El Supermago Baan y sus aliados


Caballero del Dragon
Apr 28, 2009
Reino de Teran; Hogar de los Caballeros del Dragon
Mis Respectos al Supermago Baan y sus Aliados
Baan El Supermago y sus Aliados


Enemigos eternos de los Caballeros del Dragon

La Historia del Mundo del MAL Hasta la era de Baran y Fly
En el Mundo de Dragon Quest Al Comienzo de LA Vida surgieron tres Razas: Los Humanos, Los Demonios (Sangre Azul, Varios Corazones y viven cientos de años) y los Dragones; Cada una con su Dios.

Con el Paso del Tiempo aparecieron Los Monstruos (Animales Humanoides con Inteligencia); las Criaturas Intermedias (Criaturas Nacidas Mediante Magia generalmente por los Demonios) y los Caballeros del Dragon (creados por los Dioses equilibrar el Bien y el Mal) .
Las Guerras eran Constantes entre las 3 razas Principales y las luchas no habian cesado incluso al haberlas separado los Dioses al Crear un Mundo Subterraneo para los Demonios y los Dragones, dando la Superficie a los Humanos.

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Miles de años antes del Nacimiento de Baran en el Mundo del Mal nacieron el Demonio Baan y del Dragon Versa.
Baan se hace con el Control del Norte del Mundo del MAL; mientras que Versa derrota tras una fiera batalla a otro Dragón llamado Borajon haciéndose con el poder de la parte Sur del Mundo del Mal.

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Los 2 reúnen tanto poder que llegan a rivalizar con los Dioses conociéndolos como los Dioses del Mal.
Los Dos revalizan durante Milenios, pero al Final los dos deciden hacer una tregua mediante una apuesta, Como los dos son casi Inmortales y odian a los dioses por desterrarlos al Mundo del Mal y alejarlos del Sol, deciden que cada uno hara una estrategia para destruir la Tierra y el Primero que lo Consiga servira al otro por Siempre.
Despues los Dos atacaran el Mundo Celeste Hogar de los Dioses

Baan nombra a la Criatura Intermedia Mistoban como su Segundo y Versa a Kiruban "El Dios de la Muerte"como su segundo.
Baan es Incluso mas poderoso que Versa (incluso Tenia Miedo de Baan)
Baan y Mistoban: El Palacio Baan y el Castillo de Roca de Dragon
Baan y Mistoban se hacen Inmortales por Medio de la Tecnica de Glaciacion que solo puede ser Usada en un Eclipse. Aun Envejeciendo para Tener un Arma que le proporcione un Poder semejante al de su Juventud Manda que el Demonio Ron Berku el Forjador de Armas Legendario le Fabrique el Baston de Luz Malefico (90 años antes del nacimiento de Fly) .
Pero el Verdadero Poder de Baan es su Tercer Ojo donde reside todo su Poder Magico, Confiriendole un Poder Superior al del Caballero del Dragon y los Hyperdemonios.

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Mistoban y Baan crean el Palacio de Baan hecho de materiales Ultrafrotantes y el Castillo de roca del Diablo protegidos por Criaturas hechas de ORAKUNON por medio del Conjuro Prohibido.

Hace 1000 años Versa Manda Servir a Kiruban "el Dios de la Muerte" y al Ciclope Piropo a servir a Baan para espiarlo y poder traicionarlo mas adelante. Los Caballeros del Dragón se hacen Famosos en el Mundo del Mal. Kiruban y Mistoban se hacen amigos; Mistoban empieza a conocerse como la Sombra Silenciosa al pasar a veces 200 años sin hablar para que nadie descubra su secreto.

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Tecnicas de Combate y Conjuros de Baan y Mistoban
Baan el Supermago
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Baan en su Forma Final y mas Poderosa
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1) Muro de Calamidad
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2) Calamidad Final (Muro de Calamidad Nivel 2)
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3) Mahocanta (conjuro de oposicion especialidad de Baan)
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4) Ala de Fenix (se puede Considerar como el Nivel Supremo de Mahocanta)
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5) Fenix Emperador (Merasoma de Baan/ nivel de un Dios; Merasoma Conjuro de Fuego mas Poderoso 1, mera,2 merami, 3 Merasoma)
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como se para fenix emperador
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6) Postura Malefica del Cielo y la Tierra (Tecnica mas poderosa que existe de defensa)
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Para Destruir esta Defensa Perfecta una Persona Tiene que Realizar 3 Ataques a la vez por los Tres de Baan, Dejando a Baan Inmovilizado por el Gasto de Enegia por menos de 1 segundo para que otra haga un Superataque en ese Breve Periodo de Tiempo y le Corte un Brazo para que no puede realizar esta Tecnica (Claro que hay que Impedir que Baan regenere su Brazo con su Hyperpoder Magico/Fly lo hizo realizando dos ataques en Menos de un Segundo)
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Historia de Baan El Supermago

De Baan al Principio se desconocía absolutamente Todo, Siempre ocultaba su Rostro a Través de un Velo, Solo Mistoban y Kiruban Conocían su Rostro, Los Demás Generales Excepto Baran cuando estaban Frente a él tras el Velo Sentían Miedo de su Tremendo Poder.
Salvo a Hadler con su Magia cuando fue Muerto por Ivan y lo Nombro General de los Ejércitos, Cuya Misión en Principio Parecía Conquistar la Tierra y Eliminar a los Humanos, pero su Objetivo en Realidad era Destruirla; a Mistoban También lo Nombro Jefe de División, Hizo que Mistoban Salvara a Hynkery y lo Entrenase en el Uso de las artes Negra y lo nombro Jefe de División Contra el Criterio de Hadler (Nombro Jefe de los Inmortales, para controlar a los Zombis, esqueletos etc; se necesitaba vida); Recluto en Persona a Baran el Caballero del Dragon (aparentemente lo venció en Combate, perdonándole la Vida, algo que termino de romper al orgulloso Baran). (ver Mistoban)

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Mostro su Rostro por Primera vez ante Hadler cuando este Transformado en Hyperdemonio, asustado que el Tremendo Poder que sintiera viniese del Cuerpo anciano de Baan y le Ordeno Proteger su Castillo en Las Profundidades de la Tierra de los Muertos Regalándole 5 Piezas de Orakunon (ver Hadler mas informacion).
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Más Tarde viendo el Combate entre Hadler y Baran y Fly Intento detonar el Nucleo del Mal para matar a los 2 Caballeros del Dragón Pero Fracaso al Controlar Baran el Núcleo del Mal con su Aura del Dragón, Pero Mistoban lo hizo por el; Destruyendo la Tierra de los Muertos y elevando el Palacio por los Aires. (ver Mistoban)

Entonces decidió Revelara ante los Discípulos de Ivan que Fueron Derrotados ante su Inmenso Poder Hiriendo de Gravedad a Fly; contándoles además sus Planes para destruir la Tierra.
Moribundo Hadler salvo a Fly para Poder Matarlo el Mismo, y se Enfrento a Baan y casi Venceria pero la Intervencion de Zaboera lo salvo obligando a Hadler a Huir.

Madre Dragon se llevo a Fly, Mam y Pop escaparon cayendo al Mar mientras los ExGenerales Krokodain y Hynquery Fueron Hechos Prisioneros.

Teniendo la Victoria en su Poder comenzaron Bombardeando la Tierra con sus Seis Pilares, Dando un Ultimátum a los Héroes Terrestres para que se presentaran para el Combate Final y asistieran a la Ejecución de sus Amigos

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Con Minakatur Baan quedo impedido de Poder Mover su Palacio Flotante, y Tras una Serie de Combates Fly llego hasta Baan.
Con las 2 Señales del Dragon Fly fue Venciendo al Viejo Baan en cada una de sus Tecnicas, Finalmente con un Doble Dodora venció al Viejo Baan y Destruyéndole su Bastón de Luz Malefica.
Obligándole a Recuperar su Cuerpo Original, Siendo infinitamente más poderoso que antes derroto a Fly y sus Amigos y Puso en Pie la Postura del Cielo y la Tierra, Derrotando a Todos los amigos de Fly Pero, Fly y Pop consiguieron Destruir su Postura Cortándole un Brazo y Clavándole la Espada de Fly en uno de sus Tres Corazones Impidiéndole Regenerar el Brazo Perdido; Entonces intento explotar los Núcleos del Mal en los Pilares colocados en Puntos Estratégicos de la Corteza Terrestre; Siendo Detenido su Plan por la Lagrima de los Dioses (slime Gome) y el Resto de los Humanos. (Ver Postura Malefica del Cielo y la Tierra)

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Fly entonces se Transformo en Dragon Demoniaco y Comenzó a Derrotar de Nuevo a Baan; Baan desesperado Decidió usar su Tercer Ojo, El Origen de Todo su Poder Mágico, Transformándose en un Gigante con Armadura. Tras un Largo Combate Fly lo Mato Gracias a la Espada que le Había Clavado en el Corazón a Baan, Utilizándola para cortar el Tercer ojo de Baan y cortar su Cuerpo en Dos, Muriendo al Instante
Finalmente los Restos de Baan Cayeron a Tierra Convertidos en Piedra.

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Mistoban "La Eminencia Gris"

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1) Familia de RULA (si algo Caracterizaba a este personaje es que mas se Teletransporta a Voluntad en la Serie utilizando un Conjuro Secreto de la Famila de Conjuros de RULA Lilula que te Teletransporta Instantaneamente a donde quieras)
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2)Tecnica de la Energia de la Mano Negra
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3)Tecnica de los Indices Destructores
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4)Tecnica de la Hoja Destructora
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5)Espacio de Captura y Destruccion Malefico
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6)Mano Tenebrosa Mortal
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Mistoban solo su Capucha de Oscuridad Frenaba y Limitaba su Poder autoimpuesto por Baan para que nadie sospechara sus Semejanzas, Mistoban desarrollo sus Tecnicas Propias y solo Podia recurrir al Poder de Baan en casos de Emergencias con el Permiso de este, sino incluso Mistoban corria el Peligro de ser ejecutado.

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Mistoban Historia
Mistoban era absolutamente Fiel a Baan en Todo y su Historia esta irremediablemente unida a la de este ya que este lo hizo Inmortal y le dio el Cuerpo Mas Fuerte del Mundo del Mal para utilizarlo a su Antojo con algunas Limitaciones en su Poder.
Mistoban sirvio a Baan durante Miles de años, pasando a veces cien o Doscientos Años sin Hablar, Pero esto no fue dificutad para hacerse amigo de Kiruban cuando vino a servir a Baan. y Pasaron los Milenios y llego la Epoca en que Baan estaba Listo para atacar la Superficie Terrestre.
Antes de que Hadler regresara a la vida Mistoban encontró a Hyunckel casi ahogado en un río, el lo sacó y lo adoptó (Como Plan alternativo para poseer su Cuerpo por si algún día Baan le pedía de Regreso el Suyo), después le enseñó algunas técnicas (Sin Decir Jamás una Palabra) agracias a él se hizo un guerrero bajo el mando del Rey Baan.

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En la Isla de Baji uso a Freizer para Comprobar el Nivel de las Habilidades de Fly (El mismo Remato a Freizard) y Resucito a Hadler con su Energía Negra revelándole el Secreto de su Cuerpo (ver hadler).

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Más Tarde a Petición de Hadler, ataco el Reino de Papunika; Donde los Reyes Humanos discutían como enfrentarse a Baan; con el Castillo de Roca de Demonio (El cual fue Destruido por Fly), tras un Largo Combate con Hynkery acabo Retirándose ante la Aparición de Kiraban.

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Mas Tarde el Hizo detonar el Nucleo del Mal que se hallaba en el Cuerpo de Hadler, Provocando asi la Muerte de Baran.

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Cuando Hynkeru y Krokodain fueron Capturados, intento que Regresaran al Ejercito del Mago Negro.
Cuando comenzó la Batalla Final Mistoban Primero se Enfrento a Ron Berku, Retirandose del Combate apeticion de Baan para que defendiese el Palacio.

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Mistoban allí se Enfrento a los Discipulos de Ivan, Reteniéndolos Mientras Fly se Enfrentaba a Baan; Ivan y Hynkery descubrió el Secreto de Mistoban comenzado el Principio del Fin de Mistoban.

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Los Acontecimientos que Llevaron a su Derrota y Muerte comenzaron cuando se vio Obligado a Devolver el Cuerpo al Supermago Baan que estaba perdiendo su Enfrentamiento con Fly; Entonces para Enfrentarse a los amigos de Fly primero poseyó a Mam, y Luego Intento Poseer a Hynkeru; que lo Mato en su Interior con la Enegia de su Espiritu Luminoso

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Nacio hace Milenios en el Mundo del Mal, Junto con Baan eran los amos del Mundo del Mal.
Al ser un Dragón tenía una Esperanza de Vida de Miles de años, pero tras Vencer en el Duelo de los Dragones Legendarios y Garantizarse el Dominio de la Parte Sur del Mundo del Mal, Fue el Único Dragon que Descubrió el Poder de la Reencarnación (Podía Reencarnarse siempre que Muriera), Nunca utilizo este Poder ya que no Murió nunca hasta el Combate con Baran y los Dioses le impidieron Reencarnarse en un Ser Vivo, Lo encerraron en una Estatua Oculta en el Mundo del Mal desde que solo Podría Mirar (Los Dioses le Impusieron este Castigo al Ver lo Codicioso Y que su Maldad no conocía Limites).
Versa y Baan hicieron una Tregua basada en una Apuesta, los dos idearían un Plan para Destruir la Tierra y luego atacar a los Dioses en el Mundo Celeste, el que 1 lo Consiguiera tendría al Otro de Esclavo para toda la Eternidad.
Versa no se fiaba de Baan y por ello mando a su Sirviente Kiruban, que fuera a Espiar a Baan y Matarlo si tuviera ocasión con el Núcleo del Mal de su Cuerpo.
Versa termino su Plan de Destruir la Tierra una Década antes que Baan y se Enfrento en Combate con Baran con el Destino de la Tierra en Vilo, a la Desesperada Versa hizo estallar el Núcleo del Mal que tenía como Arma, Matándolo a el y a sus Sirvientes.
Reencarnado en una Estatua de Piedra oculta en el Mundo del Mal tras su Muerte, como Castigo por sus Crímenes, por los dioses, solo Pudo Observar con Codicia/Envidia el Combate de Baan contra Fly y su aparente éxito en su Plan de Destruir la Tierra Con Seis Núcleos del Mal.

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Kiruban "El Dios de la Muerte"

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Kiruban es un Sirviente de Baan, El Asesino que utiliza para Matar a sus Enemigos o a la Gente que ya no le es Util, Antiguamente fue un serviente de Versa; tan Temido y Eficaz en su Trabajo durante Generaciones que se le conoce con el Sobrenombre del "Dios de la Muerte".

Durante los Milenios al Servicio de Baan, se Hizo Gran Amigo de Mistoban (Conociendolos como la Mano Derecha e Izquierda de este).

Kiruban siempre va acompañado de un Pequeño Ciclope llamado Piropo, y lleva una Flauta en Forma de Guadana que Utiliza para matar a sus Enemigos en forma de un Sonido Ultrasonico que va debilitando a sus Enemigos (Dioses,Caballeros del Dragon y Hyperdemonios son Inmunes al Sonido).

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Otro ataque Caracteristico de el, es que puede llegar atacar a sus Victimas desde otra Dimension (Solo los Dioses, Caballeros del Dragon e Hyperdemonios detectan su llegada segundos antes de su Ataque); Cuando un enemigo se le resiste, con la ayuda de su Guadaña o de un Robot Fabricado por el, reta a sus Enemigos en un Combate en otra Dimension (los lleva a la Fuerza y controla los elementos).

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Su Gran exito se debe a que es Inmune a los ataque Fisicos como Magicos (Gracias a su Secreto; como mucho lo Relantizan como Haja); y con el Nucleo del Mal en su Interior puede absorver su energia para utilizar Gran Cantidad de Cojuros y Tecnicas de Combate. Ademas al Absorver su Energia le da casi Inmortalidad y su Sangre es como el Magma que dana las armas Magicas (ver artimanas).
Es un Genio Matando a sus Enemigos poniendole Trampas que se activan estando el Presente; y algunas veces puede incluso leer el Futuro en las Cartas.

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Su Secreto le Permitio Incluso Sobrevivir a Baan, Pero cuando los Heroes Descubrieron su Secreto, La Carreta de Este Asesino Legendario llego a su Fin y con el La Era de los Dioses del Mal.

Kiruban hace su aparicion cuando Fly y sus amigos se han convertido en un Problema para el Ejercito del Mago Negro, para saber porque esta fallando estrepitosamente, le da un Ultimatum a Hadler diciendo que si falla lo Matara, El es quien Descubre que Fly es un Caballero del Dragon e Hijo de Baran; Luego Impediria que Mistoban descubriese su verdadera Identidad (ver Mistoban); Luego Fracasaria al Intentar Matar a Baran (Fallo doblemente al no saber que la Flauta no afecta a los Caballeros del Dragon; inocentemente informando a Baran de los Planes de Baan de destruir la Tierra Probocando asi que se una a Fly contra Baan) (ver artimanas tambien); pero Causando indirectamente su Muerte al Estropearle su Espada.

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Luego protegeria el Palacio de Baan con Trampas para los Compañeros de Fly Saboteadas por Ivan (Considerado el Humano mas Listo del Planeta), con lo cual lo llevaria a devatirse en duelo con el en otra Dimension, perdiendo el Combate pero no la vida gracias a su Secreto; Luego Probocaria el Misterioso Final de la Historia al Revelarse su Secreto probocando su Muerte (ver Secreto).

Artimanas y Tretas de Kiruban
1)Ivan y Kiruban

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2) Baran y Kiruban

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Tecnicas exclusivas de Kiruban
1) Cuchillas Fantasmas
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2) Desintegracion Ardiente
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El Secreto de la Inmortalidad de Kiruban

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Zaboera y Zamusa
Zaboera es un Viejo Demonio al Servicio de Baan de 800 años (un Demonio se Considera Viejo de 400 años, puede sobrepasar este Limite usando la Magia, pero si se agota su Energia Muere y Desaparece).
Es como un Parasito, que utiliza a los Demas en su Beneficio.

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Secuestro al Monstruo abuelo adoptivo de Fly para usarlo contra este; Fue ayudo a Hadler contra Fly en una Batalla de Conjuros de alto Nivel con Beguiragon, abandono a este y para salvar su Vida, le Conto su Secreto, Estaba apunto de Crear los Hyperdemonios, Primero utilizo a su Hijo Zamusa como Coballa Siendo un Hyperdemonio Venciendolo Fly casi Facilmente y Muriendo.

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Gracias al Sacrificio de su Hijo (no le Importo); Hadler se Transformo en Hyperdemonio Perfecto pero le Oculto lo del Nucleo del Mal de su Pecho.

Mas Tarde en la Lucha Final contra los Compañeros de Fly utilizo su Tecnica Suprema "El Hyperzombie", Transformarse en Hyperdemonio es Irreversible y al agotar la energia un Hyperdemonio Muere y Desaparece.

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EL Hyperzombie consiste en Utilizar el Cadaver de Monstruos para fabricar una Armadura el Hyperzombie Fue Derrotado al Usar Ron Berku el Forjador de armas Legendario su Tecnica Secreta de las "Espadas Celestes Cruzadas" (si estuviese terminada, serie el Ataque mas poderoso de Todos) y mas tarde Rematado por Krokodain

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Tecnicas de Zaboera

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3)Mahoplus(version de Zaboera del Conjuro Extremo/usando a los demas)

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Hadler y su Guardia de Orakunon
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Tecnicas Caracteristicas de Hadler normal y Transformado en Hyperdemonio

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2)Garras Infernales
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3)Cadena Infernal
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4)Llamas Maleficas Hiper-Explosivas
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Freizard el Primer Hijo de Hadler
Creado por Hadler con el Conjuro de Prohibido a partir de una Roca de Energia de Fuego Y hielo, Asediaba Papunika Cuando se Enfrento a Fly en la Isla de Baji, Alli Fly Lo Vencio con Corte de Cielo Ivan; Salvado Temporalmente por Mistoban que le dio una Armadura pero Igualmente Vencido por Fly con el Corte de Ivan (solo Sirvio para Ver Nivel de Fly); Mistoban Mato el Ultimo Rastro de Energía de Freizard.

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Orakunon: Caracteristicas y Origen
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Guardia de Orakunon de Hadler Miembros y Tecnicas
La Guardia de Orakunon de Hadler
Hadler, se Transformo en Hyperdemonio, derrotando a Fly en un Combate a las Fronteras de la Tierra de los Muertos, Ganandose el Favor de Baan de Nuevo, Regalandole 5 Piezas de Orakunon de Ajedrez y Hadler por Medio del Conjuro Prohibido las Convirtio en 5 Piezas de Ajedrez Vivas hechas de Orakunon fabricadas para Derrotar a los Discipulos de Ivan.

Se enfrentarian tres veces en el Manga la Primera antes de Asaltar la Tierra de los Muertos acabando en Tablas el Enfrentamiento, el Segundo quedando inconcluso debido a la Detonacion del Nucleo del Mal, y Finalmente donde serian Derrotados y Vencidos por los Discipulos de Ivan salvo el Peon Hym, que Renaceria a Semejanza de Hadler Tras la Muerte de este a manos de Fly.

Miembros y breve Historia

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1)Aldivas La Reina (Enemiga de Mam)
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1)Mil Dardos
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2)Mil Bolas (su ataque mas Poderoso)
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Su Fin llego a manos de Mam (al Destruir su Nucleo Vital origen de la Magia, Mueren y Explotan)
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2) Fenbren El Alfil
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1)Largas Espadas Gemelas
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Causa de su Muerte: La Estupidez de atacar de Frente a 2 Caballeros del Dragon (Fly lo corto en dos con su Espada)

3) Block La Torre
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Causa de su Muerte: Baan, al Recibir el Impacto del Baston de Luz Malefico para salvar a Hadler

4)Sygma El Caballo

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1)Cañon Relampago
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2) Espejo de Sambal (este Objeto Magico,actua como Mahocanta Rechazando todos los Conjuros; Luego Fue utilizado por Pop para Romper la Postura Malefica del Cielo y la Tierra de Baan)
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Causa de su Muerte: Derrotado en combate por el Discipulo de Ivan Pop (mago)

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5) Hym el Peon
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1)Puño de Hypercalor
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2) Gran Cruz
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Causa de su Muerte/Resurrecion: Favorito de Hadler, Hadler sabiendo que le quedaba poco de Vida, modifico el Hechizo de su Creacion para que Hym con su Muerte, no muriera y evolucionara a una forma Superior (Adquirio Vida, Su cuerpo podia Sanar con Beoma e Incluso Regenerar las Partes de su Cuerpo Destruidas (Tras Ser Vencido por Hynkery y Casi Muerto esto, esto parmitio volver a la Vida)
Derrotado dos Veces por Hynkeru, Facilmente en Forma Normal y con Mucha Dificultad cuando Volvio a la Vida, Luego le Salvo la Vida, de Maximus, Pieza de Orakunon el Rey que Protegia el Palacio de Baan; Como Muestra de Agradecimiento y sin otro motivo en la Vida tras la Muerte de sus Compañeros se unio a los Discipulos de Ivan contra Mistoban y Baan).

