Star. He is blinded by the the Star and then he uses its power to transport himself and his entire entourage back in time to the Earth before the Celestials arrive.

Note: There is some confusion here since Wayfinder is said to go back to a time before the Celestials arrive, but he is also said to arrive in a time of demons, who were created by the Celestials.

Mephisto is the last living person on Earth. Calling himself He Who Remains, he creates beings of pure knowledge known as the Time Keepers. He charges them with the task of making time circular by sending any other versions of himself back to the beginning of time.

Note: In Avengers Forever, it was stated that He Who Remains was the last director of the Time Variance Authority (TVA).

Cronologia Español version 2

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Resumen supercorto

Celestiales reproducen Eclosion planetas/Galactus anticelestial; Heroes anticuerpos protegen al celestial creados por los celestiales 1 huested Demonios, Desviantes, Eternos y humanos con 3 grados mutacion, Kree crearan a los Inhumanos, por la semilla celestial humanos nacen los mutanes, vampiros y homo Submarino

Llegan los dioses mitologicos a la tierra alienigenas de 3 fase mutacion, crea el limbo, Subatomica, Dimensiones demoniacas, Cielo, Asgard, Reino de los Muertos


Caballero del Dragon
Apr 28, 2009
Reino de Teran; Hogar de los Caballeros del Dragon
Tambien la ficha de Galactus el enemigo celestiales novena

Tema mis respectos

La historia de Earth X Timeline dividida en 7 partes mas extendida apartado cronologia

  1. Universo Anterior (+especulacion aqui quizas en el universo anterior el planeta origen celestial fuera una Supertierra al comienzo del tiempo ese universo y los Primigenios del Universo la teoria de Razas que se unen en solo ser o unicos representantes de civilizaciones avanzadas extintas)
  2. El Plan Celestial (resumen supercorto arriba)
  3. Mefisto el Sr del Mal (verdadero "origen" de Mefisto)
  4. La Plaga X (años 1979-1999) (incluye era Marvel 1961-1969) antes ver cronologia
  5. Capitan Marvel Vs Mefisto/Thanos y la Muerte (año 2002) (Thanos origen Secreto rechazado continuidad normal)
  6. Paraiso X y Planet X
  7. Secret Wars
  8. Legado (proximamente precuela marvel X)

  • Nota en este universo la teoria del primer firmamento celestiales es una estupidez asi como la existencia de lo sobrenatural, todo tiene que ver con la evolucion, asi como la teoria de los agujeros negros y las superinteligencias de House of X y Power of X
  • Nota Thanos su verdadera razon por su "Sindrome desviante" y su devoción por la muerte, origen oculto Wolverine
  • Con esta Teoria nunca ocurrio el destino de los eternos de Avengers 4 pero si tuvieron uno distinto con identico resultado
  • La influencia de esta saga se vio en las decisiones que se tomaron en las distintas sagas del universo marvel o decisiones creativos para el universo cinematografico de marvel ya que la teoria celestial del 616 es :moskeo:
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