Death Vigil un Nuevo Universo Naciente


Caballero del Dragon
Apr 28, 2009
Reino de Teran; Hogar de los Caballeros del Dragon
En las Ultimas Fechas el Genial Autor Stjepan Sejic Ha Estado Publicando Sketch, Portadas y Paginas de un Nuevo Universo de Creacion Propia(a los ya Creados por el Twiblade y Ravine) LLamado Death Vigil que Parece que Empezara a Publicarse en Enero en Formato de Miniserie (7 Numeros) y Parece estar Relacionado con los Seres del mas Alla
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Death Vigil
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¿Qué pasaría si entre nuestro mundo y el más allá hubiese un velo impenetrable y del otro lado del velo un gran mal anhelara el fin de toda vida? ¿Y si a su vez ese mal fuese un maléfico caos ancestral de dimensiones Leviatanescas buscando abrirse paso a nuestro mundo? ¿Y si esos seres informes tuvieran agentes vivos propios en la tierra cuya meta es traer a sus amos aquí, a nosotros? Pues bien, Bernie, la Muerte, formaría un grupo de hombres y mujeres "inmortales" corpóreos que con humor, coraje y una particular variedad de armas, se "levantaría" contra eso. Formaría: la Vigila de la Muerte.
Los Defensores del Mas Alla (Humanos Escogidos en el Momento de su Muerte, Dotandolos de Poderes Sobrenaturales); Siendo Bernie la Mas Antigua; Contra Todo Tipo de Amenazas Sobrenaturales como los Negromantes; etc que amenazan el Mundo de los Mortales
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i plan on having book 1 done by january 10th and send it off to image to pitch. dunno, i like image. if they go with it, i will start with a 7 issue mini. and if people like it i have actually several cool stories to tell overall so it might go on for a few arcs…
should be some good creepy fun
Personajes de la Serie
bernardette , the grim reaper, the first of the vigil, guardian of the delta and first agent of "the friend"
also on this picture, hugin. one of the older and most powerful agents of the vigil... one rule stands among necromancers... you see the white raven... you run

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Bernardette ¿LA Guapa Muerte?
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Bernie la Blanca ¡No Soy Gandalf!
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¿La Muerte Tiene un Ipod por su Cumpleanos?
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¿Transformacion Poderes?
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Hay o no Acuerdo Con Bernie? ¿Cual sera la Trampa? (Comentario)
diablo ser todos como ... es una trampa! akbar almirante luego golpea el diablo ....
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Los Efectos de la Transformacion en el Pelo
Madre e Hija
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Bernie Enseñando
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Bernie Ensenando a Clara a Manejar sus Poderes
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Clara Poderes
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Necesidades de Clara y sus Compañeros
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Los Enemigos de Death Vigil son de Todos Tipos y Formas
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Bernie Combates contra estas Criaturas
bernardette the bouncer... keeping the pale court out of our reality since the age of solomon!
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Armas de los Death Vigil de sus distintos Miembros
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Despues de una Dura Jornada de Trabajo
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Otros Miembros de los Death Vigil
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Seres de Este Universo
Necromancer Enemigos de los Death Vigil
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Lideres de los Necromances Allistor y su Hija Mia
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Otras Clases de Seres
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Mia Poderes y Actitud
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banshees tienen un ataque especialmente desagradable en la vigilia de la muerte. sino que también son ciegos y locos y ver mucho a los murciélagos, con sonido. discurso es suficiente para la orientación básica, gritos son para el mapeo de la zona más amplia ... y echar a perder una bigtime oponente
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1) Bernie necesita ayuda y Recluta a Samuel Lewis para ayudarla
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2) 12 Años Despues Samuel Lewis continua haciendo el Trabajo para el que Fue Reclutado por Bernie Defendiendo Nuestra Realidad
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3) Luego se Reune con Bernie y le Informa de los Compañeros Perdidos en una Emboscada del Enemigo, para Alegrarse un Poco Coge Un Ipod recordando Viejas Costumbres Humanas
Se Reune con Bernie
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Bernie Sorprende a Samuel con Costumbres del Mundo Mortal que creia que los Dos Habian Dejado Atras
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4) Mientras en el Mundo Mortal
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5) Luego van al Cementario a Visitar Tumba de..............
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6) y alli comete una Traicion a su Novia al ................
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7) Probocando que un Nuevo Enemigo Necromancer aparezca ante Samuel
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8) Comienza otra Nueva Lucha entre Necromancer y Vigil
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9) Vigil esta mas Acostumbrado a la Lucha
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10) Samuel Vuelve a Recordar su Origen y como Llego a la Situacion Actual
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11) La Colaboracion entre los Death Vigil Suele Ser muy Efectiva
12) Origenes
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13) Despues de Renacer cada Vigil tiene su Arma Magica
14) Tras Completar su Renacimiento como Death Vigil, Clara se Muda con sus Nuevos Amigos
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Actualizacion Proximamente
***Nota Todo el Materia es de Preview y de las 1 Paginas Vistas que Ire actulizando segun salga mas Informacion de la Serie/Sketch
Última edición:


Caballero del Dragon
Apr 28, 2009
Reino de Teran; Hogar de los Caballeros del Dragon
Respuesta: Death Vigil un Nuevo Universo Naciente

Stjepan Sejic acaba de Terminar de Publicar el 1 Prewiew PdF/Jpg de Death Vigil de los Defensores del Mas Alla; Anunciando la Fecha de Publicacion en Febrero de la 1 Miniserie de 7 Numeros de Death Vigil; Que Tenga la Mejor de las Suertes con este Nuevo Proyecto:alabar:


Buscador de conocimiento
Jan 2, 2011
En las llanuras del saber
Respuesta: Death Vigil un Nuevo Universo Naciente

Muy buen proyecto de Sejic, los dibujos geniales, personajes y criaturas bien hechos, que le vaya excelente :D.


Caballero del Dragon
Apr 28, 2009
Reino de Teran; Hogar de los Caballeros del Dragon
Respuesta: Death Vigil un Nuevo Universo Naciente

Death Vigil ya Tiene Fecha de Publicacion

Sejic Comenta que Para Julio Saldra el 1 Numero de la Miniserie y Tendra 45 Paginas; Esperando Tener Terminados 4 Numeros Mas en Julio de la 1 Miniserie de Deat Vigil
Última edición:


Caballero del Dragon
Apr 28, 2009
Reino de Teran; Hogar de los Caballeros del Dragon
Respuesta: Death Vigil un Nuevo Universo Naciente

Death Vigil 1 Review:buenaonda:
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Unete a los Death Vigil contra sus Enemigos Mortales los Necromancer
join the death vigil!
become a corporeal immortal death knight!
obtain reality altering weaponry!
and meet amazing new friends!

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Death Vigil Tambien aparte de sus Labores Tambien saben Aprovechar el Verano; La Epoca que se Inicia su Coleccion
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En sus Vacaciones Bernie la Guapa Death Vigil Conocio a su Compañera de Universo Aprodite IX

Bernie le Gusta la Musica como Descubre Clara en este Adelanto del n 3

Clara Conoce al Mas Anciano de los Vigil un .....

Death Vigil hace equipo con su Nueva Amiga Conocida en la Comicon

Los Diversos Lados de la Balanza


Los Sketch de las Cubiertas de la Serie

Sketch de Personajes
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Nuevos Miembros de los Death Vigil chiyoko and vlado


La Portada del n 4-8
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Clara se Muda con sus Nuevos Amigos
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Amistad Naciente

Mia Viene a Visitar a James

Los Proximos Enemigos de los Death Vigil

Clara se Siente Rara con los Simbolos de su Espalda
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Bernie Presiente que Sam Podria....... en la Proxima Batalla
Última edición:


Caballero del Dragon
Apr 28, 2009
Reino de Teran; Hogar de los Caballeros del Dragon
Re: Respuesta: Death Vigil un Nuevo Universo Nacie

Hoy el Proyecto Personal de Stjepan Sejic de Death Vigil hace Realidad; Saliendo el 1 Numero de la Miniserie; Con Motivo de Ello ha Concedido una Entrevista Hablando del Origen y Inspiracion para la Creacion de ese Nuevo Universo (Dentro del Universo Top Cow?) y sus Otros Universos de Creacion Propia y de Paso ha Sacado esta Imagen de su Studio de Trabajo en Death Vigil; Comentando entre otras Cosas si la Miniserie Tiene Exito; Image le Dara Luz Verde a TwItch

Stjepan Sejic who very kindly took the time to answer a few questions about his new series Death Vigil. UTF: First of all I’d like to thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions and it’s my pleasure to get the opportunity to ask them. How did you get into the comic book industry?