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Cabe Señalar que en su Estado Inicial la Guardia de Hadler tenia un Nivel muy Inferior a Mistoban y Kiruban

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Maximam “El Basurero de Baan” y la Cofradia del Dragon

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Maximam “ El Basurero de Baan” como lo llamaba Cariñosamente Mistoban, era una Criatura hecha de Orakunon Creada por Baan para Proteger su Palacio; procedía del Mismo Juego de Ajedrez que la Guardia de Hardler y era el Única Pieza Dotada de Vida de las que Componian el Arsenal de Baan; Intento Matar a Hym el Peon y a Hynkeru cuando se encontraban Exhaustos de su Combate; lo Hubiera Conseguido si no fuera por la cuando Llegada de Lajard el Guerrero de la Cofradía del Dragón, que cumpliendo el Deseo Póstumo de Baran se unió a Fly en su Lucha contra Baan; Mato sin Ninguna dificultad a Maximam con su Tecnica del Arco Deformador.

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La Cofradía del Dragón eran los Sirvientes de Baran y no Tenían Piedad y Todos odiaban a los Humanos. Estaba Formada Por Borajon el Luchador del Mar, Lajard (hibrido Humano-Demonio/Hijo adoptivo de Baran) el Luchador de Tierra y Galdaky Luchador de Tierra.
Fueron Vencidos y Muertos por Pop y Hynkeru, Luego Baran recogió sus Cuerpos y les hizo Beber Sangre de Dragon pero solo Lajard Volvió a la Vida Gracias a su Lealtad Incondicional Hacia Baran; al Resucitar encontró una Carta a Modo de Ultima Voluntad de Baran diciéndole que se uniese a Fly; Lajard la cumplió sin Dudar.

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Historia de Hadler
La simple Presencia de un Demonio como Hadler volvía locos a los Monstruos de Clase Inferior,(quizás a que tuvieron parte en su creación como las Criaturas Intermedias, Los Dioses para Atajar su Poder y Compadeciéndose en Parte de estas Criaturas le Regalaron a los Hombres los Conjuros de Mahocatur y Minakatur para Liberar a estas Bestias de su Poder y frenar el Poder de los Demonios.

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Hadler ya era un Demonio muy Viejo cuando Intento conquistar la Tierra, tenia 357, con un Ejercito de Monstruos y Criaturas Intermedias, Enfrentándose el Heroes Ivan, Hadler e Ivan lucharon durante años hasta su batalla Final (20 a 15 años antes del Nacimiento de Fly/ Baran estaba ocupado com Versa).
En una Batalla Ivan utilizo la Técnica de la Glaciación con Hadler fracasando quedando paralizado por un Año.

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Finalmente Ivan desarrollaría La Técnica que lleva su Nombre y Mataría a Hadler.

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Pero Hadler no Murió, fue salvado por Baan con su Magia y lo Puso a Dormir durante casi 15 años, Resucitándolo con un Cuerpo más Joven y Mas Fuerte (por esa Fechas Hadler Crearía la Criatura Intermedia Frezzer, que mas tarde seria matada por Fly y Usada por Mistoban para estudiar el Nivel de las Técnicas de Fly.

Baan encomendó a Hadler matar a Ivan, y aparentemente lo consiguió al Sacrificarse este con el Conjuro Megante para Salvar a sus Alumnos Fly y Pop en la Isla de Derlin.

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Baan lo Nombro Comandante General de sus Ejércitos.

Tras este Combate Hadler Tenía Miedo de Fly y le oculto a Baan que sabía que era un Caballero del Dragon, Ordeno a Krokodain Matar a Fly, Fracaso.
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Luego Dirigio el Ataque del ejército del Mago Negro contra Fly y sus Compañeros en la Isla de Baji Fracasando y Muriendo en la Batalla al Ser atravesado por Hynkery con su Espada en sus Corazones.
Luego su Cadáver fue Llevado al Castillo de Boca del Dragon siendo Resucitado por Mistoban con su Energía Oscura provocando que la Marca Oscura se extendiera por su Cuerpo.

Mistoban le Reveló el Secreto de su Cuerpo, Mientras Mistoban y Baan tuvieran la Energía Negra podría Resucitar Infinitamente con un Cuerpo mas Fuerte al anterior.

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Cuando Fracaso Baran al matar a Fly y Renunciando al Ejercito del Mago Negro, Recibio un Ultimatum o Mataba a Fly o el Mismo Baan lo Mataria.

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Con la Ayuda de Saboeria intento Matar a Fly, con Pop y Matorif en un Combate de Conjuros de Alto Nivel Beguiragon.
Saboera abandono a Hadler y este con el Cuerpo Prácticamente Destruido atrapo a Saboera y le Dijo que conocía sus Secretos y le Ordeno que lo Transformara en Hyperdemonio.

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Saboera robo la Espada de ORAKUNON LA ESPADA DEL Vencedor y la Incorporo dentro de su Cuerpo, Mientras se Regeneraba de sus Heridas (afortunadamente el Nucleo del Mal de su Interior no se daño en la Explosion), le Pidió a Mistaban que atacara a los Reyes Humanos en Pakunica, Mistoban acepto y se incorporo al Final de la Batalla venciendo a Fly que quedo atrapado en un Iceberg.

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En recompensa Baan lo Restituyo a su Puesto y le Dio 5 Piezas de Ajedrez y por Medio del Conjuro Prohibido las Convirtió en su Guardia.

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Pero Impidió que Saboera matara a Fly (un Privilegio solo para el). La Guardia se enfrento al Resto de los Discipulos mientras en la Tierra de los Muertos.
Hadler como Hyperdemonio se enfrento a 2 Caballeros del Dragón, los Cuales estaban conteniendo sus Poderes por Miedo a que el Núcleo del Mal Explotara (Baan observaba el Combate y estaba decidirlo hacer explotarlo en Cualquier Momento).
Hirió de Gravedad a Fly pero no pudo Vencer a Baran que Transformado en Dragón Demoniaco le Arranco el Núcleo del Mal del Cuerpo, pero Mistoban lo Hizo Explotar Destruyendo la Tierra de los Muertos y matando a Baran; mas Tarde con su Cuerpo Gravemente Herido y Moribundo (sin el Núcleo del Mal) se Enfrentaría a Baan en Combate pero Tendria que Huir. (ver mistoban/Kiruban/guardia de Orakunon)
Más Tarde se enfrentaría en el Palacio de Baan a Fly mientras sus Guardias se Enfrentaban a los Compañero de FLY.
Fly lo Mataría con dos Técnicas el Corte de Ivan Cruzado y Guigacorte, Muriendo y Desapareciendo en Brazos del Heroe Ivan su Enemigo de Antaño, dando Gracias al Dios los humanos por Ello
Hym el Peon, su Criatura Intermedia al Morir Hadler, recibiría Vida Propia con un aspecto Similar a Hadler uniéndose al Final a Fly y sus Compañeros para Luchar contra Baan

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Última edición:


Escritor de relatos.
Aug 1, 2009
Respuesta: El Supermago Baan y sus aliados

Vaya: Honestamente desconozco totalmente estos personaje y me gusta bastante la manera que realizaste este trabajo.

Este es el tipo de trabajos donde se ve que la gente se esfuerza y le echa todas las ganas del mundo para rendirle tributo a sus personajes favoritos y que la gente los vea y los conozca.

En mi caso, ahora ya conozco a personajes que NUNCA había oído nombrar y que han despertado mi interés para saber mas de ellos. Eso es uno de los objetivos de este foro de respetos y el cual varios vamos a querer saber mas.

Para finalizar, debo decirte que tu trabajo esta bien elaborado, bien argumentado, bien diseñado, bien estructurado y bien claro.

Sigue así y si tienes planes a futuro, espero ver mas dedicatorias tuyas. Bueno, veo que últimamente hemos hecho temas de respeto a puros villanos: ¿ Acaso son los mejores ? XD


Doctor Doom

Siempre desafiante
Sep 9, 2008
Respuesta: El Supermago Baan y sus aliados

Un gran, gran trabajo en un post muy bien hecho e increiblemente bien explicado. Ya le estoy echando un ojo al manga para enterarme de más. Un GRACIAS enorme por el post y otro por el personaje.


Caballero del Dragon
Apr 28, 2009
Reino de Teran; Hogar de los Caballeros del Dragon
La Melodia que Tocaba en la Serie/Manga Kiruban EL Dios de la Muerte; tocada en Flauta
La Cancion Final de Las Aventuras de Fly tocada por un Fan con la Guitarra
Dai no Bouken ademas de la Serie de Television que Duro 46 Episodios; Tuvo 3 Ovas; el 2 y 3 Son Faciles de Encontrar; no el 1 Que es Casi imposible de Conseguir
Acabo de Arreglar algunas Imagenes
Última edición:


adios amigo heroe
Edición Digital
Nov 12, 2008
Respuesta: El Supermago Baan y sus aliados


el manga de esta serie es de mis favoritos... aunque no me gusta el final...


Caballero del Dragon
Apr 28, 2009
Reino de Teran; Hogar de los Caballeros del Dragon
Re: Respuesta: El Supermago Baan y sus aliados

Ficha del Supermago Baan

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Posibles Continuaciones Al Final

La Historia del Manga Termino hace años con un Final Abierto; Pero como Podria Continuar:uh?:; Aqui la Recopilacion de Tres Historias Distintas hechas por Fans del Manga con un Nexo Comun el Retorno de Versa

El Regreso del Dragon Capitulos 1 y 2 por Musashi X
Capitulo 1 Tras la Batalla Final

Un silencio sepulcral llenaba el recinto en el que reposaba aquel ser. La construcción de blanco alabastro brillaba a la luz que provenía de una fuente invisible, los 5 pilares que sostenían la cúpula estaban finamente labrados y el suelo era una sola pieza solida del mismo material. Aquel lugar era de inmensa belleza, pero era el lugar de descanso de una de las criaturas más perversas que hayan existido, el rey dragón oscuro, Veruza. Su alma había permanecido en calma, conteniendo su furia dentro de la prisión de roca en la que había sido encerrado por los espíritus del mundo celestial, tras haber sido vencido por el caballero dragón, Baran, aquel día hace más de 15 años. Sin embargo, los acontecimientos de los últimos seis meses habían interrumpido su descanso forzado; Hadora el antiguo rey del mal en la tierra había reaparecido bajo las ordenes de su mas grande rival, Van, el gran rey del mal del mundo oscuro. Desde hacia miles de años ambos competían por el control tanto del mundo oscuro como de la tierra, pero a diferencia de el Van quería destruir esta ultima, para así traer la luz del sol a su mundo natal

Conociendo la tenacidad de su adversario, decidió enviar a uno de sus sirvientes mas leales con el pretexto de ponerlo a su cargo, “El dios de la muerte” Killvurn; su misión seria la de vigilar el progreso de las planes de Van y de ser necesario eliminarlo, si bien Veruza y el eran enemigos, respetaba su fuerza y sabia que no saldría ileso de enfrentarle cara a cara. Así durante cientos de años su súbdito estuvo bajo las ordenes de Van, al tiempo que le reportaba a su verdadero amo el desarrollo de los planes del gran rey del mal.

15 años atrás, se entero del intento de Hadora para conquistar el mundo de los humanos, viendo una oportunidad dorada para hacerse con el mundo antes de que su rival estuviera listo, se precipitó a conquistar la tierra; no obstante, los dioses ya habían previsto esta posibilidad, por lo que mandaron al caballero dragón, quien tras una sangrienta batalla logro vencer a Veruza, y como resultado, se encontraba ahora prisionero.

Ahora Baran estaba muerto, en cierta forma gracias a el, que había desarrollado años atrás “el corazón oscuro” un artefacto explosivo capaz de desintegrar naciones enteras. Pero una amenaza mayor había surgido, nada mas y nada menos que el hijo del mismísimo Baran, el joven héroe Fly, quien en tan solo 6 meses paso de ser un simple niño huérfano a ser un caballero dragón mas poderoso que su padre; tan poderoso como para derrotar con la ayuda de sus amigos no solo a la nueva tropa del mal que comandaba Hadora, si no al mismo Van, a quien durante la ultima batalla felicito por su aparente victoria sobre los héroes, sin embargo, Van cometió el error de subestimar el poder del caballero dragón, y encontrando su final a manos de Fly. El presenciar el poder de ese niño le hizo recordar el terror de enfrentarse a un caballero dragón, así que ordeno a su lacayo Killvurn, exterminar a los héroes de una vez por todas, utilizando el arma que había dispuesto para matar a Van en un principio, un corazón oscuro. Sin embargo Fly probaría nuevamente su valía, sacrificándose para salvar a sus amigos, llevándose con el la bomba lejos de la tierra; esa había sido la ultima proeza del héroe.

Anterior mente Killvurn se encargaba de mantenerle informado acerca de todo aquello que no era capaz de observar desde su remota ubicación, y es que aun en su estado actual, su poder le permitía proyectar su conciencia a través de los distintos planos, siempre y cuando no existiera algún obstáculo para su magia. Pero en su descuido, Killvurn fue asesinado por los amigos de Fly mientras este se deshacía del corazón oscuro; con la caída del “dios de la muerte” el muy disminuido sequito de Veruza se redujo aun mas; en lo que para un ser inmortal como el había sido un instante, 15 años de cautiverio habían sido suficientes para que algunos habitantes del mundo oscuro, dieran por acabado el mandato del rey dragón, muchos de sus seguidores se apartaron de sus filas, quedando solo un puñado de súbditos fieles a el. Día con día la situación era peor en el mundo oscuro, a pesar de la gran longevidad de los demonios y demás seres que lo habitaban, basto con un par de semanas para que la muerte de Van desencadenara trifulcas entre los diversos grupos que ansiaban adjudicarse el titulo de “rey del mal” – Pobres ilusos – pensó Veruza. De pronto una presencia le saco de sus pensamientos.

- Así que por fin haz venido – dijo Veruza, con una voz espectral que hizo eco en las paredes de la cueva que albergaba el recinto.
- Si mi amo, he vuelto con noticias de suma importancia – respondió la figura envuelta en un manto tan negro, que de no ser por la luz divina que caía sobre el dragón petrificado habría sido invisible a los ojos de cualquiera – lamento mucho la tardanza, pero me desvié un poco para confirmar si era cierto lo de Kill.
- Por irónico que parezca, el “dios de la muerte” ha fallecido o mejor dicho, fue asesinado.
- Me cuesta mucho creer que haya revelado su identidad en un momento tan crucial, si tan solo no lo hubiera hecho habría tenido éxito en su propósito… je, aunque siempre fue demasiado confiado – aunque el rostro de su interlocutor estaba oculto, Veruza supo que sonreía con malicia.
- ¡Basta de palabrerías! Dime, ¿que haz descubierto?
- Mil disculpas señor; tal como me ordeno, he pasado los últimos 10 años buscando una solución para su “predicamento”. Debo confesar que en si fueron infructuosos… pero… - el misterioso individuo hizo una pausa que le pareció casi eterna a Veruza, sus palabras habían comenzado a emocionarle como nada en estos 15 años – a la luz de los hechos ocurridos durante la guerra contra el gran rey del mal en la tierra, y sobre todo las acciones de los humanos, se me ocurrió una posibilidad tan infinitamente absurda, que ni siquiera a los espíritus celestiales les podría haber pasado por la mente.
- Déjate de rodeos y explícate de una buena vez – La curiosidad de Veruza era tan grande como la de un niño ante un presente envuelto en su cumpleaños, un imperceptible vibrar en la roca era la única muestra de su emoción.
- Si, vera usted, en si la batalla dio un giro a favor de los humanos a raíz de un solo acto, sin el cual la batalla final ni siquiera hubiera posible, me refiero al hechizo que los discípulos del héroe Aban utilizaron para acceder al palacio de Van.
- ¿Te refieres a?…
- Efectivamente, al Minakatohr.
- ¡Grandísimo idiota! el Minakatohr es un hechizo con el poder de repeler el mal, ¿Cómo podría serme de utilidad algo así? – respondió el rey dragón encolerizado ante esta decepción,
- Aun no he terminado su majestad – se apresuro a decir su súbdito – no es el hechizo lo importante, sino su origen.
- ¿Huh?

El oscuro mensajero, flotaba a poca distancia del recinto que coronaba una punta de roca en medio de la enorme cueva, extendió un mano enguantada desde su manto y la acerco hasta entrar en contacto con la luz, al instante esta ardió con llamas blancas y brillantes, la cuales extinguió sacudiendo su mano frenéticamente.

- Fiuu, eso fue peligroso- dijo con un tono jovial – como usted bien sabe, además de la prisión de piedra sagrada en la que han confinado su alma, los seres celestiales colocaron este recinto de 5 pilares y la luz divina como barrera para mantener alejado a todo ser del mundo del mal que pudiera intentar liberarle.
- Más bien me parece que me hubieran puesto en exhibición como a un animal enjaulado.
- Es una muy interesante forma de verlo señor… – comenzó a decir, pero se detuvo al percibir el creciente disgusto de su amo por el comentario – … como iba diciendo, estos obstáculos impiden que me acerque a usted mas de lo que ya lo he hecho, lo mismo para cualquier ser del mundo de la oscuridad, pero no así para los amantes de la justicia.

- ¿Ese es tu descubrimiento? Nadie mejor que yo sabe cual es la función de esta barrera, y se cuan efectiva es, tanto que los seres celestiales no se molestan en vigilar mi celda, es por eso mismo que puedes estar presente en este momento.

- Es tan solo una parte señor, si me lo permite, requiero un poco mas de tiempo para confirmar mis hallazgos, pero le garantizo que mi trabajo dará frutos.
- Tiempo es algo, que poseo infinitamente ahora que Van ha desaparecido.
- Y si contamos que la ubicación del caballero dragón es incierta, podríamos decir que la mala hierba a sido podada.

- ¡¿Qué haz dicho?!
- Oh, mil perdones, a veces olvido que desde su posición no puede enterarse de todo lo que sucede en la tierra. Parece ser que el joven Fly no murió en la explosión, después de buscarlo por semanas su amigos no pudieron encontrarlo, pero de acuerdo con Lon Berk, el herrero del mundo oscuro que se exilio a si mismo en la tierra, Fly continua con vida.
- ¡No es posible! Killvurn me informo que ni siquiera Baran pudo soportar el poder del corazón negro, un chiquillo no puedo haberlo logrado.

- No olvide mi señor, que Fly supero el poder de un caballero dragón, quizá incluso el de un Ryumajin.
- Si lo que dices es cierto, Fly es una amenaza latente… Continua con tu investigación, no volveré a menospreciar a un caballero dragón, no cometeré el mismo error de Van.
- Como usted ordene mi amo – respondió el súbdito con voz fuerte y clara al tiempo que hacia una reverencia.
- Una cosa mas… comienza a reunir a mis generales, quiero que estén listos en caso de que los necesite, pero hazlo discretamente, así no tendré preocuparme por que alguien intervenga.

Capitulo 2

Capitulo 2: El corazón de una reina
Leona caminaba bajo el sol de la mañana primaveral, cargando en una mano una cubeta con flores recién cortadas y una caja de madera en la otra, tal y como hacia todos los meses viajaba al reino de Lomos, para visitar el monumento que ahí se había erigido en honor al héroe. Despues de haber saludado al Rey de Lomos se dirigió de inmediato al risco donde “La espada real de Fly” se encontraba. Leona había insistido en que se colocara ahí, mirando en dirección a la isla Dermurin, el hogar de Fly; si bien era cierto, habría preferido colocarla en algún santuario en el reino de Papunika, pero pensó que seria mejor ponerla aquí, en donde Fly había hecho su primera proeza como héroe. Subiendo la diminuta colina que llevaba al risco, Leona sintió la temperatura de su cuerpo aumentar por el esfuerzo físico y el sol que brillaba intensamente sobre ella; no se detuvo sino hasta llegar a unos pasos de la ornamentada base en la que descansaba la espada.

- Hola Fly… - le dijo a la espada como si de aquel niño se tratara. Observo la perla roja que adornaba el arma, aun brillaba con magnificencia – Me da gusto saber que es bien – agrego con una sonrisa.

Lon Berk le había dicho que esa espada había sido hecha solo para Fly, y mientras el siguiera con vida la perla mantendría su fulgor. Habían pasado ya 5 años desde ese día en la que su querido héroe salvo al mundo de la destrucción, sol para tener que arriesgar la vida inmediatamente después para evitar que el corazón negro acabara con sus amigos; en un acto tanto de valentía como de egoísmo se había echado al hombro la responsabilidad de eliminar la amenaza, y con ello había privado a sus compañeros de su presencia. Cada mes Leona acudía para limpiar la espada y colocar nuevas flores en el monumento, eso era lo único que podía hacer por Fly, después de la guerra Leona había ascendido al trono de Papunika como legitima heredera, la ahora reina Leona tenia en sus manos no solo el destino de una nación que reconstruir si no por su importancia y cercanía con los demás gobernantes era requerida en las cumbres de los reinos, ceremonias de la paz y demás eventos reales. “La reina sabia” le llamaban; siendo una de los 5 discípulos de Aban y habiendo sobrevivido a la gran batalla contra el gran rey del mal, la vida de la realeza le parecía simple y poco gratificante, ella entendía la importancia de su cargo, pero eso no era suficiente para llenar el hueco que aquel joven había dejado en su corazón.

Hallándose perdida en sus cavilaciones, se enfoco en su tarea para no pensar mas en algo que la deprimía. Le había pedido a Lon Berk que le enseñara como limpiar la espada, en principio la corte real de Papunika se negó a que la reina se rebajara a semejante tarea, pero con el apoyo del rey de Lomos y sus mas leales súbditos logro imponer su voluntad, esta era una tarea que no podía dejar a nadie mas.

La briza marina mecía su largo cabello castaño, igual que la vez que conoció a Fly, sus ojos se llenaron de lagrimas sin que pudiera evitarlo y continuo su tarea entre sollozos. Al terminar se despidió de la espada prometiendo volver nuevamente – Por favor regresa pronto – susurro antes de partir. Al volver al castillo guardo sus herramientas de limpieza en la habitación que el rey de Lomos había dispuesto para ella, sentados a la mesa se encontraban los sabios de Papunika Apolo y Marin desayunando tranquilamente, al ver entrar a su reina ambos se pusieron de pie apresuradamente. Leona sonrió al ver su reacción, a pesar de la cercanía que había entre ellos seguían manteniendo su respeto por ella.

- Bienvenida su majestad, ¿desea que llame a la cocina real para que le preparen el almuerzo? – pregunto Apolo
- Si, por favor hazlo, Marin, ayúdame con mis atuendos, y pide que calienten agua para el baño también… pensándolo mejor, terminen sus alimentos antes.
- Si, majestad, ah, acabamos de recibir una carta de Eimi – comento la chica bastante emocionada.

Marin abrió un cajón del buro aun lado de la cama y le entrego un sobre sellado a la Reina Leona, esta la tomo agradeciendo cortésmente, para abrirlo apresurada mente; una carta de Eimi, la sabia del viento de Papunika y hermana de Marin, era algo que siempre la alegraba. Después de la Guerra, Hyunkel, el primer discípulo de Aban y Larhalt, el ex miembro de la cofradía del dragón partieron para viajar por el mundo, con el fin de entrenar y tratar de localizar a Fly, mientras que Eimi, quien estaba perdidamente enamorada de Hyunkel, suplico a Leona le permitiera dejar su puesto como sabia de Papunika, para estar a su lado; Leona que estaba al tanto de sus sentimientos, autorizo su retiro con la condición de que le mantuviera informada regularmente de su situación, así como de cualquier descubrimiento que hubieran hecho.

- “KNOC KNOK” – de pronto un llamado a la puerta interrumpió a las dos mujeres antes de que pudieran abrir la carta.
- Adelante – respondió Leona.
- Muy buenos días majestad – saludo un paje de la corte de Lomos – el rey me ha mandado para invitarle a tomar el almuerzo con el.
- Dile que agradezco su invitación y que será un placer acompañarle.
- Así lo hare alteza, con su permiso.

El paje hizo una caravana y salió inmediatamente – Marin, démonos prisa, no podemos hacer esperar al rey – dijo Leona con una sonrisa. Luego de un rato Apolo volvió con dos sirvientes que cargaba grandes cantaros con agua caliente para llenar la bañera, mientras leona se aseaba, Marin preparo un vestido de fina tela de Papunika y adornos de plata para el cabello, así como algunas joyas y perfumes. Leona era de un espíritu libre y gustaba de vestir con sencillez, pero sabía bien como acoplarse a los protocolos reales, ahora como reina debía comportarse como tal, al menos en público.

Tomo poco mas de una hora para que Leona estuviera lista, al caminar por los pasillos del castillo la presencia de la reina se hizo notar, caballeros, cortesanos y sirvientes por igual quedaban cautivados por igual, mientras que causaba gran admiración entre las mujeres del castillo; desde muy joven Leona había sido sumamente hermosa, pero ahora que era una mujer, su belleza era casi sublime, sin mencionar la gran seguridad que emanaba de su persona, no se podía esperar menos de aquella que fuera compañera del gran héroe Fly. Al llegar al comedor real, el rey de Lomos ya estaba a la mesa y al ver entrar a Leona se levanto sonriente y amigable como siempre, Leona le respondió con una elegante reverencia, al aproximarse al el, este le estrecho las manos con cariño y calidez.

- Mi estimada reina, lamento no haberla recibido a su llegada, pero usted sabe, deberes reales – comento el barbado rey.
- No hay necesidad de disculparse su majestad, solo espero que no haya sido algo malo lo que lo mantiene tan ocupado.
- Ahh, me gustaría decirle que todo esta bien… pero acabo de volver esta mañana del reino de Teran, mi buen amigo el rey Folken no se encuentra bien – la alegría del rey de lomos se había esfumado como la luz del sol tras una nube negra – ya hace mucho que estaba enfermo, pero ahora ya no le queda mucho tiempo.
- Que tristeza.
- Así es, y justo ahora que por fin volvió la paz al mundo. Pero por favor, no deje que eso le arruine el apetito – el dio dos palmadas y de inmediato en el gran comedor media docena de sirvientes con fuentes, jarras y platillos.

Leona se sintió un poco abrumada por la inmensa cantidad de comida, si bien había vivido gran parte de su vida con los lujos propios de ser de la realeza, nunca considero apropiado el desperdicio de comida. Una vez que los sirvientes terminaron de servir, la mesa había sido dispuesta para unas 30 personas, este hecho ya confundía bastante a Leona quien estaba apunto de objetar por el banquete tan ostentoso, cuando uno de los sirvientes solo una campanilla dorada, pronto decenas de personas mas entraron y tomaron asiento a la mesa del gran comedor, ancianos, jóvenes y niños por igual saludaban tanto a Leona y el rey con cortesía. Esta era la primera vez que desayunaba con el rey a pesar de sus visitas constantes a Lomos; lo que veía dejo a la joven reina atónita.
- ¿Sucede algo reina Leona? – Pregunto el rey con preocupación.
- En, en absoluto, solo me sorprendí al ver a toda esta gente.
- Oh, ya veo – respondió con una tierna sonrisa el barbado rey – vera, cuando termino la guerra mucha gente perdió sus hogares, no tenían un techo, una cama, ni siquiera donde comer. Por lo que decidí albergar a los necesitados en el castillo; mi mesa, mi cama y mi techo son también de mi pueblo… y bueno, después de 5 años se me hizo costumbre comer acompañado por la gente, a fin de cuentas un comedor tan grande no debe solo ser usado para fiestas ¿no lo cree?
- Si, tiene mucha razón.

Aquella pintoresca escena le lleno de calidez a Leona, comer al lado de toda esa gente le hizo comprobar que la fe de Fly en los humanos no estaba equivocada. Deseaba con todas sus fuerzas que Fly volviera pronto y viera todos esos rostros felices. Después desayunar, Leona anuncio su partida para la tarde, después de visitar la isla Dermurin, además de sus visitas a “la espada real de Fly” cada mes, Leona visitaba al abuelo de Fly, Blass; después de la batalla contra el rey Van la paz había vuelto a la isla de los monstruos, Chiu el ratón gigante, Crocodain el antiguo rey de las bestias y Hym el ex miembro de la guardia personal de Hadora se habían mudado a la isla para hacerle compañía al viejo Blass, además por la naturaleza de cada uno, no había un mejor lugar para que ellos pudieran habitar. Partiría en un par de horas rumbo a la isla en un pequeño barco que le facilito el rey de Lomos, Apolo y Marin prepararían su equipaje para cuando volviera, al ver a la joven sabia del agua recordó a su hermana Eimi y la carta que le había enviado.

Se dirigió a sus habitaciones tratando de evitar a los demás ocupantes del castillo, deseaba con ansias conocer el contenido de la carta; muchas otras veces las cartas de Eimi resultaban una desilusión al no haber ninguna mención sobre Fly, pero Leona no dejaba de esperar con grandes esperanzas cada una de ellas. Cuando llego a la puerta no escucho nada en el interior, probablemente Apolo y Marin estarían supervisando los preparativos de la embarcación, o quizás alguna otra cosa, desde hacia tiempo su “instinto femenino” le decía que había algo entre esos dos – bien por ellos – pensó con picardía. Abrió la puerta y comprobó que no había nadie en el cuarto, se acerco al buro donde había dejado la carta en la mañana, pero para su sorpresa había algo mas que la carta, sobre el papel se encontraba una pequeña bolsa de cuero atada con un listón blanco, dentro de esta había una perla de color rosado poco mas grande que un ciruelo, la joven reconoció el objeto de inmediato, era un “ojo de ángel” un artefacto mágico que servía para transmitir lo que uno veía a otra persona, la elaboración de esta joya era sumamente complicada y solo sabios de alto nivel eran capaces de fabricarla con éxito, colocándola de nuevo en la bolsa se apresuro a leerla.

A su alteza real, Leona reina de Papunika y mis amigos Apolo y Marin

Espero se encuentren todos bien y gozando de salud. Tengo noticias de suma importancia para su majestad, le pido disculpe mi descortesía al ir directo al grano. Larhalt, Hyunkel y yo llegamos ayer por la tarde al reino de Teran, aprovechando la cercanía Larhalt decidido ir a presentar sus respetos al dios dragón y rezar por el alma de Baran. Cuando llegamos a las ruinas del templo del dragón, nos encontramos con mucha gente reunida en torno al lago del bosque de Beruna, llevando consigo figurillas del dios dragón.

Al aproximarnos a las ruinas del altar nos sorprendió ver en su lugar el emblema del dragón grabado en el suelo donde solía estar erigido. Larhalt fue el que mas se sorprendió al verlo, y nos dijo que parecía haber sido hecho con el rayo del emblema, aun que era mucho más grande. Estamos desconcertados por la aparición de la marca, por lo que Hyunkel sugirió viajar al reino de Kahr, para hablar con el maestro Aban, esperando que quizá el pueda ayudarnos a descifrar este misterio.

Le envió junto con esta carta un “ojo de ángel” con el que podrá ver la marca tal y como la vimos nosotros.

Le deseo lo mejor… Eimi

El corazón de Leona comenzó a latir con fuerza, su mano temblaba mientras sostenía el ojo de ángel al ponerlo a la altura de sus propios ojos pudo ver una neblina brillante en el interior de la diminuta esfera, pero pronto se disipo revelando la misma marca que aparecía en la frente de Fly, el emblema del dragón. El recuerdo de aquellos días invadió sus pensamientos haciendo que las lágrimas llenaran sus ojos; después de tanto tiempo por fin había una pista sobre el paradero de Fly, estaba segura que si descubría su significado estaría un paso mas cerca de encontrarlo.

Sin perder un solo momento salió a de la habitación y llamo a sus sirvientes con voz imperiosa, en breve Apolo y Marin aparecieron corriendo por el pasillo hasta llegar a los aposentos de la reina; esta se encontraba sentada en la cama con la pierna cruzada y la carta en sus manos.

- A sus ordenes majestad – dijo solemnemente Apolo al tiempo que se incaba en una rodilla.
- ¿Esta todo listo para partir? – pregunto Leona con inusual firmeza.
- S- si su majestad, podemos ir a la isla Dermurin cuando usted lo desee.
- Bien, Marin, escribe una carta dirigida al sr. Blass; comunícale que no me será posible visitarle en esta ocasión.
- ¡Si alteza! – respondió enérgica Marin – ¿Se encuentra usted bien?
- ¡De maravilla! – le respondió con una sonrisa llena de optimismo – Apolo, que el capitán cambie el rumbo hacia Teran, quiero partir en una hora.
- ¡Si!

Marin y Apolo salieron de la habitación tan veloces como entraron. Leona tomo nuevamente la perla rosada y observo por un momento antes de guardarla junto con la carta, para luego preparar una mochila con su ropa y otras cosas. No iba a requerir el resto de su equipaje, asi que dio instrucciones a una de las sirvientas para que mandara cargadores para llevárselo; este viaje seria el de una aventurera, como los que tuvo al lado de Fly y sus amigos, el exceso de equipaje solo le estorbaría. Sentía una nostálgica agitación crecer dentro de su pecho, la agitación de la aventura y caminar así lo que le deparaba el futuro; no era solo la posibilidad de encontrar a Fly lo que la exaltaba, sino también el volver a reunirse con sus compañeros…

- Es cierto, será mejor que le avise a Pop y Mam – dijo para si misma.

Decidió escribir una carta una vez que estuvieran rumbo a Teran para enviarla en una de escala en el camino, además no estaba muy segura de donde podrían estar, hacia ya un año que Pop, Merle y Mam viajaban por separado. Deslindándose de ese pensamiento, termino de empacar y salió de la habitación. Su atuendo era mas sencillo y cómodo, un sencillo tocado de plata en el cabello, una capa de viaje, un vestido corto de seda de Papunika, botas de cuero y la daga de Fly, una de las 3 dagas sagradas de su país, era su tesoro mas preciado.

Pronto llego al estudio del castillo donde el rey Shinana aguardaba para despedirle. Luego de un breve abrazo la joven reina se encamino hacia el muelle real, donde la embarcación la esperaba.

The Hero and the Princess Historia por Mangaholic13
t was now a year since the war of the Great Demon Lord Vearn, a war which had ended with the hero of the world disappearing and no one knew where he was or when he'd return, only that he was alive and would someday return to them. In the meantime, it was up to all of those who had fought alongside him to protect this world until he could return; one of the first things they did was disable and remove the Black Cores Vearn had planted all over the planet. A much more difficult task came in the form of Dark Dragon King Velther, who despite having been turned into a statue in Demon World by Dai's father, Dragon Knight Baran, still sought to take over the surface world along with the Demon World.

And that was just the situation occurring: Pop, Maam, Leona, Hyunckel, Cocorodine, Avan, and several others were engaged against an army of Demon World monsters. "Damn it!" Pop angrily cursed as he threw several Mera and Hyado spells at a large group of monsters, "I thought that with Vearn dead, the people of the surface could finally get some peace!"

"That is where you are wrong, tiny human!" replied a large demon that was one of the leaders of the invading army, "Because with Dragon Knight Baran, Great Demon Lord Vearn, and Hero Dai all dead, the great and mighty Dark Dragon King Velther can conquer this world unimpeded!"

This last remark earned the demon an Mahyado in the face from Princess Leona, who indignantly shouted, "Dai is not dead! One day, he shall return to us!"

"Little good that does you now though, Princess Leona, because unless he comes back within the next few minutes, none of you will be alive to welcome him back!" a demonic wizard confidently boasted to the assembled group as a large, at least twice the size of the rather large Crocodine, devil with metallic skin stepped up front. "Now then, allow me, Wicked Wizard Wizrob, to introduce you to one of Lord Velther's greatest minions and the instrument of your demise, Metal MD!" The monster then struck, taking out several soldiers.

"Pop," Nova, the Hero of the North, shouted, "That monster is probably made of Orhicalcum. Use Medoroa on it!"

"That won't work Nova," Pop calmly replied, he then launched a Merazoma at the demon, which bounced off of it and hit another group of monsters, "As I thought, this thing reflects magic attacks."

Wizrob sneered at this discovery, "You're pretty perceptive human, the MD stands for Mirror Devil, any offensive spells cast at it will be deflected. This monster was created with the purpose of defeating Dragon Knight Baran, unfortunately it was unfinished before Baran had defeated Lord Velther, but it seems that was a stroke of luck, because there is no longer anyone here with power at Baran's level!"

"Master Avan! Hyunckel! Use the Sky technique to find its core and tell me where it's located, I should be able to destroy it!" Maam called out. Avan and Hyunckel closed their eyes, trying to sense the location of the monster's core, only to make a terrifying discovery!

"There's more then one Core!" Hyunckel exclaimed!

"At least twelve by my count," added Avan, "all of them spread throughout its body."

"What!?" cried Pop, Maam, Leona, and Crocodine.

"That's correct," Wizrob snickered, "On top of that, one of the Cores is very special, it can regenerate any other cores that are destroyed in an instant!"

"That's cheating," Hym, Pawn Warrior, angrily shouted.

"To be honest, I really wish Dai was here," Crocodine sadly added.


Meanwhile, near Papnika Castle, there rested a magnificent looking sword stuck in a small rock pedestal; this was a monument to a great and mighty hero, who sacrificed himself to save the world, twice. Two guards approached the sword with one, the younger of the two, boasting, "Why, I bet I can remove the sword from its sheath, then I could become a hero too!" He then approached the sword and grasping the handle pulled upward, but found he could make neither the sword nor the sheath budge.

As he continued this several times, the other, more experienced guard, gave a disapproving shake of his head and sternly rebuked, "You fool, there is only one person that can draw that sword in this world."

Before the younger could fire off a reply, they noticed a shining light descending rapidly from the sky towards them! It impacted the ground with a blinding flash. When the dust cleared, they then saw a boy, about thirteen years old, with black spiked hair! This boy quickly walked up to the sword, and with great ease drew the blade and began to inspect it before smiling and speaking to no one in particular said, "Good, I see you're as ready to fight as I am."

"Um… Are you? By any chance," asked the elder guard.

But the boy quickly asked his own question as he removed the sheath from the pedestal and re-sheathed the sword, "Where can I find the others?"

"They're at the valley, it's not that far from where the battle with Flamizzard was!"

"Thank you very much. Rura!" he spoke, vanishing in a small flash of light.


Meanwhile, the others were having a difficult time fighting Metal MD. "Triumphant Beast King Palm!" Shouted the former Hundred Beast Commander Crocodine as he launched a blast of fighting spirit at the monster's tail, which shattered it, only for the tail to quickly regenerate. "Was that the primary core?" Crocodine hopefully asked Hyunckel.

"I only wish it was, that core regenerated along with the tail."

"Damn it, that's only the third core we've managed to destroy, and all three were a miss!" Pop angrily cursed.

Wizrob, laughing at their wasted efforts, then mocking spoke, "I can't help but notice how poorly you are doing against MD. Allow me to further add to your despair! For you see, this MD is only a prototype!"

"What!?" Hym shouted in shock.

"Only a prototype," Maam repeated in horror.

"That's right! Deep in the bowls of the, Lord Velther's best alchemists are busily at work creating the finished version, which will be several times stronger, have several more cores then this one, possess intelligence, and be able to cast magic!"

"You got to be kidding me!" Nova uttered in disbelief, "We're getting beaten by the beta version?"

"And it only get worse from there! Once the complete version is finished, we'll begin mass production! So if you're having a difficult time fighting one prototype, it will be impossible for you to defeat an army of the completed version," added Wizrob, running off his tongue, "MD, take out Princess Leona, she's one of the best healers here!" In response to these orders, Metal MD, with speed that shocked those fighting it, dashed up to the princess and snatched her in one of its hands, and began to slowly squeeze the life out of her.

"Princess!" everyone shouted in horror as the monster's grip tightened.

But, at that moment, as if in response to their silent prays, they all heard a familiar voice cry out, "Avan Strash!" as the hand of the monster was cut off, releasing Leona, who was caught before she hit the ground by the familiar owner of that familiar voice. He looked at the princess in his arms, then towards the friends he hadn't seen in a year, "Leona, Pop, Maam, Hyunckel, Avan, Crocodine, everyone; I'm back."

"Dai, you're really here," Leona weakly but joyfully said.

"Dai is back!" Pop happily cried.

"Dai!" everyone else happily exclaimed.

"The Hero Dai, here? Now? How? Why?" Wizrob questioned in shock.

Avan and Hyunckel were the first to regain their composure, the former calling to Dai, "Dai! That monster is called Metal Mirror Devil, it's a construct similar to Flamizzard or the Chess Warriors, but it has multiple cores that can be regenerated by a unique core in its body! Destroy that core and I'm sure we can handle the rest!"

"Right, Master Avan!" Dai then closed his eyes, sensing each of the Cores within the monster. Noting how one core in particular felt differently from the rest, Dai opened his eyes and, quickly drawing his sword and swiftly stabbed Metal MD between its eyes before jumping back.

"That core isn't regenerating! Dai found it," Hyunckel enthusiastically declared.

"It can't be!" Wizrob cried in shock.

"Everyone! Don't let up! Let's strike this monster all together with your best technique!" Avan ordered as he readied the Avan Strash.

"Blood Scrier!"

"Avan Strash!"

"Aura Knuckle!"

"Triumphant Beast King Double Palm!"

"Aura Granblade!"

"Howling Tiger Blow!"

Hyunckel, Avan, Hym, Crocodine, Nova, and Maam all struck the monster from all sides at once, turning the monster into pieces, with all its cores shattered. Terrified at this sight, Wizrob telepathically communicated to a squad of sorcerers floating in the air, "Most of them are exhausted from the fight. Blast them with as many spells as you can! While I doubt that will kill Dai, it will take a number of his allies!"

The sorcerers began to quietly cast their spells, but before they could finish, they were annihilated by a blast of fire and ice from behind; turning quickly, Wizrob found Pop, floating in the air behind him. "When the hell did you get there?"

"While you were focused on them destroying the Metal MD." Pop mockingly said, "Hey! Dai! Check out this trick I developed while you were gone!" A small fireball then appeared at the tip of Pop's finger; four more fireballs soon appeared at the tips of his other fingers, which he threw at Wizrob, causing five powerful explosions, sending Wizrob flying. Pop then flew down

Dai instantly recognized the technique, "Flamizzard's Five Finger Bomb?"

"Nice right? Took me two months to be able to do it without burning my hand though. I knew you'd come back though Dai!" Pop cheerfully said while giving Dai a slap on the back, "So where have you been all this time? Demon World or Heaven?"

"Heaven Pop. Now let's head back to the castle, I have a lot to tell you all.


Now that they were back at Papnika castle, Dai began to explain what had happened, "First of all, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take so long to return, but the gods wouldn't let me leave Heaven till now. It's a long story, let me start from the beginning."


Dai was floating in space, barely hanging onto life after the explosion of Kill-Vearn's black core. "So this is how I'll die… Everyone, I'm sorry I couldn't keep our promise…"

But then, strong voice that seemed to come from inside Dai's head then anywhere else called out, "No Dai, it is not yet your time to die!" Dai then felt a warm sensation surround him, pulling him away from the earth as his conscious faded.

When Dai woke, he found himself floating in a serene and rather picturesque field of flowers, all of which looked familiar to Dai. "I remember, this is Heaven, just like when I met my mother. So I really have died."

But the voice Dai heard before spoke again, "No Dai, while you are indeed in Heaven, but you still live." Looking up, Dai saw three magnificent looking beings which words could not properly describe; Dai knew even at a glance that the three were gods. One appeared to be an old and wise man; another a giant and majestic dragon; and the last one's form was that of every monster Dai had ever encountered, see ones as powerful as Vearn and at the same time ones as harmless as a slime. "We have brought you here so that you may recover."

Looking over himself, Dai did see that all the cuts and bruises he'd received from Vearn and the black core were gone. Standing, or rather floating, upright Dai politely addressed the gods, "Thank you very much for your help, but I must get back to Earth, my friends no doubt think I'm dead and I don't wish for them to grieve for nothing."

"Your friends are fully aware that you live, though they are uncertain of whether you are in the Demon World or here in Heaven," a different, a more soothing and feminine one spoke. This news brought a smile to Dai's face, "But… You cannot return… Not yet at least."

This gave Dai pause before he asked, "But why can't I leave"

The three gods looked at each other before turning back to Dai, then a new voice that could only be described as vastly different from the first two spoke, "The reason is quite simply really, you have not yet fully recovered."

"What do you mean? I feel great," Dai argued, jumping up and down and twirling around.

"What I mean is that; you have faced several life threatening battles and while you have always recovered enough to fight again, overtime damage from them has accumulated within your body, weakening your life force. The damage has now reached a point where no amount of Behoumi spells could undo it, and should you return to the Earth, you would only live another two years."

"What," Pop interrupted, "You're going to die in a year?"

"Let Dai finish Pop," Maam quickly scolded.

"I was pretty shocked when I heard the news too," Dai admitted before continuing, "I'm going to die in two years?"

"Fear not Dai, for we have brought you here to recover through the healing energies of Heaven which will be able to heal you back to full help."