Stjepan Sejic:
The same way you get to the Carnegie Hall! Practice! This horrible Last Action Hero reference aside, it was a whole lot of hard work and a little bit of luck. It basically came down to posting a lot of work online and getting noticed. My first gig was on Kade: Sun of Perdition for Arcana Comics written by Sean O’Reilly, fun times. After that I got into Top Cow by recommendation of then Top Cow artist Tyler Kirkham. I colored some of his stuff for fun and he had shown it to Renae Geerlings, who was at time an editor at Top Cow, and then was asked if I could do the paintover coloring for a book they were doing, Darkness/Wolverine. Did that, then soon after I have shown some of my own paintings and drawings to Renae, who was happy to learn I could actually draw, and the rest was history.
Having been an artist all your career how’s the transition to writing been?

Stjepan Sejic: There wasn’t really a transition. While it was easy enough to put my foot in the door as an artist, I was well aware that writing was beyond my reach at the time. Oh I did a lot of it, but I knew that no matter how eloquent I may be I was still Croatian. This meant that all the writing I did was in essence , translated thought.


So, really it was more of an issue of getting comfortable with writing in English.

UTF: Can you tell us a little bit about Death Vigil and it’s concept?

Stjepan Sejic: Death Vigil is a story about an order of immortal Death Knights lead by a woman they call Bernardette the Reaper. Their mission is to stop people from calling into our universe an ancient malevolent universes devouring force they simply call the Enemy. Think of it somewhere along the lines of X-Men meets Lovecraft-meets the Last Airbender cartoon. By that I mean it is a team book, featuring very Lovecraftian monstrosities with a combination of epic story and fun humor.

How did you come up with the concept and story for Death Virgil?

Stjepan Sejic: The same way it happened with Ravine or Sunstone… I drew a character out of boredom and the ungrateful bastard started talking. That is the thing with characters, they are greedy…they want stories. So I had to give him one. Then other characters came….suffice to say I hear voices, okay? Thankfully they only want me to write and draw so I should be fine!

UTF: What have your influences been whilst creating Death Virgil?
Stjepan Sejic: Hard to say really, nothing on a purely conscious level. But on a subconscious one I would say some Lovecraft, some Avatar the Last Airbender (mostly in the way of handling the balance between serious and humor) I have at some point said that his is a team book, so to that one might point at any team book out there. As far as monster design goes , my influences on that were always the works of Stan Winston Studios and the like.

Do you find it easier or harder to work off your own scripts?

Stjepan Sejic: Much easier. And much more satisfying as I can set the pacing of the scene and can get some great emotional performances from characters by splitting dialogues between multiple panels.

What should fans expect from the first couple of issues of Death Virgil?

Stjepan Sejic: Action adventure, humor. Generally a fun book. There be monsters and undead Vikings as well! But there is a bigger story that if all goes well will be told in three 8 issue arcs.


UTF: Has working on your own creator-owned series persuaded you to tackle more writing jobs in the future?
Stjepan Sejic: I am currently up to my eyeballs in creator owned stuff between Ravine, Death Vigil and Sunstone. Depending on the success of Death Vigil I will likely get the Teen Witchblade going at Top Cow, a project I still and probably always will refer to as Twitch! Beyond that I have several more creator owned projects I plan to do in due time, but , first I will clean the plate in front of me so to speak.

Aprodite/Cyberfoce Crossover

Aphrodite IX/Cyber Force is coming out soon. Having produced the art for the Aphrodite IX series how does it feel to be drawing characters from Cyber Force alongside Aphrodite IX and the other IX’s?
Stjepan Sejic: It was fun, I really like drawing velocity kicking butts and…not taking names because she is already gone and all that.
UTF: Can you tell us anything about Aphrodite IX/Cyber Force?
Stjepan Sejic: Final page…is something I drew with malicious glee. God I love an awesome cliffhanger!
Finally what advice would you give any aspiring writer/artist about getting into the comic book industry?

Stjepan Sejic: Artists- purpose! Give actions and poses a purpose! Give expressions a purpose! Avoid posing for posing sake, avoid drawing female characters as sexy bombshells 24/7 they are already attractive. Use the rule of contrast, if you have them look ready for battle when battle is at hand, it will make all the more of an impact when you actually are required by the script to make them look seductive. Purpose is your friend! And trust me this is coming from someone who has learned this the hard way over a long period of time and is still learning in an endless quest of self improvement! Writers! (because I am so qualified to give advice right now XD) Less purpose! Have characters pick a nose or scratch their ass at times. Interrupt the action to give them a moment to be human, it doesn’t take much to make a character relatable. It is fun to write a super badass, it is some grade “A for Awesome” escapism. Just remember to also give them a second to fart, sounds silly but makes a world of difference.