"However, it will take time for you to your health to fully recover. For most in your condition, it would take several years to recover. With your unique body, I believe it will take one to two years. In the mean time, you must prepare."

"Prepare, prepare for what?"

"For the coming of another threat, one who's strength rivals Great Demon Lord Vearn, and one you are already familiar with: enemy your father nearly died to seal away, Dark Dragon King Velther."

"Velther, but I thought he was still sealed within the Demon World in stone."

"That is true Dai, but only for now…"

"With the death of your father, the curse which confines Velther is slowly weakening. Given enough time, he will be able to break free of the seal with his own power."

"We currently believe he will break free in eight years. Already he is gathering his forces and preparing raiding parties to harry the humans. This is also why we wish for you to recover; so that you will be there to help confront Velther, the world still has need for your strength."

"He'll be free eight year… I thought the surface world could finally be at peace," Dai sadly lamented.

"While it is sad that a new threat will appear in less than a decade after one has been vanquished the fact, remains that it is coming. While you are here, you must prepare for the coming confrontation; we will the monitor both the surface world and the Demon world and update you on what is going on. In the meantime…" The human then shrank, becoming the same height as Dai, now looking like a pleasant old man; his voice also became much less booming, now sounding like a real old man, "There are a few people here who wish to see you."

"You've really changed."

"Oh, I thought this would make it easier for us to talk. Follow me!"


"So who was it that God took you to Dai," Avan asked with the same curiosity that was plainly on the others faces.

"My parents."

"Well, now we know what happened to you. But a bigger question is what we're going to do about Velther's Metal Mirror Devils, if we're to believe what Wizrob said, they'll be an even greater threat in the future then they were today."

"Well, I can assure you that not all of what Wizrob said was true. While they are working on a stronger version, they will only be able to produce five at most before Velther is free. In fact, you and Avan would have been able to sense which core was the primary if you hadn't already been tired from all the fighting before they brought it out Hyunckel."

"Well, that's good to know. It will make things easier for us to next time we encounter them."

"There's something else you need to tell you all. I know I just came back, I'm going to be going soon."

"What! Why?"

"Because, when you think about it, even though I've come home, all of us still aren't here."

Hearing these words, the gang all took on a sad, far away look as they thought about the one friend they'd lost. "Your right Dai," Pop admitted, "We're not truly all together without Gome. Alright, you go find him, we'll protect the kingdom until you're back."

"I'll have everything prepared by the time you're ready to leave," Leona promised.

"Thank you everyone."


That night, Dai dreamed about one of the meetings he had with his parents. "Dai, I noticed another way you're like your father."

"And how's that mom?"

"That both of you won the heart of a princess. You little dog you," she added as she playfully nudged Dai's shoulders.

"Mom, Leona and I are just friends," Dai weakly and embarrassingly argued.

"That's how it was at first with your father and I."

"Dear, don't embarrass him."

"Oh, alright Baran. But honestly Dai, you really should tell her how you feel."


It was now the morning of Dai's departure aboard a consecrated ship, everyone was present to see him off, almost everyone anyways. "Where do you think Princess Leona is?" Maam asked.

"She probably doesn't want to have to say goodbye to Dai," Pop guessed, "She was pretty sad while he was gone."

The ship soon set sail while everyone waved goodbye. As soon as the ship was out of sight, Apollo and Marin came running up to the assembled group looking worried, "Is something the matter?" Crocodine asked the two sages.

"We can't find any of the Princess Leona anywhere in or on the castle grounds, we were hoping she was here with you see Dai off."

"Well, if she's not in the castle and she's not with us, then were is she…" Then a thought popped into Pop's head, causing him to slap his face, "Don't tell she's…"

Meanwhile aboard the ship, Dai was watching the coastline fade away when suddenly, a pair of hands covered his eyes as a familiar voice said, "Guess who, Dai."

"What? Leona, what are you doing here," Dai asked as he turned around to face her.

"I didn't want you to go alone," she playfully answered, only to add when Dai gave her an unhappy look, "Don't you remember what my aunt Flora told me to do?"

"… Leona! Even if it makes him a little angry, you must let Dai out of your sight. Heroes tend to disappear once their work is done!"

"I remember, but I said I'd comeback as soon as I found Gome."

"I know that Dai, but…" Leona began she placed her arms around Dai and brought him closer to her, making both their faces turn red, "I spent everyday you were gone wondering if I'd ever see you again. When that monster was crushing in its hand, I thought I'd die never getting to see you comeback. When you saved my, I almost thought the gods were granting me my dying wish." Hearing Leona's confessions made Dai's face turn an even deeper shade of red. "While I know you'll comeback; now that you've finally returned, I want to spend as much time possible by your side Dai."


Back at the dock, "Well, I don't think we need to worry too much. Princess Leona can take care of herself and she'll be with Dai the entire time. Besides, I honestly doubt our Dai will try anything 'unseemly'."

"To be honest, Master Avan, I am far more worried about what the princess may try rather then Dai."

Pop then recalled the time Leona wore the magical bikini, which had given Pop a serious nosebleed, "I'm with Apollo; Leona is very forward," he agreed. The group began to argue about this, unaware that the Princess and her Hero were at this very moment sharing their first kiss.

Dai no Daibouken Reunion Closure
by Javiersansano

Capitulo 1

Perhaps the best way to describe such a place would be "a world in
which, even if there is perpetual light which blinds every being, making
it seem as if no one had a corporeal form, there was no need for sight,
or taste, touch, smell, or hearing". All that is needed is a
"life-force", be it from someone already dead, or someone alive who has
somehow arrived to such a realm, because with it, the so called
"instinct" or "sixth sense" also came. And nothing more than that was
necessary. It was in this place in which a young man's, or more
accurately, a grown up boy's journey would commence. Those higher beings
better known as gods of each race, who commanded him, would describe it
as a first time travel to place in which a mission shall be fulfilled.
Others might call it a journey back home. However this "Ultimate
Knight", as he was once called, and now seldom named by the Gods, was
unaware of this. To him, this would be the fulfilling of the purpose of
his existence, and no one would interfere with it.

While each of the three Gods could only be recognized as silhouettes of
one of the three major races between the creatures they had created, and
which emitted their own light, the young man had spiky black hair, with
a medium length ponytail, and wore a mask that resembled an opera one,
with its mouth and chin removed. Even through the small gap, it was
quite clear that his face was of soft features. His body had a decent
build, without being bulky, and quite the stature. He was dressed with
white, slightly baggy pants and a long, short sleeved, white shirt that
reached below the knees, and which resembled a robe. He wore no shoes,
and used a black, simple belt. He also wore a pendant with a small white
stone, but which sometimes emitted a weak blue light. Despite his 15
years old appearance, the nameless "Ultimate Knight" had just been
brought to *this* world three years ago.

– And so, that is your mission. It certainly is a disgrace that our past
actions could not suffice to permanently end his ambitions, but with
you, he shall be put to a stop once and for all – the biggest of the
three entities transmitted directly to the knight's mind – It has always
pained me that one of my children could become such a menace to the
worlds and to all of the living beings we three respectively created… –.

– However, we three already agreed so many centuries ago that the
balance must be held, even if that means the semi-holocaust of one of
the races. I admit that my children were extremely fortunate not to be
harmed by his actions, but they would have, had it not been for one of
your predecessors, young warrior. – Interrupted the one who, despite the
age difference, resembled the boy the most.

– However, that knight, and his successor, despite being successful
against Velther and Vearn respectively, were to attached to all living
things, be it humans, dragons, or *my* demons. Even if that might have
been the reason for the success against Vearn, it has also already
proved to be a much unstable power to be adequately wielded. Which is
why, you were created with a greater potential than them, and you have
been instructed not to purge a race when one of them threatens the
balance, but to locate the source of that revolt, and to eliminate it. –

– That way, life is preserved and respected. That is what I have been
taught my whole life… – Finally the masked boy spoke, as to answer the
expectations of his three parents and masters. – … But even if that is
one of the principles I must preserve, I am aware that sometimes it is
necessary to sacrifice a life for the preservation of the majority, and
of the balance… However, there is one question in my mind… –

The boy paused for a moment. He had been taught to always choose his
words with care. What was really strange about him is that he almost
never had questions. He only answered to the questions he was asked. The
issue with this boy is that, ever since his birth as the "Ultimate
Knight", he had always been "taught"; he had never learned anything on
his own, nor outside of Tenkai.

– …How do I measure when the balance is so threatened that a sacrifice
must be made to preserve the balance? The only life forms I know of are
you three, and I, and so… –.

– Which is exactly why, you have been instructed to *avoid contact with
other life forms*. Remember that your mission is simple, to locate and
collect the sword of your predecessor, locate the entrance to Makai, and
eliminate Velther. Also, don't forget to avoid using your powers while
you reside in Ningenkai, unless it is absolutely necessary for you to do
so. Finally, and the most important, *DO NOT REMOVE YOUR MASK AS LONG AS
YOU ARE THERE*! – The Human God said without even letting the boy finish
his sentence. As a matter of fact, all three Gods directed their eyes to
the boy, emphasizing the Human God instruction. – Now, we shall send you
to the surface, here you shall begin your mission. You'll feel where you
are supposed to head to, to locate your sword –. And with that, the
three of them began to chant some words in an ancient language, words
which brought a white and golden circle around the warrior, with which
he would be teleported to the surface.

– … Understood… – the young man answered dryly, just before he got
completely blind, and his consciousness vanished, along with his body.
But just before fading completely, something that felt like a pair of
arms touched his as if hugging him.

The Gods also noticed that their warrior's departure was much more
brilliant that what would have been normal, as if she sun had shined
upon him.


yelled to the full extent of her lungs a beautiful, and elegantly
dressed, 17 years old blonde girl, with a clearly harsh character, but a
willpower and sense of justice above anything seen in most people of the

In the last three, her body had developed into that of and adult
(despite being just 17 years old), and had finally settled for a long,
white robe and some golden accessories, like wristbands and earrings.

– Your Majesty, I understand that you have no intention of marrying just
any man, but as the princess of Papunika, you owe your people, which
include the nobles that have protected the kingdom for decades, even
centuries, some respect. This means that you can't reject every marriage
candidate. Unfortunately, the tradition and laws of our kingdom dictate
that you can't become Queen unless you reach the age of 18, or get
married, in which case your husband would become the King. – explained a
61 years old man, who was wearing an armor adorned with a cape and other
pieces of cloth.

– Usually, there should be no problem with the country waiting for you
to come to age, which will happen in just one year, especially after
your leadership and participation in the war against the Demon Army
three years ago. However, the nobles have taken to their advantage the
fact that, as Papunika got practically destroyed during the war, its
post-reconstruction period has been quite unstable, and so, have spent
the last three years discrediting your leadership because they find you
unfit to rule in such dire circumstances, even though the facts have
proven that wrong. – said a young man with spiky black hair, who wore a
yellow diadem with a red jewel on the center, wristbands on both arms, a
mostly white robe, and a pair of boots. – Because of this, you should
listen to Baduck-san, and at the very least accept their interviews,
Princess Leona. There shouldn't be much of them for what remains of the
year. –.

– It's just as Apollo and Baduck say princess; once the year is over,
you'll take over as Queen of Papunika, and you'll rule the country
rightfully. But for appearances sake, and for you to avoid getting the
image of a tyrant, you must act more diplomatically with the nobles, who
in theory help maintain the stability of the kingdom. – said Aimi, who
along with Apollo, and her older sister Marin, were the three Wise Sages
of the kingdom.

Even though she had left her position until recently in order to follow
Hyunkel, because of the instability the kingdom was facing, she returned
and put her heart problems aside for the time being.

– I'm sorry, but I have to differ…– said Marin. Just like her siblings,
she had black hair, and dressed similarly, in accordance with their
titles. –

None of the sages, or old man Baduck had changed much during the three
years that had passed. Baduck had finally retired from his duties as
knight of Papunika, but given his years of service, and his resilient
but important support to Dai's party, he had been appointed counselor of
her Majesty Leona.

– Maybe it's true that most nobles are acting like vultures after the
throne, but unfortunately, it's also true ruling the country is not an
easy task for most people, especially at such a young age, and even if
it's clear that you don't suffer from that weakness, it's undeniable
that there is no other heir to the throne besides you. If you wish to
maintain the lineage, you must marry to a man of noble birth, and
unfortunately, Dai-kun isn't …–.

– *You better stop that sentence right there or you'll regret it Marin.
*– Said Leona with a tone that was completely different from her easy to
lit usual anger. It was very close to pure hatred. It might be some time
before she can address Marin like she always does.

– But you can't say for sure that he'll be back. Even if we know that he
is alive because of his sword, we can't tell if he can return from
wherever he got sent after the Black Core exploded. And even if he comes
back, as much as it pains me to say it, even if he is a Hero, he isn't
of noble birth, and because of that, you can't marry him… – continued
Marin with a pained expression on her face. – …You simply can't forget
your duties as the ruler of Papunika, especially with the chances of a
civil war, instigated by the nobles. Accepting the interviews might not
be enough to stop their ambitions –.

LOOK FOR HIM… I, I…regret not stopping him right at the time he grabbed
the Black Core and flew with it. Sometimes, I even wish I could get rid
of my du…–.

– STOP RIGHT THERE, PRINCESS! – Immediately said Aimi to stop both girls
from saying too much – Pardon my rudeness, and for going beyond my place
Your Majesty, but both of you have said too much. Marin, you can't
forget your place as a Wise Sage, and most importantly, as a fellow
woman. And you, Princess Leona, you can't get rid of your
responsibilities, not even wish for it. Regarding Dai-kun's lineage,
considering the status he has gained, it shouldn't be much of a problem.
Besides, don't forget, that even if it has already been destroyed, he is
the son of the princess of the kingdom of Alkeed… – explained Aimi,
before being interrupted.

– THAT'S TRUE...! –.

– But it's already been destroyed…–.

Both Leona and Marin said simultaneously. The discussion continued for
quite some time but thanks to the other two Sages, it didn't get any
more hot than necessary. The only one who did not participate of it was
Baduck, who after listening Aimi's words, stood in his place, silent,
with his hand grabbing his chin, thinking very deeply. Without anyone
noticing, he left for his room, where he grabbed some paper and ink.
Before leaving the princess's room, he dared to borrow the royal seal.
With the implements he acquired, he wrote a letter directed to the
kingdom of Karl, which had been reconstructed shortly after the end of
the war against the Demon Army. It was specifically addressed to King
Avan, who years before Dai, fought and defeated Demon King Hadlar and
saved the world, and who later would join forces with the new Hero, in
order to defeat Demon Lord Vearn, while commanding the revived Hadlar,
and many other generals.

After that war, which ended with the hero Dai defeating Demon lord
Vearn, and foiling Dark Dragon Velther's attempt to incinerate and
destroy Ningenkai, to allow Makai to become the new surface of the
planet, everyone close the hero had been informed of his complete
history. How he had been born as Dino, as the result of the union of the
previous Dragon Knight Baran, and Alkeed's princess Soara, and how
Alkeed's nobles, unable to withstand the idea of an stranger like Baran
taking the throne, framed him of being a demon from Demon King Hadlar's
army, unleashing a chain of events which ended with Baran siding with
Vearn after Soara's death and Dai's disappearance. How father and son
fought each other, and how they later joined forces. After Baran died
protecting his son, how Dai surpassed his father's power, and finally
saved the world, by sacrificing himself.

Fortunately, Dai was still alive, as the sword he received from the
master blacksmith Lon Berk, had a jewel which would still shine because
the owner was still alive. This is why everyone kept hope.
Unfortunately, the Black Core was so powerful, it could destroy a
continent, and even if Dai was alive, it was impossible to know if he
was still in Ningenkai.

Despite that, his very first two companions, the /Daimadoushi /Pop, and
the Fighter Marm, along the diviner Merle, who they met during their
journey more than three years ago, where still looking for him.


– Dear, Pop is back, and has brought his friends, Marm and Merle, with
him, fufu… – said Steenue, Pop's mother, as she saw his son and her two
companions arriving at their house.

This situation had become sort of a routine. Since the end of the war
three years ago, information traveled much faster between each country,
and Dai's companions had become accustomed to travel periodically from
country to country, searching for the disappeared Hero's whereabouts, to
later rest in the home town of one them, or at least that is how it had
started. During the first of the last three years, Pop, Marm, and Merle
traveled together, going from town to town, country to country, in order
to "openly" search for Dai whereabouts.

As for Hyunkel and Larhalt, they searched for Dai through more shady
circles around the world, while they were followed by the love-struck
Aimi until just last year.

The former King Beast Crocodine, remained in Delmurin Island along
Brass, Hym, Chiu, and the other creatures that resided it, the reason
for that being that they all thought they should remain alongside the
hurt broken Brass, who has not seen his adopted grandson in a long time.
Of course, they did not waste their time. Somehow, Chiu managed to
include some of the surviving soldiers of Vearn's Demon Army into his
/Yougekitai/. As these demons had come directly from Makai, they managed
to travel back and forth from it, as only demons had said liberty. The
original purpose of this was to allow demons to slowly, and steadily
populate the Ningenkai, so as to gain the benefits which Vearn always
sought; the light of the Sun, as a method to prevent any conflict
between both worlds, but of course, this plan only concerned
non-threatening demons. The "hub" for this migration was Delmurin Island
itself, which being guarded by Pawn Warrior Hym and Crocodine, made it a
safe place for this incursion. But an unexpected benefit from this was
the intelligence network that they had inadvertently created in Makai,
with which they periodically received a report regarding Dai
whereabouts, which combined with Chiu's /Yougekitai/ in Ningenkai, and
the hundreds of beasts tamed by Crocodine, pretty much covered both
worlds. Unfortunately, this had not thrown any results. As a matter of
fact, after realizing that they had already traveled back and forth the
world, all the search parties, and intelligence parties had reached a

only one credible and available option was left: TENKAI.

Most people might think that it didn't make sense, as Tenkai was the
place where supposedly, every soul returned to once the body couldn't
sustain it anymore. Also, some might think it wasn't so terrible to be
there, as it might be a reward for a warrior hos is exhausted of the
endless battles. But the Hero party got extremely concerned with this
possibility, because of two reasons:

They had no idea how to reach Tenkai to retrieve Dai, who had himself
said that he wanted to stay in Ningenkai, and, they had no idea if he
would be influenced by the Gods in converting into some sort of cold
blooded, distant, perfect "Dragon Knight", like his father had once
sought for before regaining his humanity. It was in the last year in
which all their efforts had been directed not in the search for Dai, but
for information on how to reach Tenkai. But they had not gotten any good

This time, the "main" search party had arrived at Pop's hometown. In the
last years, Pop had changed quite a bit. His facial structure had become
that of a man, but not that of his father Junk, and his stature had not
improved that much, but at least he did not get behind Marm (whih would
have been mortifying). He was currently wearing some light green pants
and a white shirt, along a cape which he used outdoors at night. In his
bag, he kept some basic magician equipment, in case they got in
troubles, and had to defend themselves seriously (which fortunately,
happened quite seldom).

– Mom! You don't have to put it that way! I'll seem like some sort of
pervert…– said to his mother, who had not changed that much after such a
short time. While he was saying that, his father appeared with a grumpy
expression on his face, in part to show his dislike of Pop's disregard
for them, and also to hide the joy of seeing him well.

– More than you *are*? That is impossible. Actually, from what I have
seen, you don't resemble either of your parents in that matter. I'm
starting to wonder if Matoriv-ojiisan is a distant relative of yours…–.
Neither did Marm change that much.

Her body had already matured during the war, and only her personality
had changed a little during the past years. She learned to hold back her
fists a little more, mostly because she had realized the strength she
had gained, and also because she wanted to resemble a "proper" lady a
little more. Considering Dai's pending issue, she and Pop had decided to
leave their personal matter (which also involved Merle and Hyunkel) on
hold for the time being. She had decided for a an oriental dress which
had both sides of the skirt open for freedom of movement on her legs,
and which had no sleeves.

– Marm-san, you are exaggerating. Pop-san has conducted himself quite
properly...even though we have caught him a few time peeking through the
WAIT OJI-SAN… – replied Merle, until Junk grabbed his son from the groin
and his head, and threw him through the open window on the first floor
of their house.

Merle had finally matured into a proper 18 years old woman, although she
had developed a slight inferiority complex when compared with Marm, but
they both remained good friends. She came into the house with a cerulean
robe, which was only long enough to leave her sandals at sight.
Unfortunately, her divining powers had not been of much help during
their journeys…actually, she never managed to use them for Dai's search,
only for the party journey, which is why during the last three years,
her smile had become quite the seldom event, as she couldn't stand being
useless to Pop, and the others. Of course, both Pop and Marm tried to
put her at ease, but sometimes even they criticized her for her
inability to locate even the slightest clue. Actually, this was another
reason why they had concluded that Dai must had arrived at Tenkai, a
place which no living being could reach, nor see.

After the ruckus had passed, everyone discussed their progress told
their share of their journey, and also gave their opinions of it. After
that, they tried to enjoy a meal, and when they had all finished, Junk
brought it up:

– So…, what are you going to do now Pop – said Junk, with a slight
melancholy on his face – I mean, if the conclusion you have all reached
is that Dai-kun is at Tenkai, how do you expect to bring him back, even
if he somehow managed to retain his life…–.

Pop didn't answer immediately, and instead, his face showed a troubled
expression. The same he showed before gaining his composure, and showing
his resolve on going to Papunika to stop the Kiganjou's attack on the
world summit, more than three years ago. That was a pattern his parents
and friends had learned to recognize. Actually, Pop had already thought
of a plan, right after they stumbled on a small piece of information
which could hardly be called a lead, at Teran's royal library, with some
help of the King of Teran, and Merle's 75 years old grandma, Nabara. It
was more likely, a method to go to a place different than Tenkai, but
given what Vearn had said during his last conversation with Velther, it
might be possible to find a way to reach Tenkai, with the information
the obtain.

– Actually, after some info we somehow stumbled upon at Teran, we have
decided to do one more journey, in which we might get some info on how
to reach Tenkai –.

– And where do you plan to go for said journey and for how long? – Said
Steenue, worried over her son's troubled face.

– As for how long, I wouldn't know…As for the place…that would be…Makai
– Said Pop, with a huge grin on his face, only to cover his fear and doubts.

– … –.

– … –.

– … –.

– … –.

– … *ARE YOU FUCKING OUT OF YOUR MIND…!* – Junk snapped, after hearing
Pop's plan, and watching his grin, while turning the table upside down.

Right after the end of the war, as Lon Berk had become incapable of
using his arms because of his fight against Zaboera, and had taken Nova,
the former knight of Ringaia, as his blacksmith disciple, both he and
Junk had gotten themselves with a lot of free time, and thus, to pass
the days, right after getting drunk, Lon Berk (who had finally developed
a bond of trust not just with Junk, but with everyone) would start
rambling about Makai. Junk had decided to pay attention to said stories,
and only that was enough to scare him.

– There is no way I'll let you do that! No matter how strong was Demon
Lord Vearn, he was still just one individual, and you are talking about
going to a place which might house beings extremely strong. Not only
that, but you might be facing the power of an entire world. Besides,
how, and why do you want to go to Makai… –.

– Actually, that is what we found in Teran… – Answered Merle, who had
just recovered from the shock of Junk tantrum. – During our last
journey, my powers finally showed me something; Teran's Royal Library.
Once we arrived there, my divining skills guided us to one specific
book. It was in that book that we discovered that the reason why the
Anti-Evil Cave was created, was not just to protect their secrets, but
also as a way to prevent humans to reach Makai…– continued Merle, while
Junk and his wife put a expression of surprise in face of the news that
the extremely dangerous dungeon, where the spell Minakatoru, and the
Kiseiseki anti-evil secret were discovered right before the final battle
of the war three years ago. – …That's right; the Anti-Evil Cave is the
entrance to Makai. Not only it is a place to keep the anti-evil spells
safe, but also a way to train and acquire the spells necessary to reach
Makai, and survive there –.

– But still…Why are you so sure that Makai is where you can find a means
to reach Tenkai! – replied Steenue with an almost desperate expression
on her face. – Not only that; you've already told me that said cave is
extremely dangerous, that Avan-sama barely survived its first 150
floors. Who knows how deep Makai entrance lies. –.

Both she and her husband where still white from the shock of his son and
companion's plan. It was simply idiotic to go to Makai, specially,
without any evidence to support their theory. And in fact, there is no
proof that Makai is the place with the answers they seek.

– It's because of Vearn's last words to Velther – Marm answered. As she
was about to continue, she began to remember that incident, while she
was inside the Hitomi. How Vearn had mocked Velther about the result of
their wager on who would destroy the Surface, and Vearn's offer – Vearn
said it himself, that if Velther wanted to, he could attack Tenkai, in
order to free Velther from his seal… That can only mean that Vearn must
have known of some method to reach Tenkai, and that method might be at
Makai… –.

– *Might be*, just *might*, and you have already decided to take that
option –.

– It's the only method left! We have to find Dai soon, and have to start
now or I'll…! – replied Pop to his father's complain, before flinching
with a pained expression on his face, and falling to his knees while
holding his whole torso.

– POP! – said everyone at the same time.

It had happened before, during the war, whenever Pop used too many
strong spells, too fast. But now, three years later, Pop began to
experience episodes like this one more commonly, despite the fact he had
not fought seriously in a long time. He tried to make sure that no one
noticed this behavior of his, but he had finally failed. The reason was
clear to him, and everyone that knew Pop's mentor, Matoriv. The spells
had taken their toll on both /Daimadoushi/, and because of that, their
health had decayed considerably. In Pop's case, despite being young, he
had acted much more recklessly than his mentor on his own time, and even
if the disciple's condition wasn't as dire as his master's, he would
never again be able to enjoy a completely fulfilling and adventurous
life, and if he continued to act so rashly, not even a long life.

– …How long has this been going on, ojou-san. – asked Junk to Merle, who
because of the commotion, took one extra second to react to Junk
addressing her, before switching her gze towards him – I can hardly
believe my son is such a good actor that he would be able to fool the
two of you, especially for almost three years… –.

– …Actually… – Marm interjected – …this had already happened during the
war against the Demon Army, because of all the fighting he had to
participate in; Just like Matoriv-ojisan, he also had to resort to
powerful, forbidden spells… – continued while staring at Junk, and next
at Pop – …but it doesn't make sense that he continues to suffer from
that today, unless… –.

– Unless what's really going on is that I've been enduring this ever
since we began our journey… – finally had Pop decided to intervene with,
as if saying what was passing through Marm's head – Despite my healing
spells, this condition of mine is of the same kind as Matoriv-shishou's,
only that I developed it faster because I began to use such spells at
such an early age...Really, how pathetic can I be…–.

What took place then shocked everybody, including Pop. His own mother
had slapped him, with her face full of tears dropping from her cheeks,
while his own began to get a shade of red.

– …*How can you make fun of your own life and health*…THINK ABOUT THOSE
AROUND YOU! – Finally shouted Steenue, before succumbing to her own
weight, and kneeling while crying desperately.

Merle and Junk wanted to join her, while Marm decided to hold back her
own tears, without ever turning her eyes away from Pop, who before his
mother's words, could only drop his head, staring at the floor.

What followed was a forced explanation from Pop, about his condition.
The reason he did not show any signs of it was the fact that in order to
cover as much of the world as possible during their journey, they would
have to refrain from using /Toberura/. That was in part true, but it was
also a lie from Pop, as a way to refrain himself from using magic, thus,
making sure that his condition wouldn't show up no get any worse. Pop
had also stopped his training, which often bothered Marm and Merle, but
he had simply retorted that he wanted to develop his physical ability,
and stop relying on his magic, despite their claims that it would be a
waste not to continue.

However, once they had found the clue which indicated the path to Makai,
in order to let everyone know as fast as possible, Pop used /Ruura /to
report to Hyunkel and Larhalt, people at Delmurin Island, as well as
some of the Kings they had become more acquainted with during the war,
such as the King of Romos, the King of Teran, and their former Master,
and current King of Karl, Avan, and Queen Flora. Before with Leona, they
decided to visit Lankarks. All that usage of magic, added to the fact he
had gotten a little rusty during the last few years, took a big toll in
him, and he simply couldn't hide his condition any longer.

– …And that's the deal. In the middle of the Ruura that took us to Karl,
I began to feel some pain, and I realized I had to rest, so I asked Marm
and Merle to come home… –.

– …So Pop-san lied when he said the he had figured that it would take
some time for everyone to gather before going to Makai… – Said Merle
with her eyes facing downwards, as if trying to avoid looking at Pop. He
would alternate his gaze at Merle, then his parents, and then Marm, with
an expression that showed.

– …anything? – was heard by everyone. They all looked at each other,
before everyone faced Marm, who had turned her head to the side, not
letting anyone see her face.

– Said anything Marm? – uttered Pop after a few seconds of waiting for
Marm to say something

– I said: *"Haven't you learned anything?"!* – Finally exploded Marm
with a face full of real anger, and that almost immediately switched
into one of sorrow. Next to that, tears began to form in her eyes,
followed with her looking down, and swinging her fist at Pop, who didn't
have time to react. But she had stopped just before making contact. Pop
had put a dumb and surprised expression, which changed into one with
slight regret after watching a tear falling from Marm's hidden face. –
…When I was gone for my training and you all faced Baran, you *did* die
for a moment. And you kept it to yourself. And when you couldn't light
your Mark of Avan, you also kept it to yourself, sinking onto your own
despair…*Have you not realized that it makes things worse for
everyone?..* –.

Pop stood silent for a moment, but the atmosphere made it seem as hours.
Actually, he had already understood that during the war three years ago,
as almost Merle's innocent life was lost because of his stubbornness. He
actually felt really bad about keeping to himself his condition,
especially because it required him to stop using the great magic power
he had acquired thanks to Merle's courage during the /Minakatoru/
casting. But this contradiction was nothing compared with what he had
lost: His best friend. In face of that fact, all he had learned, and
even the scolding he got from his parents once he had decided to tell
them everything about his journey, including the incident with Baran,
became nothing.

He had finally decided to answer, but maybe he would have liked to take
another minute to think, even if his intentions with it were good. – …I
know that Marm, but I think we all agree that our top priority is to
find Dai… –. It was an answer which couldn't be countered. – …besides,
it might be a good thing to get so damaged at such a young face. With my
potential, I might have had a life expectancy rivaling with
Matoriv-shishou's or Brokena's, but with this, at least I'll die young
and handsome, HA HA HA HA HA! – He had fully evaluated the consequences
of such and answer, but he had to lighten the mood, so that they could
get everything ready for the remaining of the preparations of the
gathering at the Anti-Evil Cave. Besides, even if no one ever had said
it, Pop was easier to understand AFTER he did something worthy of the
following "act of kindness". His best quality will always be courage.

– *YOU FUCKING IDIOT! *– answered Marm at the same time she retreated
her fist, and threw it again towards Pop's face, but with the
fundamental difference that the punch didn't stop before making contact
with its target. It was actually strong enough to send Pop flying
through one of the walls of the house. Marm definitely continued with
her training diligently. Of course what followed was Junk punishment for
his son, something too violent to be mentioned.


– …How much longer before we arrive to Delmurin Island, Hyunkel?– asked
Land Warrior Larhalt, former Dragon Rider under Dragon Knight Baran's
command, and now just a traveler looking for his missing master,
Dino-sama, along with his friend and rival, Magic Sword Knight Hyunkel.
– I know that Pop and the others asked us to go get Crocodine and Hym,
so that we can all reunite in Papunika, but he never mentioned that the
trip would be long.

Hyunkel had light colored skin, silver hair, and wore clothes that
resembled a uniform, with a cape, while the half breed Larhalt, of light
blonde hair, blue skin and pointy ears, indicating his demon heritage,
wore a shirt that had only one shoulder, like a toga, and black pants.

– Stop complaining. You've grown too accustomed to riding a dragon. A
boat trip has its own worth. Besides, this is the ocean Dai saw when he
began his own journey. You've said it yourself, "I can't be Dai-sama's
subject if I don't know him better. Before meeting him again, I shall
learn as much as possible about him from you all". Well, this is the
best way to get to know him: looking at the same world he traveled…–.

They had already been travelling for almost three years, looking for
clues on their own, separately from Pop's party. They had been
accompanied for Aimi for the first two years, but the impeding issues at
Papunika forced her to leave them. In the previous war they had lost
their respective Magic Armors, and were travelling with just a basic
sword and a spear respectively, as there should be no enemies that
required them to use their full power. After getting the intel about the
Anti-Evil Cave, everyone had decided to recruit everyone from the party
that fought against Vearn three years ago, and reunite in Papunika, and
then head towards Lankarks to get Lon Berk & Nova to get some weapons,
and then head to Karl. While Pop, Marm, and Merle would go get Leona,
Hyunkel and Larhalt would get Crocodine and Hym.

– Maybe I'm complaining, but we have to hurry to Makai in order to reach
Dai-sama. And I'm not sure if getting Hym is really necessary for this
journey… –.

– We can't take any risks. We don't know if there are any remnants of
Vearn's, or Velther's forces. Also, you forgot to mention Crocodine… –.

– That man might have the spirit, but he is too weak. He couldn't
participate of the fight against Vearn. You were injured, while that
girl called Marm was exhausted form Mystvearn possession. Also, besides
Crocodine, I think't that that kid named Pop shouldn't come, and you
know why… Unfortunately for him, his act isn't good enough to fool us –.

– …I know that…but he still is one of Avan's disciples, and also Dai's
best friend. No matter what we say to him, he'll join us. That's just
who he is… –.

– …I see…Look, it seems we are approaching our destination… – Finished
Larhalt as they were approaching Delmurin Island's shore, where they
would reunite with Crocodine.


The young emissary form the Gods had arrived near the kingdom of
Papunika, with the mission of retrieving an important item that would be
required for his mission. All he carried with him was his attire. As he
had been instructed, he never approached any other living beings, and
never took of his mask. He had decided to rest for a while before
continuing with his journey, and unwillingly fell asleep.

– …ii-chan… onii-chan, what are you doing, sleeping in such a place –
said a small kid who was with his friends, taking a stroll. The kid was
shaking the young man's body to wake him up, and was also touching his mask.

The young man began to react to the kid's wake-up call, and opened his
eyes, only to see that his sight was slightly blocked by his own mask…
His mask was getting loose.

– *DON'T TOUCH IT! *– screamed the Ultimate Knight, fearful of
neglecting his duties and orders.

It took a moment for the startled kids to react…and they all began to
cry loudly. The young man was at a loss. He couldn't understand what was
going on. The only thing he knew was that he had been taught that this
kind of cry was a signal of suffering, and, it instinctively made him
feel bad.


– I… I… I'm sorry… for scaring you… – said the young warrior with a face
full of regret behind his mask.

It took some time for the kids to calm down and accept the young man's
apologies. After they stopped crying, the warrior explained to them that
he had been ordered by his masters to not remove his mask, and that
actually, being with them was also against the orders.

– … So, where are you going, onii-chan? – asked one of the kids

– I'm going to a place called Papunika, but I'm not quite sure what the
best road is – answered the warrior. He could "feel" the place he had to
reach, but in order to avoid contact with living creatures, and also
save time, he had been ordered to use the roads –

– … Is that a joke onii-chan? Papunika is a whole kingdom, and its
capital is in that direction, just as the sign over which you leaned to
sleep says – said the kid with a slightly surprised expression on his
face, which every other kid imitated.

– … Does it really say that? – Said the Knight, who had turned to the
sign, and started to read, to later bow his head, and close his eyes – …
I can't read it… –.

– HHHEEEEEEEEHHH! – screamed everyone besides the knight, who bowed his
head even more.


– Marm-san, don't you think it's already time you forgave Pop-san? –
said Merle, almost with a begging face, to Marm, who after punching Pop
though the wall of Junk' store, went to the nearby forest to rest and
put her thoughts in order. Merle had decided to follow her, leaving Pop
at his parents' mercy.

– You are too tolerant Merle. He always does that; whenever he is forced
into a corner, he answers with a joke...and in this case, he joked about
his own life. I hate that he disregards his life so easily –-

– … actually, I think it's the opposite. He holds his life very dear,
which is why he is so reckless, because he tries to live as free as
possible. He said it himself, that he sees life as a "Sudden Flash of
Light". I think he meant at the time, that the importance of life is how
to make the best of it, regardless of the length of it – Answered Merle
with a solemn face, right after sitting next to Marm.

Marm could only listen and open her eyes wide, as if remembering, and
also realizing the meaning behind those words. She finally understood
that what Pop wanted the most was to recover his best friend, and
experience life with him and everybody else, without a care if he grows
old or not. Merle really understood Pop really well, which made Marm
feel a little jealous. They had never talked about it, as it was a
silent oath to put their personal feelings, the love triangle the three
of them were immersed into, on hold, at least until they reunited with
Dai. But still, their relationship was always present in their minds.

Still, she could not stand that attitude of his. Such an attitude caused
Roka's death, during Avan's fight against Hadlar 18 years ago, leaving
her mother, Leila, at Neiru village, without her husband. Marm had
always been proud of both of them, but still thought that they should
have taken better care of themselves.

– … He is still the most idiotic person ever… –.


– So… in the end, you've ended up making some of my mistakes, and
running your body because of your recklessness… I'm disappointed of you,
but mostly, myself – Said Matoriv with a sad face. He had never expected
that his disciple would, being so young, and in a much shorter time
frame, develop the same condition, caused by the excessive usage of
spells. – Now, I'm bedridden, almost unable to move. I have to depend on
Masopho and the rest of his party… – Matoriv continued. He was referring
to the fake heroes' party that had always gotten in trouble during the
war three years ago, but somehow always survived.

– Shishou… I know I should have been more careful, but I'm not sure we
would have survived, had I not fought the way I did. I…–.

– Say no more. I would have done the same. Besides, I have nothing to
rebuke you. Instead of leaving your friend, you are willing to go to a
real hell to find only a possible clue… Sometimes I wonder if you really
are disciple of a villain like me.

– Shishou, don't say such…– tried Pop to say before being kicked in the
face by his master, and being thrown a bag at his face.

– Shut the hell up, and take that medicine. I made it just in case you
ended up like me. It's just a painkiller. Once its effects wear off,
you'll feel the whole rebound of the pain, or worse… You see, I AM a
villain, giving my student the ways to continue his suffering…Now,
please get out, I'm sleepy.

– Shishou, I… – tried Pop to answer, but decided to respect his master's
will, and simply left the hideout, and used /Ruura/ to returns to Lankarks.

After Pop had left, Matoriv prayed that his "son" could make it back
safe and sound.


– … So, the time has come, right? Personally, the idea doesn't thrill
me, but we have no choice. – said a giant, anthropomorphic, reddish
lizard, with one scarred eye, who wore an armor that fitted his not slim
built up.

The former Commander of Beast Division of the Demon Army. The Beast King
Crocodine had decided to "settle" at Delmurin Island, to make company
for Dai's adoptive grandfather, Brass. Of course, settle wasn't the
right word; he never had neglected his training, as he had found
embarrassing his performance during the final battle of the war three
years ago. Also, he somehow felt that Dai would not come back by
himself, but he would have to be brought back, and that would require
everyone's strength.

– Just as you've said, there is no choice but to go to Makai in order to
learn of a pathway to Tenkai, and get Dai back – Said Hyunkel, who along
with Larhalt, had recently arrived to Dai's former home.

– The idea is to go down there, and search for all of Vearn's
strongholds scattered around Makai, find our intel, and get back to
Ningenkai as fast as possible. We won't waste any time down there…we
can't tell what kind of dangers we may find – Added Larhalt to the

– Auuu! Come on, you should all be more excited. Going to Makai should
be something good, with all the opponents me may find down there –
Intervened Pawn Warrior Hym, former member of Hadlar's Shinei Kidan, the
chess pieces warriors he created from Orichalcum. Like always, he was
too hot headed for his own good, but at least was more honest than
anyone – But regarding the thing about being quick, I agree; I want to
fight you two as soon as possible, but I know we'll have to wait after
we bring Dai back.

– At least we all agree on that… – Replied the Karate Mouse Chiu, who
had been a student under Holy Fist Brookena, a martial arts master who
also trained Marm during the war three years ago. Making use of
Crocodines "Beast King Whistle", and his extremely high luck, he managed
to create his own squad of monsters called /Juuou Yougekitai/, which in
the last few years, had been expanding, and had become critical at
maintaining order at the point of convergence Delmurin Island had
become, with all the demons coming and leaving through it – …However,
I'm curious, how we should get to Papunika. I mean, I trust in the
flying creatures I and Crocodine-san have recruited on our own, but that
would be too slow… Seriously, Pop should come for us and use his /Ruura/
instead of… –.

– That won't be a problem. Remember that even as a monster, I fall in
the category of a Magic User, meaning that, as I have already been at
Papunika, I can use /Ruura/ to get us there on my own. Pop-kun though
about this when he instructed us… – Replied Brass, Dai's adoptive

As the most intelligent residing monster of the island, Brass had always
maintained order in it, but with the war, and the current state of
affairs, he required the help form Chiu, Hym, and Crocodine to keep
things calm. But now, he would leave the island, to get everyone form
Dai's party to Papunika. Even if he wanted to go with them in the
journey, he knew he would be a drag for them, but at least he would
assist them as much as possible.

– Ah, I see… he might be smarter than he looks like – commented Chiu, to
which everyone gave a light smile.

– Leaving that aside, we should get ready… – Finally said Hyunkel, who
like always, acted as the leader of the party.

They had a lot to do for preparations, and their plan was already
decided, but something would happen at Papunika that would change it


– … So, have you cooled your head, or you're gonna hit me again..? –
Said Pop, with a slightly swollen face, right after Marm returned along
Merle to Junk and Steenue's house.

– … Wanna find out..? – answered Merle, rising her fist with the intent
of threatening Pop, who could only chuckle in fear, and look away. –
…Ahhhh… Actually, I'm more calm, but not less angry. I hope you have at
least begun to think about your attitude problems. Of course, I don0t
expect you to change in just one day –.

– … Actually, I've been thinking about what you said since the fight
against Mystvearn in Papunika… – answered Pop, while remembering that
event. The side-effects of using forbidden spell began to show right
during it. At that time, he thought that it didn't matter, as he was
still pretty young, and still had enough vitality. Besides, the priority
wasn0t his health, or at least that is what he had thought at the time.
– But just like at that time, there are more important things to think
about. No matter what, no one can disagree with me in that our top
priority is finding Dai… Because of that, I'll tell you two things I
won't back off with: One, I'll worry about ALL our issues once he is
back safe and sound… – Said Pop, emphasizing the word "all", with the
intention of having everyone at the house listen to that part.– … and
two… The reason why my pains are acting up is not because I overdid it
during the war, but because I've been overdoing it since then… –.

– Wha… What do you mean by that, Pop-san? – Intervened Merle before
anyone could say anything.

When Pop said that last part, everyone became confused, but Marm was the
one to recover the fastest, and figure out everything. For some reason,
Pop had concluded that they would need strength in order to get Dai back
to them. Actually, not only him, but everyone form the party had been
training and recovering in the last three years, with the same
premonition. What actually pained Marm was the fact that neither Pop nor
she could open up to the other about the matter. Her hands had become
fists, and were trembling in anger, but not the one she felt whenever
Pop acted too lecherous, but the one she felt whenever she faced the
walls that surrounded everyone she had met. Ever since Dai had left,
everyone form their team had lost some contact with each other, and that
hurt her. It was obvious that Dai's presence was vital for the group's
stability. Merle felt exactly the same, while Pop's parents could guess it.

– … So, you've also been training, right Pop? – answered Marm, with a
fake smile on her face, as if trying to relieve the tension. – ahhh, you
could've told me, and whe might have progressed together. After all, I
also got a copy of the Book of Avan –.

The Book of Avan, which contained their Master's extensive knowledge in
weapons and magic. After the war, everyone got a simplified copy of said
book. And everyone had been training using it.

What came after Marm's response was a somewhat awkward, but relaxed
conversation. In the end, it was obvious that Pop would stop his selfish
actios regarding his health and life only when Dai was back with them.
And everyone at the house accepted it, without even saying it. In a few
hours, they would get Leona back at Papunika, and they would reunite
with Hyunkel's group at Lon Berk and Nova's forgery shop.

They had a lot to do for preparations, and their plan was already
decided, but something would happen at Papunika that would change it


Ever since the end of the war, the completely destroyed kingdom of Karl
had been through a fast reconstruction phase. With Queen Flora, and her
husband, King Avan Ginual's leadership, the country quickly recovered.
Initially, there had been many objections with Avan's and Flora
engagement because of his low status of a knight, but his history as
Hero, and later, supporter of the Hero Dai, earned him the people's
respect and love, making him quite suitable for the job. Around twenty
years ago, Avan faced and defeated Demon King Hadlar. Then, three years
ago, Hadlar came back, under Demon Lord Vearn's command, and began the
Demon Army's assault on the Surface. Avan was quickly dispatched by
Hadlar, but came back for the final battle.

– So, it seems that soon, your disciples will come here, to go through
the Anti-Evil Cave, towards Makai. Are you sure that you approve of this
Avan? – asked Queen Flora to her husband. She was a beautiful blonde, 32
years old woman, who kept her hair in a ponytail. Despite her position
as a Queen, she had become very happy after getting married to "her"
Hero. Of course, at the beginning, she was quite angry and frustrated at
Avan's negative of revealing his status after Hadlar had supposedly
killed him at the beginning of the war. But in the end, she had
completely forgiven him. As for Avan, after a few months adjusting to
this new lifestyle, had realized that he would have been much happier,
much sooner, had he not become a hero's trainer right after his first
fight against Hadlar, twenty years ago.