DF Interview: Illustrator Stjepan Sejic talks Death Vigil

By Byron Brewer

The Death Vigil is a team of immortal beings in an ongoing war against the ever-growing power of the Primordial Enemy, a force which threatens destruction of our universe. Like to become a member? Sure. The only catch is you have to die first.

This is the premise of Stjepan Sejic’s new book from Top Cow which he is both illustrating AND writing. To get some more info while keeping our Earthly bodies intact, Dynamic Forces interviewed the writer/artist in the town square. Out in the open. In public, if you will.

Dynamic Forces: Stjepan, how did you become involved with the Death Vigil project?

Stjepan Sejic: Well ... I started making it ... and then I made it ... and that's about that. (laughs)

Joking aside, about five years ago it all kind of started when I started making doodles of these random modern age death knights, and one of the things that made this idea stick to me was a doodle in my sketchbook of Sam pulling out a boat full of draugr.

Idea was kinda left on the backburner as I was facing a personal renaissance to my approach to drawing and writing triggered by my erotic romantic comedy of a webcomic, Sunstone. Fueled by new vigor to my creativity, I started working out several projects, one of them being Teen Witchblade, and another being Death Vigil.

Late last year I pulled the trigger on Death Vigil and started posting designs and page work in progress to deviantART. My watchers, fans and friends there responded to it overwhelmingly positive, so I said I would probably pitch the comic to Image. To which my boss and friend Matt Hawkins asked, “And what are we (Top Cow), chopped liver?”

I initially had no plans on pushing the book through Top Cow because I didn't want to impose, but they asked, and I said yes because them's my peeps!

DF: You are writing AND painting this series. That is a tremendous commitment. Why the dedication?

Stjepan Sejic: Because I am a storyteller. My greatest creative passion in life is telling stories. I have been doing this for a while now, with Ravine and Sunstone, and now we have Death Vigil and soon Teen Witchblade.

I am a storytelling addict, and also the voices ... they compel me!

DF: Tell us a little bit about the world of Death Vigil: its main characters and what type of fantasy battle world we are discussing.

Stjepan Sejic: It is a story about a very old lady with a scythe and her death knights. And pretty much nothing is the way it seems to be

In short, Bernardette the Reaper and her adopted family, the Death Vigil, protect the world from the Enemy, and people who serve him, the necromancers. It is a team book, not unlike X-Men really, but with a different atmosphere and an accent on humor. There is a layered deep story to it but I will keep that a secret for now as I am known to be a spoilery dumbass.

As for characters, the initial cast consists of:

Bernardette, known as "The Reaper," an immortal with a powerful magical scythe of indeterminate age or origin. She knows little of her own purpose, and even less of the scythe itself, but she knows that she has the power to fight the threat that seeks to enter our universe.

Sam, known as "The Digger," a 12-year member of The Vigil. Nice guy if a bit rash and overly competitive, a trait that might get him killed some day ... well, that is what others are saying, at least.

Clara, known as "The Scribe," a girl with a somewhat dark past and bad family memories who finds her first true family in The Vigil, and for the first time she has something in life to fight for, and the strength to win that fight.

Marlene, known as "The Sniper," a relaxed lady with a knack for putting a smile on Bernardette's face, often considered as the big sister of the group. She has a bit of an obsession of making a camera that can capture Bernardette's image for a family photo.

Hugin, also known as "The Raven," is a talking raven that turns into a dinosaur and eats monsters ... moving on…

James, known as “The Cardmaster,” physically youngest of The Vigil. A gamer kid accepted to join The Vigil, he had a sad story but that all ended when he met ...

Mia, known as “The Destroyer of Worlds,” “The Sun Eater,” “The Beast,” “The Devourer,” and the list goes on. A very nice girl once you get to know her, though she rarely acts her age. Her said age being just over 800 years old, she is best friends with James of The Vigil.

Allistor, originally known as “Heinrich.” Father to Mia and a master necromancer of the highest order. He is on speaking terms with The Vigil for the sake of his daughter, but hates Bernardette.