– Even if I did not approve of it, I could not stop them. Besides, they
have all surpassed me since long ago… – answered Avan, with a sad and
slightly nostalgic face, as if remembering his own adventures. He was a
32 years old man, who had white hair, braided like an old noble man.

– … You are not thinking of going with them, are you – said Flora, with
some anger on her face, clearly saying with her expression "you better
not be planning to do that, or you'll get it". Avan easily managed to
sense this message, and quickly put a serious face.

– Of course not. I'm getting old for that, and they don't need me for
that. Besides, I already more important things to think about… – said
Avan, first looking at his wife, and then at his two years old son. They
had decided to name him Roka, after Marm's father, who had joined Avan
in his fight twenty years ago. Marm was born during a one year long
ceasefire, thanks to the Frozen Time spell that Avan performed on
Hadlar, and which had both of them trapped into for that whole year.
Once the spell dispelled, the fight continued, and a time later, during
the final battle, Roka died, leaving Marm alone with her mother, Leila.

Avan learnt his lesson with his friend's death, and with Marm and
Leila's sad faces. Once his own child had been born, he swore to never
get himself in another adventure. His disciples had already matured
enough, and he would always be for them as a source of knowledge &
support. It goes without saying, that Flora felt quite relieved from
this. However, Avan had yet to tell Flora about one more journey he
would go on, a decision he made after receiven a letter from Badduck,
Princess Leona loyal subject.

– But Flora, there is something I have to tell you… – said Avan to his
wife, ready for a little mayhem.


– Master, when do you think that everyone will arrive? These weapons are
all finished, and I'm also ready. I only wish you could come with us. A
chaperon is always useful… – Said a 19 years old, spiky blue haired
young man, who was next to a forge, talking to a blue skinned, black
haired demon, who had a large cross-shaped scar on his face.

Nova had been Ringaia's knight, and was also known as the Hero of the
North during the war three years ago. His self-absorbed attitude had
almost leaded him to his own demise, but with Dai's presence, and Lon
Berk spirit, he had found his vocation.

– No thanks. I've already decided that I won't join you guys. This is
your adventure. And about you being ready, I commend you for progressing
so much in such a shorty time. You really are meant to surpass me… –
answered Lon Berk, the legendary swordsman and weapon smith who
supported Dai during the war three years ago, particularly with the
creation of the /Sword of Dai/, the orichalum sword that Dai used, and
which was put in Papunika as a beacon for Dai, in case he returned. It
was the shine in that sword's jewel that proved that Dai was still
alive. Lon Berk words put a smile on Nova's face, as he wasn't used to
his master's praising. – … But I warn you, don't make the same mistakes
I have made. You still have a future… –.

Lon Berk had not limited himself to teach Nova the profession of
blacksmith. Nova had also been trained in the art of the sword, and had
progressed very fast. Together, they analyzed Lon Berk flaws, and
deviced countermeasures for Nova's use. In a few more years, Nova would
reach the stage Lon Berk had seeked his whole life.

– … I know that, master – answered Nova, as if trying to put his master
at ease. They continued to talk for a while and then prepared the
weapons they had created in the last weeks, and the ones they began with
almost three years ago. Of course, they included the instructions their
users would need.

They had a lot to do for preparations, and their plan was already
decided, but something would happen at Papunika that would change it


– … So, all we have to do now is get some supplies, and reunite with
Hyunkel and his group at Lankarks, and then we'll head off to Makai,
right? – asked Leona to Pop, Marm, and Merle, who had arrived a few
hours ago with a big welcome.

– Yes, that's the plan princess… However, are you sure you can just away
and come with us…? – replied Pop, who clearly had his doubts about
Leona's decision.

Leona had received Pop and company a few hours ago, and they had spent
some time along Baduck-san and the three sages, talking and remembering
some of their adventures. After a while, only Leona, Pop, Marm, and
Merle remained.

– I have to agree with Pop. Merle, Chiu, and Brass aside, everyone who
is reuniting at Lon Berk's are enough to handle the trip. But you can't
put yourself at risk, especially when you are the only one left to rule
the country, Leona… – Marm intervened.

– *! *– Leona Finally snapped, who had already had it with everyone
saying that she had to consider her position and duties as Princess of
Punika. – I've said I'll do it, so I'll do it, and that's it… –.

– …That is how you've always been, right? – Merle interjected, who had
been thinking how similar Leona's and her own situations were. –
Pop-san, Marm-san, I kinda understand Princess Leona's predicament, as
I've always been there. The difference lies in the fact that I've never
been able to join you because I'm weak… Don't you think that we should
all have the freedom to search and care for those we love, as long as we
have the strength to do so…I couldn't do that three years ago, and I
won't be able to in YOUR next adventure… Which is why I think you should
support Leona –.

Merle's words stroke the three of them, mostly Pop and Marm. Their love
triangle had yet to be resolved, and Merle's words made them all
remember how Merle risked her life to safe Pop, who had almost ran away
from the final battle because he couldn't muster the /courage/ to
strengthen the spell /Minakatoru/ three years ago, as that spell
required all Avan disciples to show their own "trait" and channerl it
thorugh their respective /Kiseiseki/. After Merle actions, Pop, pushed
by Merle, suddenly confessed to Marm, and Merle feelings for Pop were
revealed by Leona. Thanks to Merle's courage, Pop managed to muster his
own, successfully casting /Minakatoru/, therefore, allowing them to
enter Demon Lord Vearn's flying palace.

– … Don't blame if you get scolded, or lose your throne, or whatever,
okay… – finally Pop talked.

In the end, they all agreed that they would take Leona with them, hoping
that they would not get caught by the castle staff. They continued
talking, making some plans, and thinking out how they should proceed in
case they found an enemy at Makai. By the time they had decided to go to
sleep, Hyunkel and his group had already arrived to Lon Berk's.

– I think it's time to go to bed. Tomorrow we'll wake up really early,
and we'll fly to Lon Berk's to reunite with the others. Then… – Marm
instructed, until a huge column of light flashed in the distance, were
everyone from three years ago party's beacon of hope lies.

– Something… something is going on at the Sword of Dai spot… – Pop said.
Almost immediately, they all surrounded Pop, who quickly casted /Ruura/
while picturing his intended destination, the resting place of his best
friend sword.

– WHY WON'T YOU LET ME DRAW YOU! – Said the masked young man, struggling
to get a light blue, slightly short sword, out of the pedestal in which
it was put on almost three years ago by the friends of its disappeared

The young man was losing his patience, and even began to emit some waves
of /Touki/ out of his body. Despite that, the waves weren't harming the
surrounding grass or the plants that grew near the pedestal. All the
life surrounding the pedestal seemed to receive new, strengthened
vitality. Actually, ever since the sword was placed in the pedestal, the
scenery became more colorful with life. But now that the young man was
there, it seemed that the weak energy the sword irradiated resonated
with the one from the young man, as if they had the same origin.
However, the young man had a mission to fulfill, one he had been given
by the Gods themselves. And his instructions included that the mission
was his prime priority, even if it meant to slay one or any life form he
found on his way.

– Your previous owner is gone. He was my predecessor, so now you belong
to me. *THEREFORE, LET ME DRAW YOU! *– The young man finally snapped. A
pillar of light rose from the pedestal, and the beautiful scenery got
incinerated by the young man's energy. Even the sea water, that
surrounded the cliff in which the pedestal was erected, evaporated… But
still, the sword and the pedestal stayed the same: stuck to each other.

His previous frustration was nothing, compared with what he was feeling
at the moment. He had been told that his power could make the sky, the
land, and the sea his allies, and that he could split heavens and make
mountains crumble. However, for some reason, after looking at the
beautiful red jewel that adorned the hilt of the sword, the young man
saw a flash of light, followed by and image of the same sword, with a
crack on it, inside a cramped, white space. His frustrations began to
become a slight depression and sadness.

– Why won't you let me draw you? – Finally said the masked youngster,
with a tear rolling off his eyes.

– … That is because that if the Sword of Dai, asshole – said the magic
user with probably, the greatest potential in the ALL THE WORLDS. He was
holding his Shining Rod he received form Matoriv.

Pop, Marm, Leona, and Merle had just arrived to the site of the pedestal
using /Ruura/, right after watching the column of light fading.
Unfortunately, they had no time to get equipped at Lankarks, nor get
Hyunkel and company, but it was an emergency.

– As the ruler of the Kingdom of Papunika, I hereby put you under arrest
for the crime of thievery… is what I would like to say, but seeing you
try to steal Dai-kun's sword, I just want to pound you… – said Leona,
who suddenly revealed her weapon of choice… a whip. Just like her idol,
Queen Flora.

During the war three years ago, Leona's participation was merely that of
a healer, despite her proficiency in offensive spells. Truth be told,
her attack strength wasn't enough to face their enemies, and Leona
always felt disgraced because of this.

– Despite being a fighter, I'm not fond at all of violence, but what you
are doing is just… despicable… – intervened Marm, while adjusting the
gauntlets she had equipped herself with.

– It is terrible to steal. But you may have your reasons to do so.
However… what you are trying to steal is the sword of the hero who saved
the world. I'm sure you can appreciate that – Merle continued. She had
decided long ago that despite her being unable to fight, she wanted to
go not only to where Pop was, but where everyone was.

The three of them gave their respective declarations, and immediately
looked around, realizing that the beautiful scenery had been lost. They
felt some sadness because of the sight before them.

– … Who are you, and why do you seem like you want to interfere? Not
that it is my problem really, because I will proceed, no matter our
objections… or actions – the masked youngster declared, as he
simultaneously got in a very basic battle pose, with his right leg and
arm in front, and both arms slightly elevated.

– Don't get so cocky… /*BEGIRAMA*/*!*//–. Pop had decided to begin the
fight with a particularly strong blow, firing his spell, which resembled
a laser, or heat beam, from his right hand, channeling it through his
rod, which had been extended the instant he concentrated some of his
magical energy. However, what followed surprised everyone.

The young man did not get hit. He simply leaned slightly to his right,
with the beam casually passing by next to his head, and faster than
anyone could react, he made his move. He jumped forward, towards Pop,
and in the same pose he had been since the beginning, he quickly twisted
his waist and torso, and threw his left fist forward, punching the magic
user stomach, slightly sinking his fist on his target. Pop couldn't
react, not even to the pain, until he reacted an instant later, on the
floor, looking to the sky, lying on the burnt ground, puking some blood…
Actually, no one could react at all, after taking care of Pop, the man
of the mask concentrated his own magic power on his right, index finger,
and fired what seemed to be the spell /Gira/, towards Pop's rod,
destroying it.

– It's not over yet! – screamed Marm right after witnessing Pop's failed
attack just an instant ago. She was confident in her martial arts, and
thought that this was the perfect opportunity, to attack from behind.

She attacked in a similar manner as their opponent, but aimed her right
fist at his head, which was turning to see his attacker. Marm pierced
through the masked man temple… or at least, through the temple of his
mirage, because he was already behind her, his body almost touching the
floor, twisting it to kick her legs, making her trip backwards. Marm
realized this, and remembered Larhalt's fight with Mystvearn three years
ago. She had thought Larhalt was the only man capable of moving so fast.
And while she fell, pondering about this, the masked man held her for an
instant in the air, supporting her back, with just his right hand.
During that instant, he twisted his whole arm while pressing upwards.
Once again, he concentrated his magic energy.

– /Bagi/ – the masked man said dryly. The combination of the magical
tornado, and his arm, sent Marm flying upwards several feet. Only when
she fell, she realized what had happened. Immediately after that, her
whole body began to sore of pain, specially her lower back.

– /*MAHYADOOOOO*/*! *– Leona shouted right after the young man finished
his attack on Marm. However, against the strongest Ice spell available
for any magic user he only used the most basic Fire spell, /Mera/. Right
after the spells collided, the blaze of fire that erupted from the tiny
spark he initially generated from his right index finger went for Leona,
who got surprised, but quickly recovered.

Leona didn't waste her time during the last three years. Along her
responsibilities as the ruler of Papunika, she got trained by Flora and
Avan in the basics of the wielding of a whip as a weapon. And also, she
learned the three techniques that composed the core of the Avan-ryuu,
which were not limited to swords, but included spears, bows, whips,
axes, and fangs/claws. /Cut the Earth, Cut the Seas, Cut the Sky… Cut
Everything/. Because of the nature of both weapons, the sword and whips
techniques shared their names. And out of respect towards Dai, the true
successor to Avan's will, she decided not to use the technique to /Cut
Everything/: /*Avan Strash*/. Despite all of this, she knew that she
must be the weakest of the fighting group. That is why she prepared
herself for the possibility of being overwhelmed by her opponents, and
decided that she would at least support her companions.

– /*KAIHAZAAAAAAAN*/*!* – Leona shouted the name of the technique to
/Cut the Seas/, designed to cut through non solid targets, which could
change form, but were still made of matter, just like water, perfect to
cut through a spell. Leona had originally intended to freeze the masked
man, and use /*Daichizan*/, the technique to /Cut the Earth/, in order
to smash the frozen target, but her opponent was to strong *and* fast

Once the flare was split in two, she intended to use her strongest
healing spell, /Behomazun/, to completely heal Pop and Marm in an
instant, and then regroup. All they had to do was that, and wait for
their reinforcements, as she believed that the pillar of light had to be
seen form Lankars, despite the distance. However, she didn't have the
time, as the masked man switched his body weight, and leaned forward,
putting his right foot in front, and emitted a /Touki/ blast from his
right hand, which impacted Leona before she could use her technique to
/Cut the Sky/, /*Kuuretsuzan*/, which was intended to cut through
immaterial targets, such as beings made of /Light Touki /or /Dark Touki/.

As incredible as it may sound, in less than five seconds, the masked man
had defeated his three adversaries, with the minimal movement and
effort, while making sure to hold back, nor wasted anything. *A perfect
victory*… However, it wasn't over…

– /BEHOMAZUN/ – Pop recited in a loud voice while the masked man was
distracted with Leona. Thanks to Matoriv's orders of contracting every
type of spell available, and with his transformation into a Wise-man,
Pop had become capable of executing offensive, defensive, and healing
spells. In the last three years, in the utmost secret from his three
traveling companions, he had improved al his non-offensive spells. –
Sorry to disappoint you, but we're not done yet, you bastard. Now, it is
*my* turn to hit you – Pop continued, before executing his next move.

– I'm not disappointed, just little surprised of your resilience,
especially since you are a magic user. Moreover, you can use healing
spells, which makes you a Wise-man… –.

– /*Daimadoushi*/, if you would allow me, thank you – Pop intervened
rapidly. After hearing his master calling himself /Daimadoushi/, and
after surpassing all his fears, and achieving Matoriv's level of skill,
Pop decided to be called the same as him. – /IOGURANDE! /– Pop casted
with his right hand. It was a recently developed /Io/-type, or
Explosion-type spell, which surpassed /Ionazun/, but Pop had already
mastered it, and even more, managed to cast it with just his right hand,
when usually, it required both. Pop launched, and his target was about
to repeat his previous counter-attack, but what followed surprised
everyone, expect Pop – /*MAHOKANTA*/*!* – Pop casted with his left hand,
the spell used to reflect spells. But what really surpassed what was
thought possible, was the fact that Pop casted not a big wall, but
several small, translucent surfaces, which he dispersed in a way that
surrounded his opponent. The masked man was too surprised to react, and
got surrounded by al the small surfaces of light. Then, Pop launched his
spell towards one of the surfaces, which reflected it to another one,
and so on. The masked man tried to follow the movement, but in the end,
got impacted from behind, but thankfully, managed to focus a massive
amount of /Touki/ to reduce the damage. Nonetheless, he got damaged by
the attack.

– How… could he… –.

– /*BEGIRAGON*/*!*//– Pop casted with both his hands. His skill with
spells was very close to Vearn ability to cast three simultaneous skills
at the time. The concentrated hat wave was getting close to the masked
youngster, but this one wouldn't just receive. He decided to make a
full-body /Touki/-blast to disperse the attack, and was supposed to
succeed. However, Pop had given Marm and Leona a quick signal with just
his eyes, and they decided to capitalize the opportunity Pop had created.

– /*KUURETSUZAN*/*!*//– Leona used against the /Touki/-blast her enemy
had used. Unfortunately, it was too strong to be dispersed with Leona's
comparably weak /Touki/, but still, Pop's spell impacted, although with
the intensity of a /Gira/ spell, the weakest of the chain. A small
success… followed by a greater one, as Marm jumped forward, covered by
Pop's attack, and landed her own blow on their opponent stomach.

– /*SENKA REKKOUKEN*/*!*//– screamed Marm, as she swinged her right fist
toward her target.

/Senka Rekkouken/ was an attack which used the magic of the /Hoimi/-type
spells, in an offensive way. /Mahoimi/, a lost spell, was said to be an
overload of the healing spell /Hoimi/, as it forced the cells on the
body to divide at an accelerated rate such that the cells ended up
dying, which is why it could be used as an offensive spell. Despite
being a lost spell, Brookena, the master of the /Busshin-ryuu/, had
managed to develop physical attack which consisted in striking the
opponent while using /Behoma/, achieving the same result as /Mahoimi/.
However, Marm had decided to change the technique; by modulating the
intensity of the /Hoimi/-type spell, she would reduce the damage of the
strike, as a full power /Senka Rekkoken/ could instantly destroy the
body part that was stroke.

Right after Marm's strike, the enemy spilled some blood, and stopped,
but didn't collapse. Pop decided that it was better to finish the fight,
and was about to execute one of his strongest spells, which was used to
crush enemies on the ground.

– /*BEEEEEEEEETAAAN*/*! *– Pop screamed as he simultaneously swung his
arm downwards, making the gravity around the target increase several
times. Most enemies would be crushed by this attack, but the opponent
would still not collapse. After the spell was finished, Pop saw that the
masked man had not collapsed. The young magic user couldn't believe it.
– No… No way… –.

– To think that you people would manage to injure me… But all I had to
do was raise the /Touki/ used to protect my body, and that did the
trick, see? – The masked man declared, as he unveiled his torso,
specifically, the place h received the /Senka Rekkouken/. It showed an
extensive bruise, which surprised Marm.

– Impossible. Your stomach should be cracked, as it had been carbonized.
I made sure that at least the surface showed such traits, but all I left
as a bruise… –.

– My /Touki/ protected me from most the effects, and has also begun to
heal me… Injuring was a serious transgression, but if you all apologize,
and allow me to continue with my agenda, I'll forget everything –.

– If you insist on taking Dai's sword, then not only we won't apologize,
but we'll stop you from taking it… But don't worry, we'll be gentle –
Leona said with an ample, but clearly sarcastic smile. On the inside,
she was trembling, but her sense of justice, and even more, her feeling
for Dai, supported her, and allowed her to hold herself together in face
of such an opponent. Besides, there was no way that he could be even
close to Dai or Vearn's level.

– … Why do you insist in defying me, when it's clear that you have no
chance? The original owner of this sword is no longer… –

THAT SHINNING JEWEL IS PROOF OF THAT! *– Pop screamed before his
opponent could finish. For everyone, that sword was a beacon of hope,
and even if they know that Dai is alive, the sword comforts them when
they miss him. Pop, Marm, and Leona looked at the masked man, not with
anger, but with an immovable resolve.

– You are all just saying nonsense… But the look in your eyes tells me
that you won't listen to reason no matter what… Why do you all fight so
hard, and waste your already short lives… –

– Just to be clear, they are not being wasted… A life might be short,
but we all try to make the best out of it… – Merle said before the
warrior could finish. So far, she had not done or said anything since
they had arrived. – Almost all the world knows how the battle against
Vearn took place three years ago, which is why I'm surprised that you
forgot… You know, I'm a diviner, which means I can see the future, and
not wanting to boast, but I'm pretty good. However, I try not to depend
so much on it, because it diminishes the value of life. Not because I
know what is going to happen, but because I end up altering the course
of events, and once I think I'm out of troubles, I bump into new ones.
And I already wasted time and energy with my divining… –

– What are you trying to say? Forget? You are just supporting my argument –

– … I disagree with you. What she's trying to say is that you should
take life as it comes, with everything you've got, because that way, you
won't have regrets – Leona intervened. – You probably think that the
Gods, and other immortal beings are more beautiful than mortals, but I
say that their lives have nowhere the value ours have… – Leona said
before something happened which would leave her frozen of fear.

– *HOW DARE YOU, YOU INSOLENT LITTLE BITCH! *– screamed the masked man
before jumping for Leona's life. His eyes showed a blood thirst that
made Leona buckle on her knees. A feeling far worse than the one Vearn
inspired on her three years ago. The warrior had lived his short three
years of life learning form the Gods, and he would not tolerate such

– /MERAGAIA! /– said Pop as he unleashed the newest, and now strongest
/Mera/ or fire spell available against his opponent, who because of the
rage, received the whole impact. However, he began to endure it, and Pop
decided to let him do that, and continued to release fire from his
hands. – Be careful with how you refer to the princess. Can't you see
that you have scared? Marm, Merle, please help the princess… – Pop said
to both hr companions – … And you better engrave the following in that
head of yours, because it's clear that you have forgotten what I said to
the whole world three years ago… The way we humans live… You seem to
worship the Gods, and it's your right to do so, but understand that they
feared Vearn, which means that they are not immortal. They might live
forever, but it's not like they can't be killed, so in the end, they are
almost the same as us… –.

while enduring the blaze of fire he was being attacked with. His
patience was running out, and he was getting ready to jump for the magic
user's throat, despite the fact he had been taught that al life was
valuable. He was ready to kill anyone he deemed an enemy of his masters

– … Whether we live for a long time or for just one more instant, we
will shine and persevere for that insignificant instant, and because of
that… we can shine more beautifully that the Gods, or even sun itself!
*JUST LIKE*… – Pop continued before the masked warrior unleashed a
/Touki/ explosion (along a scream more intense than the roar of a
dragon) that dispersed the blazing fire he had endured so far. Pop lost
his balance, but managed to stay standing.

The girls also endured the blast, and actually had begun to recover
their spirits because of Pop words. Before the blast, they were all
shocked by their opponent's burst of anger. But now, they had an even
stronger resolve reflected on their eyes.

Before the masked man jumped forward to kill Pop, the latter managed to
finish his words.


The masked man jumped forward, but right before that, he managed to hear
Pop's words, and simply lost all the strength he had put behind his
jump. As he was getting close to Pop, a series of flashing images passed
in front of his eyes, or more accurately, inside his head. The instant
that all this lasted on the outside, extended into hours inside the
masked youngster's mind.

Meanwhile, Marm had gotten in battle position, and was about to jump to
get Pop out of their enemy's path, while Leona got up, and got her whip
ready to attack. Merle could only shut her eyes, cover them with her
hands, and turn around as she would be incapable of watching his beloved
Pop die; Unfortunately, Marm would not get in time.