Others come in later, but this should do for now.

DF: Are there any characters you are particularly partial to?

Stjepan Sejic: Mia above all others, and then Bernie and Clara.

DF: What does it mean to be a “Death Knight”?

Stjepan Sejic: It means you get to be theoretically immortal. It means you get a magic weapon. It means you become a part of a very fun family. It also means you sever the ties with your loved ones because your vicinity becomes a threat to them. Necromancers can feel your presence and will engage in combat. Threat is constant and so must be the vigilance, so it is a somewhat endless term of duty.

DF: What can you tell us about the big-bad, the Primordial Enemy?

Stjepan Sejic: As soon as The Vigil members know, so will you. But if that thing comes through … game over, last save, no extra lives.

DF: So how did you get from Kade: Sun of Perdition (Arcana Comics) to Death Vigil? Basically, how did you get in and then rise in the industry?

Stjepan Sejic: Practice and perseverance. It will get you places in this industry.

DF: Death Vigil’s first issue is already out. Can you tell us what we can expect going forward (with or without spoilers, lol)?

Stjepan Sejic: Massive battles, people dying, secrets being revealed, characters growing, and if all goes well and the book justifies the planned three arcs of eight issues each, one insanely cool finale!

Dynamic Forces would like to thank Stjepan Sejic for taking time during his busy schedule to answer our questions. Death Vigil #2 hits stores August 13th!

Sejic Sketch Para Promocionar la Serie en una Comicon En Mexico que Asistira en Noviembre

Última edición:


Caballero del Dragon
Apr 28, 2009
Reino de Teran; Hogar de los Caballeros del Dragon
ya ha Salido el 1 Numero de Death Vigil que ha Tenido Grandes Reviews; Su Grandisimo Dibujante STJEPAN SEJIC y Guionista ha Comentado que si Tiene Exito; Saldran las 2 y 3 Partes de Death Vigil que Parece que de Momento ha Sido Concebida como una Historia de 24 Numeros; a su Vez si Tiene Exito la 1 Parte en Enero Aproximadamente se Empezara a Publicar la Serie del Twichblade; Con la Cual el Destino de estos 2 Universo de Stejepan Sejic esta Ligado entre si.
Aunque es Temprano para los Datos de Ventas; Sejic ha Publicado este Imagen de Como Parecen iR LAS cosas:buenaonda:

Bernie Se Acerca
Última edición:

Matias Rohr

May 18, 2014
La verdad es que se ve bastante bien :paranoico:
Con dibujos exelentes a plena vista y una historia que aparenta prometer
¿Alguien sabe desde donde podria descargarlo en español?
Última edición:


Caballero del Dragon
Apr 28, 2009
Reino de Teran; Hogar de los Caballeros del Dragon
La verdad es que se ve bastante bien :paranoico:
Con dibujos exelentes a plena viste y una historia que aparenta prometer
¿Alguien sabe desde donde podria descargarlo en español?

Yo el Material que he Utillizado pasa hacer el Tema es del Prewiew que ha Sacado STJEPAN SEJIC en su Pagina Web y he ido actualizando segun las Novedades que ha ido Sacando; no se si se encuentra en Español; el Comic ha Salido solo hace 20 Dias y es Posible que en el Futuro Cercano sea Traducido en la Novena

Matias Rohr

May 18, 2014
Yo el Material que he Utillizado pasa hacer el Tema es del Prewiew que ha Sacado STJEPAN SEJIC en su Pagina Web y he ido actualizando segun las Novedades que ha ido Sacando; no se si se encuentra en Español; el Comic ha Salido solo hace 20 Dias y es Posible que en el Futuro Cercano sea Traducido en la Novena
Gracias :pervert: ahora me fijo si en otros foros ya lo tradujeron


Judge V
Apr 13, 2008
El numero 1 me encantó..... ahora no he visto el 2 ..... ¿Cada cuando se publica?


Caballero del Dragon
Apr 28, 2009
Reino de Teran; Hogar de los Caballeros del Dragon
El numero 1 me encantó..... ahora no he visto el 2 ..... ¿Cada cuando se publica?

Normalmente Top Cow Tiene la Costumbre de Publicar cada 5 Semanas (Caso de Witchblade o Artefactos); el N 2 ya Salio el Mes Pasado se Encontrara en las Novedades de Ingles de Agosto sobre el 10 agosto mas o menos en la Novena y ya Salio el Preview del n 3 que en Principio sale este Miercoles (Incluso ya Muestras Preview del n 4)
Última edición:


Caballero del Dragon
Apr 28, 2009
Reino de Teran; Hogar de los Caballeros del Dragon

Death Vigil Cancelado en el n 8?