Prior to their travel to the pedestal site, Merle saw an image of Pop
being incinerated along Marm and Leona. She thought that her vision was
coming true, but the instant she turned around, which coincided with the
end of Pop's speech, her vision appeared in her mind again, and
shattered, as if Pop's actions had altered fate itself.

The masked warrior was approaching Pop slower than anticipated, and was
too distracted with the images passing in front of his eyes. He saw an
image of the magic user, half-naked and kneeling on the ground, in front
of a silver haired Demon with white skin, two horns, and a missing arm,
and the jumped to a scene in the atmosphere, with a Giant Monster on it.
Just before the masked man collided with Pop, a giant whirlpool impacted
the former.

– /*JUUOU GEKI RETSUSHOUUUUUU*/*! *– screamed the Best King Crocodine,
signaling his strongest attack, /JUUOU GEKI RETSUSHOU/, an attack he
developed by combining the two opposing whirlpools generated from two
/JUUOU KAISHIN GEKI/, each executed with one hand. The technique was
developed during the war three years ago, when Crocodine sensed that he
had to grow stronger if he wanted to contribute. The masked warrior had
been trapped in the whirlpool, and was sent flying.

Crocodine, Hyunkel, Larhalt, Hym, Nova, Brass, Chiu, and Lon Berk had
arrived with /Ruura./ They had all reunited at Lankarks, and the first
five on the list carried weapons wrapped in cloths.

– Hyunkel, Ossan, everyone… It's great to… – Pop said, but stopped after
seeing everyone's faces. They were all fearful of the opponent they had
just seen for only an instant.

– Let's leave the greetings for later Pop, as this fight is not over… –
Said Hyunkel to Pop, while unveiling his new weapon, based on the one he
received from Vearn three years ago, before switching sides.

The new /Magic Armor Sword/. This new sword, like the previous one,
seemed awfully broad, but was actually an armor wrapped around the sword
itself. This time, the sword did not look evil, but still kept its
powerful presence. The new sword shinned like silver, and gave an almost
regal sensation. – *AMUDOOOOOO! *– shouted Hyunkel, before the sword
splat and grew extremities, which covered Hyunkel's body, revealing a
Fighter that shone a light armor, which seemed like a mixture of the
armors he wore during the previous war; instead of a helmet, he wore
something that resembled a crown, and even though his whole torso was
protected, the armor was flexible. His extremities had light protection
to allow more flexibility and. Also, the new was sword was particularly
long, had a sheath instead of being stored in the helmet, like an
antenna, and had a strange hilt. Instead of a two pronged one, this one
had four prongs, almost like a cross. Everyone but the masked warrior
was shocked by Hyunkel's new appearance. The masked man rose up, and
turned to the heroes. His mask was cracked.

– I'll finish this with my new attack… – Hyunkel said before putting
himself in a pose known to everyone; he was getting ready to execute his
/Bloody Scryed/, a corkscrew like attack using his sword, which released
a small tornado that left a wound like a rotating harpoon. However, said
attack had become almost useless three years ago.

After Dai disappeared, Hyunkel was supposed to never fight again, but
against all predictions, he recovered from his crippling wounds, and
decided to train himself. For a time, Hyunkel had hated his master Avan,
and after a failed attempt against him, Vearn took Hyunkel under his
wing, granting him his original armor. Even after Hyunkel decided to
join Dai, he felt too ashamed to use his master's technique, the /Avan
Strash/, but when he realized his naivety after Dai's disappearance,
Hyunkel decided to imitate his fellow student, and friend, in combining
special attacks to develop a new one. Hyunkel decided to add to his
/Bloody Scryed/ two other techniques, the /Avan Strash/, and an
explosion of which used a Cross as a medium of casting, the /Grand
Cross/, his strongest attack.

Hyunkel got in position, and then pointed his sword backwards. Then, he
began to focus his /Touki/ on the hilt of the sword, not on the tip. The
masked warrior was too distracted by the flashes of images that he saw
inside his head, as the attack had barely done any damage; the masked
man had instinctively used another power to protect himself, and no one
had noticed. And against this new threat, this power was awakening
again. A mark began to appear on the warrior's forehead, but it was
covered by the mask. Hyunkel began to twist his body, while
simultaneously changing the direction his sword was pointing at, AND
concentrating more /Touki/. A technique like none other was about to be

rotating cross made of light was fired from his sword at a speed the eye
could not follow, directed at the masked man. The shockwave of the
technique almost blew Hyunkel away, and had success in doing that with
everyone else. The cross impacted the masked man, and the mask got
completely crushed, but the light blocked the enemy's face, which was
adorned by a glowing blue crest that resembled a dragon. An aura of the
same blue color instantly covered the young man.

Once the smoke cleared, everyone got up, and they all had something to
say to Hyunkel. Even he had a smile on his face, confident of his
victory. They all began to approach Hyunkel, when a column of a blue
light everyone was familiar with rose from the ground.

The young man stood up, and revealed a face with white skin, soft eyes,
messy and pointy hair, with a shirt ponytail, a cross shaped scar on the
right cheek, and a blue crest know by everyone present at the place…
/*IT WAS THE DRAGON CREST*/. No one could believe their eyes, but they
all shouted the same thing, while the young man seemed out of himself,
as if all that had happened after he heard Pop's words had not affected him.

– *DAI! *–.

Capitulo 2

[NINGENKAI - Papunika Kingdom

"…DAI!" screamed everyone as they saw their lost companion, right there,
standing in front of them, with his forehead illuminated by his Dragon
Crest, but suddenly, that same crest disappeared from his forehead. His
eyes seemed lifeless, as if he was unconscious. Everyone was too excited
and stunned to move, at least for a while. Simultaneously, Dai's hair,
which had somewhat gotten much more spiky than usual when he
instinctively defended against Hyunkel's attack, slowly softened to its
normal state. Everyone was too shocked to approach their recently
returned companion… at least, that was the reason at first.

Pop had fallen backwards after seeing his friend's face. But as Dai
simply stood there, as in some sort of trance, Pop was the first to
remember that the warrior in front of him attacked them. /What's wrong…
that… That's definitely Dai… isn't he? Then why did he attack us?
Doesn't he recognize us…?/

"It… it's Dai-kun… it's really him… *our* Dai-kun" Leona began to say
with a soft voice, as she put her hand close to her mouth, in order to
silence the sobbing that came with the tears that began to drop from her
eyes. Not before long, she fell to her knees, softly and sweetly sobbing.

"Dai's back… I'm so glad". Marm tried to stop her tears, but she finally
gave up and let them loose.

Actually, the only ones who didn't show a tear were Lon Berk, Nova and
Hym. They really appreciated the little dragon boy, but they had not
experienced as much with him as the rest of the party, so they just
expressed their joy with a slight smiles, unlike the rest, who began to
release their pent up frustration along their utter happiness. Hyunkel
and Crocodine simply faced sideways to conceal their teary eyes, while
Larhalt was slightly awed. In Chiu's case, his expression was
ridiculously emotive. Merle simply let her tears flow slowly, with her
eyes closed and a big smile on her face.

But the one who had been the most anxious and sad during the last three
years and the one who was the most eager to jump at Dai was Brass.
Contradicting human common sense, he, a monster, adopted the lost child
that washed over Delmurin Island, and raised him to be the kind, and
strong spirited kid. Unable to neither speak nor restrain himself, he
ran towards his son at full speed, with his eyes closed, and filled with
tears. However, the party member that had to remain composed, with a
cool head, and cold blood, stopped the overjoyed father, surprising
everyone. "Pop… why are you stopping me". No one could understand Pop's

As the Daimadaisho got up, and began to approach Dai, his mind was in
full throttle. /This is definitely strange… I mean, he is definitely
Dai, but he hasn't reacted at all… Is he even //*our*//Dai?/ As Pop
approached his friend with a steady pace, He couldn't help but notice
that the overbearing presence from just a moment ago didn't resemble his
friend's, but actually Baran's. Now, there was no presence whatsoever,
not even the Dragonic Aura could be felt.

After two years of searching, Pop had concluded that given his age, Dai
would grow very quickly, and the changes that would come along would
make their search a lot harder. But in further retrospective, he
concluded that the Ultimate Knight should resemble his father, and
because of that conclusion, he couldn't help but wonder if every Dragon
Knight looked the same. The face and the built resembled what Pop had
imagined Dai would look like after three years. However, the crest
didn't belong to Dai alone, but to every Dragon Knight that had ever
existed. /Could he be a new… but that would mean that the previous one
is dead… Dai himself said that no new Dragon Knight would be born
because Vearn's power interfered with Mother Dragon's… NO, the
//real//Dragon Knight was Baran. Therefore, any new Dragon Knight would
be Baran's replacement, not Dai… but then, this guy before us might not be…/

While Pop continued to meditate about this, instead of walking towards
his opponent, he began to circle around him. Meanwhile, the rest of the
party became aware of the extended silence that unfolded, and began to
look at each other. The first one to take action was Larhalt. "What are
you all doing…? Dino… Dai-sama is here, and none of you is welcoming
him… HOW UNBECOMING! And you Pop, how dare you to stop Brass-dono".
After the end of the war, Larhalt spent a few days at Delmurin, in order
to get to know, and thank the one who looked after his Master's son. In
that short time, Larhalt learnt to appreciate Brass', and decided to
become his friend. Larhalt immediately took a few steps forward, got
close to Dai, and kneeled before him. "Dai-sama". The rest of the party
began to have mixed ideas about the situation.

"You fool! Don't approach him so casually…! You've said so yourself, he
resembles Baran, just like…!" Pop hesitated to continue speaking, as he
wanted to hang on the small hope he still had left.

"… Just like any other Dragon Knight could… is what you were going to
say, right? I expected more from you. I've already taken that into
consideration, and despite Baran-sama's confirmation that there is an
almost exact resemblance between every Dragon Knight, I've also
confirmed that this IS Dai-sama. His features are clearly softer than
Baran-sama's, and won't change much with the flow of time. More
importantly, look closer… that crossed scar proves he *is* Dai-sama".

Then it sank in on everyone… The one before them *had* to be Dai… but
Pop had already considered the scenario that Dai had returned. But the
recent events and Dai's first encounter with Baran three years ago
presented a new scenario, much more worrying than the previous one… What
if Dai's memories had been sealed by the Gods? Dai's devotion towards
the Gods indicated that he at last had been taught a new doctrine, maybe
by them, which further supported that he had been vanished to Tenkai
after saving the world from Killvearn's Dark Core's explosion. And if
that was the case, they were in grave danger. Last time, Dai had been
left in a blank state, so he was no threat. But now, Dai had been molded
for almost three years by the Gods. In other words, they had to face
their friend in combat, and to make things worse, he was probably much
stronger than during the war… They were before an enemy more powerful
than Vearn. And the worst part was that, they had no idea how to unseal
their friend memories. "What are we gonna do… last time, I used Megante
and died. The shock was enough to bring Dai back. At least I got lucky,
and came back thank to Gome-chan. But this time, our enemy *is* Dai, and
he is far stronger than Vearn…"

"Oi oi, everyone calm down. We should all be glad that our Hero is back,
isn't that right?" Hym began to approach Dai and Larhalt, with a smirk
on his face, while trying to soothe the mood. "Hey Larhalt, get up… I
know he is sort of your Master and everything, but you should be hugging
him or something, don't you think?"

Larhalt quickly got on his feet, and glared at Hym. "How dare you… show
more respect towards the Dragon Knight, you imbecile…Uh?" Larhalt was
suddenly cut off by Hym, who grabbed him by the former's clothes.

"Who are you calling an imbecile, uh? Do you wanna fight…?" Hym and
Larhalt began to quarrel, leaving everybody dumbfounded for a second,
except for Pop, who was trying to figure out a solution for their dire
predicament. Not only they had to survive the fight that might happen
any minute now, but they had to find a way to bring back *their* Dai.

Suddenly, time froze for everybody, except for Hym, Larhalt, and the
Knight before them. Dai had been in a trance for quite a while, but had
suddenly awakened after hearing Hym quarreling with Larhalt. /What was
that… those images… I saw that Wiseman, and a demon. Then found myself
being fighting a huge monster in outer space… but that never actually
happened… they were an illusion probably. But who… who implanted… it was
them. The magic user words made me see those images. These sinners… they
defy me, and worse, their Gods, and now, they try to manipulate me?/

Dai activated his crest and attacked without warning, at a speed that
only four of them could react to. Unfortunately, Hyunkel was too far,
and Lon Berk wasn't in condition to approach Dai and stop him. Hym
immediately put his guard up, making a crossed arms block, but Dai's
right fist wasn't only fast, but it was simply…strong. Hym somehow felt
that his guard would not be enough, and instinctively leaned to the left
in order to avoid Dai's hook, but it wasn't enough… It was the first
time Hym had received so much damage. The fist and the air pressure that
surrounded it were enough to simply pulverize half of Hym body. Only his
left half and head were left. Right after that, Dai swung a left hook
towards Larhalt, and something thought impossible happened. Larhalt
managed to dodge the attack, and a second one… Somehow, Dai's speed was
around the same level as Larhalt's. A third punch was swung when Larhalt
simply couldn't move because of the limits of his joints and bones. "It
can't be… Dino-sama forced me into this position...?" Still, Larhalt
speed was still above Dai's by just a notch, and managed to recover his
movement, and dodge the direct impact, but his right shoulder still got

What everyone saw when they came to it was something that was beyond
their realm of understanding, especially for those who, unlike Lon Berk
and Hyunkel, couldn't see a thing during the instant the short fight
lasted. There, Hym and Larhalt lied on the ground, completely defeated.
Hym's body was damaged beyond what any living being different from a
Metalic Life Form could endure and stay alive, and Larhalt right
shoulder was dislocated and crushed. Hym was unconscious while Larhalt,
used to physical pain, remained conscious despite the "light" injury.
But he was shocked. "Dino… sama"

"Who was it…?" It sounded soft, but extremely imposing. Everyone could
feel the overbearing presence that had suddenly awakened. His fangs were
directed at them, and he would show no mercy. It felt almost like
Vearn's presence; just as violent.

"Da… Dai…" Brass managed to say despite the fear that his own son had
interred in him. Pop tried to remain calm, but he began to tremble.
Actually, everyone on their feet had been struck with fear.

"I'm not the Dai you are talking about… If I remember correctly, my
Masters told me that was the name of my predecessor who defeated Vearn
three years ago" Despite his boiling anger, the Dragon Knight remained
composed, and corrected the old creature that was about to cry. "I
commend him for his great job at fulfilling his duty… but it's for the
best that he died… my Masters told me he wasn't disciplined enough. I've
come here to collect his weapon, as the Demon Dragon Blade has been
lost. I need that sword on the pedestal for a mission, and I'm in a
hurry… or at least, I was". Suddenly, his anger began to boil. The
Dragonic Aura that irradiated from his body was massive, and it even
began to burn the team. "But now, you people have tried to infect me,
showing me these images, directly inside my head… I don't know nor care
why you want my power, but what you have done is unforgivable…"

/Images…? Memories…? Then that means the seal isn't perfect… maybe we
just need to give him more shocks in order to make him remember… But how
are we gonna do that with him fighting us, and with our party reduced
like this? /Pop tried to formulate a plan, but against pure and sheer
strength, there was no plan that could succeed. At least, that's how he
felt. Just then, his enemy "declared" shouted, as his Dragonic Aura


Capitulo 3
NINGENKAI - Papunika Kingdom


…Earth trembled, and the Skies roared at his roar and power. But despite
his rage, Dai had still been "raised" under a strict code of honor
worthy of the Gods, and therefore, the forst to victims, the heavily
injured Larhalt, and the crushed and unconscious Hym would remain
"safe". But not the closest preys next to the former two. Pop or Brass,
the two were at exactly the same distance from the Dragon Knight. The
choice was obvious, in this particular scenario, logic and reason could
easily be displaced by emotion.

"DAAAAAIIIIII! What do you think you are doing! Have you forgotten about
us, your family…! About Delmurin Island and all your friends there…"
After Dai's display, no one could move, only tremble or remain still…
everyone except for Brass. As Dai's "father", he somehow managed to
oppose his son, at least in will if not in action. The hero heard Brass'
voice, and focused his attention on him. After processing the words said
by the old Druid, the Dragon Knight somehow got dazed by nothing more
than the former's words and presence.

"Jii-san, stop it! It's too dangerous!" Pop shouted at Brass to stop him
from angering their opponent any further, while failing at noticing the
Dragon Knight's change in behavior.

Brass word had an effect in rest too. When they heard about Delmurin
Island and the words family and friend, they all managed to get a hold
of themselves… everyone but Hym who was unconscious, and Larhalt, who
had already overcome the pain in his body, but who was just facing an
emotional turmoil like a maelstrom with no precedents. /Dino… sama… Why…
why did you attack me…? Am I… not worthy…?/ As these thoughts filled his
mind, tears began to fall as he remained on the ground, facing upwards
as the sunlight illuminated his face.

"Have… have you… HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN ABOUT YOUR JII-CHAN!" Brass snapped.
These words stirred new memories in Dai's mind, which made him react
with a perplexed face, and a soft moan, as if he was terrified.
Crocodine, Hyunkel and Marm readied themselves to jump forward just in
case Dai. However, that was their mistake, as said preparation forced
them to shift their respective weights, abandoning their balance positions…

"! Dai shouted after travelling through the images that were forced into
his mind by his new enemies, sending everyone of similar build or
smaller flying a little, and expelling Dragonic Aura form all his pores.
FAILED, AND NOW YOU ARE FINISHED!" roared the Dragon Knight before
jumping at his adoptive father. Brass could only feel sadness at his son
jumping for the kill, a feeling that showed in his face. However, a huge
shadow appeared between father and son. Crocodine's huge build prevented
him from being sent flying, allowing him to protect Brass, but at a huge
price. Dai's punch broke his left arm, and would have crushed both arms,
his sternum and his ribs, and ruptured his organs had it not been for
Dai's Dragonic Aura being disseminated through his whole body instead of
being focused on his punch, and Crocodine's focused /Touki/.

/So… this is your strength when you are NOT focused… Your strength truly
is monstruous Dai, just like I imagined it would become… But right now,
YOU ARE the monster, and that is not something I can take… /"Sorry kid,
but… IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO WAKE UP!…" Crocodine muttered as he searched
for his new weapon with his healthy arm.

"What are you talking about, oversized lizard" Dai said in a calmer
tone, surprised at Crocodine's resilience. "… And it seems that you
still need to be roughed up a little to wake up, huh?" Crocodine
finished before swinging his broken limb at Dai, hurting him slightly,
and pushing him a few steps. "Wha… What?" Dai muttered, completely
shocked at the fact that he could be hurt by such a creature. The King
Beast managed to pierce the Dragonic Aura.

"Sorry for that, but you better know that you are not the only one who
has gotten stronger…" Crocodine next swung his new "King's Axe", which
remained wrapped in the cloth with which Nova covered it at the moment
of delivering to his new owner. "RELEASE… BURNING FIRE" commanded the
Beast King, releasing a Mera-class attack, as strong as a /*Merazoma*/,
and striking his unwanted opponent with it, stunning him further now
that his "Iron Defense" had been broken temporarily. The flame burned
the cloth that covered the weapon, revealing a double edged golden and
copper colored axe, with a red jewel at its center, supported by an
extremely long, black clothed handle. Crocodine was right at assuming
that the new Axe would at least retrieve the old one's properties.

OUR DAI BACK!" yelled Pop after hearing Crocodine's words, and
concluding that he was right. Even if beating him didn't unlock his
memories for real, it would at least give them time to find a way to do

After hearing Pop giving an implicit indication to Marm and Hyunkel,
Nova rapidly stepped forward to hand Marm her own weapon before she and
Hyunkel moved. Then he warned his friends about the new weapons as fast
BURSTS!". Nova was aware that he couldn't help them because of two
reasons: One, he was exhausted from the crafting of the weapons, and
Two, his own blade wasn't ready. /If I try to help them in my condition,
I'll just be a liability. Still…/ Nova had matured in the last three
years, but he couldn't help the frustration that filled his heart.

Right after that, Hyunkel and Marm moved, while Nova threw another
weapon to Leona, who had begun to regain her composure. He also threw a
new Rod towards Pop, who had deduced how the new weapons had been
improved "…Man, and I thought that my old Black Rod was unique…
hopefully, this new Rod has the modifications I requested…"

As Dai readied himself to respond, two shadows appeared, one at each of
his sides, shocking him a little. "Sorry Dai, but…" Marm said softly and
with some regret, but with full resolve in her eyes. "… THIS IS FOR YOUR
OWN GOOD" complemented Hyunkel, as he swung his sword at Dai, while Marm
aimed at the Little Dragon's torso with her fist, covered by the Metal
Fist that came alongside her new Magic Armlet, which resembled the old
one. Both decided to do as Nova had indicated, and something happened.
Marm's knuckle and Hyunkels sword got a coat of energy the extended
slightly from said weapons ends. In Marm's case, said coat resembled 4
spikes, while in Hyunkel's, it was a simply prolongation of the blade
itself. Dai had instinctively predicted the danger of said weapons, and
having learned from his short encounter with Crocodine, he decided to
focus his Dragonic Aura in both arms, with which he blocked both
attacks. "… Sorry to disappoint you people… but I'm a fast learner" said
the Dragon Knight with a cocky but weak smile. He was still shocked by
the clash from earlier and the torrent of memories that filled his mind
just a few minutes ago.

"Guys, the shape of the extension should change according to your will…
/*Ruura…!*/" Pop chanted to rescue Brass and to get near Hym and Larhalt
who remained on the ground. With Ruura, he managed to fly instantly to
his two teammates while catching Brass. "…Try to keep him occupied while
we heal our party. Leona-hime, you heal Crocodine, while I take care of
these two…" Pop indicated to the party before he quickly focused his
magic energy "… /*Behoma*/" chanted Pop in each hand to heal his
teammates. While doing that, he noticed that Larhalt wasn't unconscious,
but in a trance, while crying. "… Larhalt… what's wro…"

"I can't fight with Dino-sama. He has rejected me, and more important, I
can't bear the idea of harming him…" answered Larhalt. Unlike Pop and
the rest, Larhalt felt it was his duty as a Dragon Rider to protect Dai.
Pop couldn't help but sympathize with him. But right after that, his
anger filled him. On the other hand, Hym began to regain his
consciousness while his battered Orichalcum body regenerated.