Hace una Hora su Gran dibujante Sejic acaba de Decir que Probablemente por las Ventas de Momento no Pueda Realizar los 2 Arcos Futuros de Death Vigil que Tenia Pensado N 9-24) y la Serie Solo Tenga una Vida de 8 Numeros por Ahora


Cancelada la Cancelacion de DEATH Vigil:chela:

Actualizacion n 2

Proxima Miniserie en Junio de Death Vigil 4 Numeros y Ongoing luego a Finales 2015

Nebezial Death Vigil in 2015
sending it in to be prepared for print tomorrow, and we will be getting back to schedule in januara when both 6 and 7 will hit and then 8 in february.

then i will take a break to plan every detail out because in may/june i am starting a 4 oversized issue mini called
death vigil-lost childhood which will be about how james became a vigil member and how he met and befriended mia

and then after that, in late 2015 death vigil goes ongoing
Última edición:


Caballero del Dragon
Apr 28, 2009
Reino de Teran; Hogar de los Caballeros del Dragon
El Destino de Death Vigil en Peligro otra Vez:marihuano:

Death Vigil Libre para Todo el Mundo

En los Ultimos Meses la Suerte ha sido Diversa para el Gran Dibujante Stjepan Šejić; Su Serie Ravine ha Tenido que Pasar comic a Online para el Tomo 3 ( Los Compromisos de Sejic han Retrasado la Publicacion de las Paginas de Ravine y es Posible no haya Mas Publicaciones hasta 2016); el Exito de Sunstone, y el Retraso de Twitchblade (lanzamiento retrasado ahora a Final de Año; Pero seguramente tendra pasar un Test para Conseguir Miniserie)

Hace unos Meses se Anuncio una Miniserie de los Integrantes de Death Vigil James y Mia antes de Comenzar el Vol 2 en 2016

Pero eso ha Cambiado en las Ultimas Fechas; Los Retrasos de Death Vigil 7 y 8 Debido a Compromisos Sejic, Salud y Problemas Tecnicos, ha Hecho que Sejic haya Decidido Sacar Online el n 7 antes de su Salida en Papel.

Pero las Ventas Menguantes de Death Vigil le han Hecho Tomar la Decision que la Serie se Libre Online en los Proximos Dias, con la Esperanza no sea Cancelada con el Vol 1.

Esperemos que las Ventas de los n 7 y 8; Junto con el Proximo Tomo Recopilatorio de Death Vigil en Amazon Permitan la Continuacion de las Aventuras del Grupo en el Futuro Cercano
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Sidera Maris
Mar 16, 2013
Buenos Aires
que mal lo de Death Vigil, realmente es una serie muy entretenida
ademas ese arte de Sejic es tremendo... ojala siga mucho mas tiempo :rezo:


Caballero del Dragon
Apr 28, 2009
Reino de Teran; Hogar de los Caballeros del Dragon
que mal lo de Death Vigil, realmente es una serie muy entretenida
ademas ese arte de Sejic es tremendo... ojala siga mucho mas tiempo :rezo:

Ojala Tengas Razon; Pero Sejic se le Ve cada vez mas Pesimista con el Futuro Death Vigil; hace 2 Horas saco este Preview del n 8 diciendo:ayudenme::ayudenme::ayudenme: Preparando un Final a lo Grande de la Serie

even if death vigil dies with issue 8, i will make it a death worth remembering!

dis gun get epic!
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actualizacion 9 Mayo

Sejic acaba dejar Libre el N 4 (Ya estan 1,2,3,4,5,7); sus Palabras sobran Comentarios

it explains my reasons for doing this, but in short the book is dying and this is my last struggle to keep it alive :)

if you want to support the book, read the journal and there will be updates :)
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Caballero del Dragon
Apr 28, 2009
Reino de Teran; Hogar de los Caballeros del Dragon
Malas Noticias Cancelacion Definitiva de Death Vigil

Sejic lo confirmaba en Twitter y Facebook hace 3 horas

well... death vigil is dead. sales were shit. another one bites the dust as they say. i think switch will be my last try. kinda getting done

to elaborate here as some of you have followed this

it's simple, trade sales numbers have been....underwhelming XD

i have for a while now worked myself hard to detriment of my own health. i have tried keeping failing books alive when market just wasn't there. to keep them alive i have been taking on additional projects and this resulted with my health buckling under pressure

at this point i can't do this anymore. i will see how the sales of switch carry on, but if the market isn't there, i will no longer ruin myself for it.

so far of all my projects the only one that has found it's readership was sunstone. ironically that one was never meant to be a printed book. go figure XD

thing is, i am not really doing this to get rich or anything. i don't look at other comics sales numbers with envy. i just like telling stories...i'm addicted to that.
but at the end of the day, bills must be paid, and a family must be supported, so i have to abandon my ego and move on.

don't get me wrong, if by some miracle at some point i make it big with anything, i am going back to finish this thing. hell,of all the books i'm making death vigil had a set 3 arc structure,+ a few additional fun minis. it was a finite project, but for now,it will have to remain a loose end.

as for what future might bring, who knows, my fingers are crossed.

Death Vigil esta Cancelada definitivamente, las Ventas en Tomo no permiten su continuacion, Los 8 numeros que se encuentran libremente en su deviant a descarga de todo el mundo son lo unico que veremos de la serie
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viejo creyente
Nov 12, 2013
Montevideo, Uruguay
Una lastima el autor debió de suponer que es muy difícil que estos tipos de merchandising tenga éxito así como así, debió de los mas exitosos webcomics se precipito demasiado una lastima.


Caballero del Dragon
Apr 28, 2009
Reino de Teran; Hogar de los Caballeros del Dragon
Aun hay Esperanza para Death Vigil Cancelacion Cancelada:buenaonda::japi::feliz:

Sejic acaba de decir en Twitter y Facebook dando gracias por los mensajes de animos, y tras hablarlo con su mujer ha decidido hacer el vol 2 de Death Vigil el Proximo Año:feliz:; Asi que si Termina Sera a lo Grande sin Cabos Sueltos

had a bad week. i kinda messed up my drawing arm and it took a while for the doctor to pinpoint the problem.not much i can do about that. this has slowed me down a bit, causing switch 3 delay, so that will be out in january along with sunstone 4. then there was the whole
death vigil disappointment... and then... i got some messages... and more messages... a fuckton of messages....
and then i started doing lots and lots of math....thankfully i have a great wife who is by my side... so we decided.... one last try!
next year... i will do death vigil second arc.
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Campeón Legendario
Mar 18, 2008
Hay que estar atentos si ese titulo llega a nuestros países , para así apoyar a la serie y al artista.

Pero la verdad quien en su sano juicio como fan de comics y coleccionista no tendría unas piezas como Death Vigil !!

bueno, he de confesar que también adquiriría SunStone (bueno, por apoyar al artista !!, por supuesto)



Caballero del Dragon
Apr 28, 2009
Reino de Teran; Hogar de los Caballeros del Dragon
Anuncio del comienzo del Vol 2 en formato novela grafica que se publicara el año que viene

had to get the cover done for the solicit

work begins this autumn. it's a story that takes place 15 years before the original death vigil, and is about how james and mia met, the adventure they had and how they became friends. it is a story about two kids finding their lost childhood

i always had it planned that inbetween story arcs there were going to be miniseries that were very relevant to the main plot while expanding on some character and story development
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Caballero del Dragon
Apr 28, 2009
Reino de Teran; Hogar de los Caballeros del Dragon
Nebezial en los ulimos dias ha hablado de Death Vigil diciendo que publicara el volumen 2 en 2020 (si no hay mas retrasos) decidiendo no hacer de momento la miniserie entre volumenes de jovenes miembros y mia osea

Limbo esta miniserie ocurriria entre volumenes
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Caballero del Dragon
Apr 28, 2009
Reino de Teran; Hogar de los Caballeros del Dragon
El 10 diciembre ante las bajas ventas de Sunstone el posible regreso de Death Vigil vol 2 era nulo; ante la insistencia de la gente en facebook y Twitter Sejic tras años de negativa ha decidido abrir un patreon para Death Vigil, proximamente para Switch y incluso ravine ante el entusiamo de la gente por ello y aparentemente por donar

Tras un proyecto secreto por anunciar en dc en

Julio 2019 gracias a Patreon Death Vigil Vol2 (si todo va bien):banda::banda::rezo::rezo:
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