Meanwhile, Leona grabbed her new Magical Whip, rushed to Crocodine and
healed him so that both could join the fight which was tilting towards
Dai's favour… fortunately, Dai was still stunned. The four combatants
positioned themselves, with Leona in the back, attacking
(unsuccessfully) at her friend and healing her teammates with swift and
constant chants of Behoimi, Marm trying to attack at Dai's blind spot
(while restraining herself form using her Senka Rekkouken), while
Hyunkel and Crocodine went against him face to face while looking for a
chance to use their Sure-Kill Attacks at point blank range. Dai wasn't
in his best condition, and had to block his opponents, and his own
attacks were slow, but because of his natural strength, the shockwave of
each strike was enough to harm the opposing party. Despite that, his
performance was pathetically poor by his Master's, and his own
standards. /What's happening? Why am I blocking attacks this weak and
slow? I… can't accept this…/Dark clouds began to gather in the sky,
right above them…

"GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF DAMMIT!" Pop roared at Larhalt right before
punching him, but to no avail. "DO YOU THINK WE WANT TO FIGHT HIM…! YOU
after his shout, trying to figure out how to make Larhalt join the
fight. /Without Larhalt, we have no chance to face Dai once he recovers.
But I can't blame Larhalt for not wanting to fight Dai… After all, Baran
was like a father to Larh… THAT'S IT!/ "Larhalt, it's your duty to fight
Dai, not as a Baran's warrior, but as Baran's…"… "/*RAIDEIN!*//"/ Pop
continued before being interrupted by a roar and a shockwave, which were
immediately followed by Hyunkel and Crocodine passing right behind him
after being sent flying by Dai's renewed strength. Marm was pushed a few
meters in the opposite direction, as she was attacking Dai from behind,
while Leona remained at her position because of the distance she maintained.

Dai had decided to use the signature spell of a Hero. However, its
strength was far beyond what a human could achieve without exhausting
himself. Unfortunately, he was a Dragon Knight, and prior to the
chanting of the spell, he focused his Dragonic Aura inside his body, and
the let it explode as he simultaneously chanted the spell. The sudden
burst of energy cleared his head and energized his body, which allowed
him to approach Leona easily, who was about to become the first victim
of the Dragon Knight's renewed power and rage.

"*If I remember right, you were the first to insult my Masters… Now
you'll pay*" Dai muttered with an imposing presence, as if he was saving
his anger to release it with his next strike. Por got distracted by
Marm, Hyunkel and Crocodine's collapse, and would not be able to make it

Dai readied for the strike, and his Dragon Crest radiated the most in
what had passed of the day. He was going to stab her heart with his
right hand, simulating a blade with it. Leona couldn't even feel fear.
She only felt regret and sorrow. "*You are finished…*" said the Dragon
Knight before dropping his hand towards her chest. Leona could only
mutter "… Dai-kun… I love…" before she was pierced by his arm …

… Or so she would have been, but something happened… Dai's left fist
buried itself into his own left cheek. /You fool… What do you think you
are doing? Isn't she "The One that's most important to you"?/ Dai heard
those words ring inside his head, not on his ears. The same fist that
attacked him glowed for the instant it hit him, but it was clear that
for a second it concentrated a great portion of his Dragonic Aura,
enough to pierce his defense. The surprises he had experienced today had
been completely surpassed with this event. He was too shocked to even
try to figure out what, or why it happened. However, everyone understood
what had happened, as Leona narrated the details of the first stage Dai
and Vearn's fight. Baran's spirit was still with his son, and decided
that it was necessary to reprimand his idiotic child.

"… Do you get it now?" Pop asked to a dumbfounded Larhalt. "Baran wasn't
just your master… he was also your father… unfortunately, he is no
longer with us, so… *as the big brother, it's your duty to reprimand
Dai*" Pop finally declared. And then it hit Larhalt. Larhalt finally
understood his duty as the "Big Brother", and decided that his first job
was to protect his future "sister in law". But before that, he had
something to do. From the remains of his weapon from the war three years
ago, Nova, with Lon Berk's assistance, created a new Magic Armor Spear,
which was now held tightly with his right hand.
"*AAAAAAAAAAMUUUUUUUUUDOOOOOOOO!*" screamed Larhalt before his revived
armor protected him once more. The end of every part was golden colored,
while the rest itself kept its silver/cerulean color. Additional parts
had been integrated, but had been made of a material as flexible a
chainmail. The thighs and the waist were now covered. The prongs of the
spear, which coupled with the blade formed a cross, were also golden.
"Thanks for the lecture" said the Land Warrior to the /Daimadoushi/,
without even looking back at him. Before Pop could speak, the Dragon
Rider disappeared, only to reappear in front of his Master - NO, before
his brother.

Dai was taken slightly aback when Larhalt "teleported" in front of him.
Once he could process the information, he reached a conclusion. /I've
already been infected. I'm fighting it, but time is running out… //*I
HAVE TO DESTROY THEM*/. Both fighters tensed their muscles, and more
importantly, sharpened their senses. /He is fast/. The two thought the
same, and therefore, new that speed, agility, and mind sharpness would
decide the outcome. /Now he seems much more focused/ thought Dai while
facing his subject. "Time for a test and a lesson" said Larhalt. Dai
made the first move, with a rolling kick to drop Larhalt to the floor.
However, the later simply lifted his right foot, then put it on the
ground, lifted his left foot, and also put it on the ground. Dai
followed with a uppercut with his right fist. Larhalt bent backwards
jumped, and did a rolling kick with his left leg towards the Dragon
Knight head, which the latter dodged by ducking. They continued fighting
at a speed beyond the imaginable. They were on a different dimension.
Their senses were at full throttle, sensing their opponent's attacks not
only with sight, but with hearing, and also touch, by feeling the
vibrations in the air. Unlike his companions, Larhalt dodged not only
the blows, but the shockwaves.

/Dino… no, Dai-sama. I'm happy that you have grown so much in this time.
However… /"…it's time to wake up" Larhalt accelerated by his last notch
available, and concentrated his limited Touki into his spear. The two
prongs and the blade became one because of the Touki blade that got
generated. The raised his spear, and attacked. However, he held back for
a fraction of a second, before executing his technique. "/*HAKEEEN…
DISTAAAL…*/" shouted Larhalt. Right after the shockwave which raised a
big cloud of dust, he stepped backwards, grabbed Leona, and regrouped
with his party. Now, everyone was together, and Pop took the chance to
heal everyone. "/*Behomazun*/", a healing spell which heals the whole
party completely… Lon Berk, Nova, Merle, Chiu and Brass remained distant
form the fight, while the "Hero's Party" had finally become complete.

"Sorry guys, but I'm gonna make him pay" said Hym, who was now in
perfect condition, ready to fight. As Hym said this, the smoke cleared,
revealing tha Dai had a small cut on his left arm. Superficial at most,
but at least everyone knew that they could face him.

"Okay guys, get ready. He is not finished, and he is coming for blood"
Pop said before giving instructions. "Larhalt, you'll be our vanguard,
as you are the only one who can move faster than Dai. Hyukel, Hym,
you'll cover him; whenever he gives you guys an opening, you hit and run
with strong strikes". With those indications, the three formed a
triangle with Larhalt at front. "Who would've thought we would fight
together like this" said Hym to his partners. "Hyunkel, I don't know
what happened before, but if my /Haken Distal/ managed to injure
Dai-sama, then your /Avan Cross Scryed/ should do better. The same can
be said about that /Aura Knuckle /of yours Hym" continued Larhalt.
"We'll have to find out during the fight" replied Hyunkel.

"Ossan, Marm, with your respective reach and speed, you'll take care of
the second line. Marm, you'll also have to heal Larhalt, Hyunkel and Hym
with swift spells, preferably /Hoimi, Behoimi /at most. If the spells
don't seem to work, don't worry, the Dragonic Aura invaded their bodies,
but it will only delay the spells. Ossan, you better use your Axe to
deal spells, and save your /Juuou Geki /whenever he lowers his guard".
After Pop gave the orders, Marm and Crocodine nodded in approval, and
stepped forward

"Leona-hime and I will deal with spells of all type in the third line.
We'll also block his spells. Hime, make use of your Magic Whip and I'll
use my new Chaos Rod to attack from distance, and also give him a little

"YES!" everyone replied. Despite the sorrow that stirred within them by
having to face "their Dai", they all held a smile, because they were

"*I finally understand… you all are proof of the glory of the Gods*"
said Dai with the same calm, but overbearing and overwhelming voice,
after finally calming down. "What do you mean Dai-kun?" Leona asked
after hearing Dai's words. "*Simple. Even I'm aware of the fact that the
Gods are not the most powerful beings in the three realms. But
nevertheless, they created life in them… life of which some individuals
have come out, and who are capable of destroying the Gods. That's what I
was taught. But do you even understand why?*"

Such question came many times to each member of the party, but none
could find a solution… ever. "*It's simple… they wanted to create
something which could surpass them, and therefore, they spent, not just
their power, but a part of themselves to create a life form capable of
evolving beyond their creators. That's was also the reason for them to
create so many specimens, and such large population*". So far, Dai's
argument seemed sound and logical. Then, he continued. "*Let's take you
and your dear Dai as example. You were all weak, but managed to defeat
Vearn, and more importantly, you managed to unite the whole world
towards a common objective. Clearly, in numbers, as long as managed
correctly, you can find much more power than the sum of the parts…
However, let me tell you something. No matter how much you exploit your
potential, no matter how much you multiply your abilities, you can't
defeat my power. Not because its power itself, but because, instead of
being mindless destruction, it serves a higher purpose… Truth and
Balance*" These last words held some anger, which wasn't missed by the
opposing party.

Leona, words which brought a smile to each of her friends.

"… You are a princess, right? Well, just for you to know…" Dai said with
a stoic face. Everyone got a little curious about what he was going to
say. "… That's not very princess-like". With that, Leona let one tear
fall from her eye, before smiling radiantly, while remembering that Dai
said the same words three years ago, while fighting Vearn. "Dai-kun… you
should get ready, because I'm coming for you…" answered Leona to Dai's
off-topic comment.

"… *actually, now that I've brought it to the conversation, let's talk
about Vearn. He surpassed the Gods all by himself, showing that he was a
pinnacle in evolution. However, he only bested them in mindless power,
not true strength. The Black Core, his Kigan, they were all weapons used
to harm others. However, tools themselves are not evil…*" Dai commented,
while assuming a pose very slowly. "*…* *Which is why, I hope you'll
understand that what I'm doing is not evil*" finished the Dragon Boy
before taking a stance that everyone recognized, with the legs
separated, his left arm raised, and the right one lowered by the hip's

"Te… Tenchi… Matou?" said Pop as fear filled his face.

Capitulo 4

NINGENKAI - Papunika Kingdom

"Te… Tenchi… Matou?" said Pop as fear filled his face. But not just his
face showed that emotion. His heart wavered a little at the sight before
him. In fact, everyone froze for a second, and how could they not, if
five of their warriors had been unable to face that technique when Vearn
wielded it. Only Pop has managed to best it, and only because of the
mirror of Shahal. But without it, only a spell such as /Mahokanta /would
have and slight chance, assuming it could withstand enough power.

"So… you know of this technique?" answered Dai to Pop's words. That
alone confirmed everyone's fears. "If that is the case, then all the
more reason for you all to surrender… although, that alone will only
ensure a painless death for all of you, unless you tell me which one of
you has put me under this curse".

The first one to answer to speak was Leona, who couldn't understand
Dai's claims. "What curse are you talking about? We would never do
something like that to you, Dai-k…"

"*ENOUGH WITH YOUR NONSENSE AND LIES!*" roared the Dragon Knight, filled
with rage before the confusion his mind was immersed into. "I told you
I'm not the Dragon Knight you people speak of..! That man is already dea…"

"*YOU STOP YOUR NONSENSE*" shouted the Pawn Warrior Hym, itching to sink
his punch on his opponent's face. "It's obvious you are Hadlar-sama's
rival, and yet you claim you don't know that man, or your friends, who
have endured the pain of not being with you for so long…" Hym continued,
as a tear began to fall down his left cheek, something which shocked
everyone. "Don't you… Don't you understand that in denying your own
existence, you are also denying Hadlar-sama's?" Then everyone understood
what had motivated Hym to search for Dai.

"I… never met Hadlar, and mostly heard unbecoming things about him form
Baran-sama… However, he must have become someone great if he was
recognized by Dai-sama as his rival…" Larhalt said, trying to find the
right words to comfort Hym.

"He became our friend." Pop affirmed. Hym turned his head with a
surprised look towards Pop. But after a second, he smiled, thinking to
himself that such a thing shouldn't have been so surprising.

"So… team leader…" began Hym, having his eyes full of resolve. "… How
are we gonna proceed? We already lost to this technique once, but I'm
sure we all have thought up countermeasures to it… right guys?" asked
Hym to the party. Everyone smiled and nodded.

True, after their fight against Vearn, they tried to improve themselves,
having said fight always in mind. And their team leader knew that, even
if the details of their respective trainings were unknown to him.

"Well, just like last time, we'll endure it, and attack right after it…"
said Pop, which brought everyone's dumbfounded faces directed at him.

"*CAN'T YOU THINK SOMETHING BETTER*" yelled everyone at him. But unlike
usual, he remained calm, which made everyone understand that it was the
best choice.

"Then… who will be attacking?" said Crocodine, who had learned to trust
Pop ever since they fought each other in Romos.

"In order to beat him, we should use this same chance, meaning that we
have to beat the /Tenchi Matou/, break his Dragonic Aura defense, and
knock him out".

"And how do you propose we do that Pop? Each step is extremely hard by

"But we have the numbers to do it. The thing is to choose the most
appropriate people to fulfill each objective. That being said, this is
my plan: …"

After giving his instructions, everyone got ready, maintaining the same
formation they held so far. There was one thing that everyone was wary
about, because of Pop warning:

"… /In the end, the steps for Tenchi Matou are always the same, but
given that lightning has always been the main element of a Dragon
Knight's spells, we know that he won't be using Kaiser Phoenix.
Therefore, we should assume that, even if the purpose of each one is the
same, the attacks are completely different than Calamity End and Phoenix
Wing. Because of that, the only advice I can give you guys is… //*attack
with everything you've got*//". /

They all waited for the signal. For an instant, time seemed to slow
down. Everyone tensed their muscles and sharpened all their senses to
achieve the best reaction time possible. In the meantime, Dai's magical
energy began to command heavens to unleash a storm, darkening the clouds
and blocking the sun, which was beginning to set at the horizon.

"*NOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW*" shouted Pop, at which Larhalt leapt towards Dai,
followed closely by Hyunkel. Larhalt spinned his spear, and created the
/Touki/ blade extension. He prepared his vertical slash. In the
meantime, Hyunkel stopped his leap midway, preparing his most known
secret move by readying a thrust with his sword, and focusing his
/Touki/ at the tip, all while preparing his arm for an inward twist.

In the meantime, the Servant of the Gods simply thrust a blow forward,
while twisting his right arm forward, with his fingers joined together
and filled with his Dragonic Aura, simulating the tip of a spear. The
clash lasted very little. However, before the clash itself, Larhalt
altered his trajectory by stepping to his right, and then forward. Dai
had no other choice but to change the direction of his blow, as his left
arm was already readied for Hyunkel mid-range attack.


"/*Dragon… Tail…*/" Dai said in a low, but compelling voice.

While Larhalt's spear moved downward, it met Dai's twisting "tail",
fortunately, they met at an angle in which only the /Touki /blade and
the fingers touched each other, dispelling the former ones without
resistance. However, the arm continued its path, piercing Larhalt
shoulder armor, and injuring him, leaving and empty space on Larhalt's
shoulder, the bone and the flesh being pulverized because of the spin.

"/BLOODY SCRYED/" followed Hyunkel, despite his companion's defeat and
injury. Despite his resolve, he couldn't avoid being surprised at the
fact that the only weapon meeting his attack was a slightly open hand,
even if ti was clearly filled with Dragonic Aura. Before attacking, the
knight remembered part of Pop's instructions. "Larhalt, Hynkel, make
sure to force Dai to cross his arms. That will force him to use more
strength than usual to force his next movement, which will deplete him
even more once he is done with his magic attack. That will give the rest
a slightly wider window to attack". Therefore, Hyunkel made sure to
attack at Dai's left flank. Right after that, Hyunkel did his move, and
both attacks clashed.

"/*Dragon… Roar…*/" said Dai, right as he made a fist for an instant,
and then opened it to meet his opponents attack. Usually, his hand
should have met quite the resistance, given the strength of the /Bloody
Scryed/, but the previous closing of his hand, which was abnormally
strengthened by his Dragonic Aura, created an extraordinary strong
shockwave that reflected the attack, and to make things worse for
Hyunkel, the palm thrust that followed released a blast of Dragonic Aura
that accompanied the reflected /Bloody Scryed/. The whole blade got
disintegrated by the /Dragon Roar/, leaving only the hilt and the
handle. Actually, the blade provided enough resistance to dispel Dai's
attack. However, Hyunkel received a disseminated blow that sent him
flying, almost knocking him unconscious.

Still, Dai's attack was far from over. The worst part was that even the
leftovers of his attacks were enough to beat each member of the party.
Pop endured his frustration at sending his friends to their demise, and
prepared himself to "receive" the next blow. Dai managed to notice the
spell his opponent was going to release, as the magic energy slowly
began to take form. However, it was too late to change the plan, and
simply followed thorugh. Pop was the first one to unleash a spell.

"/MAHOKANTA/" shouted Pop, with which a translucent wall formed in an
angle. Pop knew that the lightning spell would fall from the sky, and so
deduced that he could redirect it at Dai. No matter how strong Dai's had
gotten over the three years that have passed, it was impossible that a
sole spell would break his /Mahokanta/ by itself. However…

"/*Heaven's… Judgment…*/" said Dai, with which he commanded the Sky to
conflagrate dark clouds for an instant. All the lightning bolts
contained in each cloud were fired horizontally, focusing on a single
point, at the center of a circle delimited by the darkest, blackest
clouds in the sky. It was a spell superior even to the recently created
/Jigodein/, which prior to this fight, was the strongest lightning spell
in existence. And in fact, it was. Dai's /Heaven's Judgment/ was nothing
more than *his* version of the spell, just like Vearn's /Kaiser
Phoenix///was *his*//version of /Merazoma/.

The gigantic lightning bolt fell and struck Pop's magical defense.
However, instead of being reflected in a right angle, it kept its
trajectory, trying to force its way through the translucent wall.
Multiple, smaller bolts spread in all directions. Fortunately, no one
was struck, but Pop wouldn't keep his defenses up for much longer, not
against such a strike.

Finally, /Mahokanta/ shattered, but only a small bolt hit Pop, and it
was just enough to only paralyze the Daimadoushi. Despite the weak blow,
the magician's energy was depleted, his knees buckled, and he fell over
his back.

{Impossible… it was enough to break it, although, I should have expected
it from Dai. Besides, even the impossible becoming possible was within
my plan…}

That passed through Pop's mind as he held a slight smile, while
reminiscencing of their adventures together. /Sorry guys/ thought Pop
before regretfully giving his next command. "*NOW…

The only way to effectively break the Dragonic Aura would be a /Touki/
blast strong enough to dispel the defensive barrier, and reach the user.
And the best person for such a job would be a fighter with large
reserves of /Touki/, just like…

"/AURA KNUCKLE/" shouted Hym, signaling his signature move, in order to
attack the depleted Dai.

After focusing so much strength on each arm, which he had been force to
cross, further exhausting him, then straight them up in order to direct
his /Heaven's Judgment/, Dai should be unable to move, but such state
would last for only an instant, and Hym would capitalize on that in
order to break the Dragon Knight's defensive barrier made of Dragonic
Aura. Then, the whole party, except for the fallen ones would attack
Dai. Or at least, that was the plan. Because Dai only had to focus his
Dragonic Aura in one place in order to execute one last attack, which
finally removed the weakness of the /Tenchi Matou/.

Dai's forehead began to shine with great might, and the Dragon Crest
formed on his forehead. Pop recognized the attack, and finally
understood the flaw on his plan. "Hym, watch out!" he shouted. Hym
listened, and instead of thinking, he reacted by forcibly stopping his
leap, which made him lose balance, leaning towards is left side.

"… /*Monshousen*/" muttered Dai before a beam was released from his
Dragon Crest. That same shape appeared on Hym's right fist. Actually, a
whole which had that same form pierced through Hym's arm, all the way to
his shoulder blade.

To make matters worse, Pop's plan stipulated that Marm should follow
behind Hym in order to attack Dai, followed by Leona's /Hyadaruko/, and
then Crocodine's /Juuou Geki Retsushou/. After that, anyone who could
move would keep attacking until Dai collapsed. It wasn't an elegant
plan, but it should have been effective, had it not been for Pop's
mistake of his estimation of Dai's spell, and the unexpected fourth
attack of the /Tenchi Matou/. As it was planned, Marm had leapt behind
Hym, intending to jump above him before landing a held back /Mouko
Hasai-ken/ on Dai, in order to knock him out in one blow. That attack,
if contained, should be enough to do the job against an unprotected
Dragon Knight.

"… What?" Marm managed to stutter before she began to roll forward while
in the air. The /Monshousen/ pierced her foot with enough force to push
the lower part of her body, creating the aforementioned effect. Leona's
head was next, but Crocodine managed to get in the way, pushing her
aside, and receiving the attack on his arm, piercing it easily. Nova had
to push Lon Berk, Merle and Brass to the ground in order to protect
them, as the beam of Dragonic Aura continued its course, breaking
through everything on its path, until it left a burned mark on Papunika
castle, miles away from the battle site.

However, Dai's assault was far from over. With Hym collapsed and on the
ground, the next target was flying towards the Dragon Knight, who simply
jumped in order to meet Marm on the air, with a /Merami/ on his hand
ready to incinerate her. As he closed in, their eyes met before the
strike. Marm couldn't help but feel fear, facing the coldness on her
friend's eyes.

But for some reason, nothing got burned, and Dai's fire stream hit
nothing. His target had hit the ground, hard, and some energy strings
were attached to her. Said strings originated from Hyunkel's fingers. He
had used his /Touma Kugusshou/ to grab her from his position, and move
her away from Dai's path. This didn't affect the latter in the least, as
the Ultimate Knight continued his rampage.

Next in line was Crocodine, who decided to receive Dai's hit head on. In
order to do that, the former prepared a cross guard. Dai prepared his
fist. A second later, it collided against Crocodine's guard. In the next
instant, a shockwave broke through the Beast King, crushing his innards,
which made him puke blood. Dai had infused his fist with /Iogurande/,
which detonated at the moment of the collision.

In the next second, Dai was in front of Leona. She froze on the spot,
and received his /Bagimuucho/, which carried all his anger and
frustration, despite his calm face. The huge tornado tore Leona
superficially and emotionally. She got propelled upwards almost 30 feet
before she fell. Fortunately, there was some grass left on the portion
of the terrain she fell on. However, before the spell was unleashed, the
spellcaster twitched, and that made him hold back. Hope wasn't gone yet,
but everyone was wavering and doubting

{He's gotten so strong}

{How can we face such a monster?}

{I'm so powerless}

{I screwed up}

{Should have seen that coming}

{Why can't he recognize us?}

{I wish I could help them}

{Is there anything we can do?}

Such were the thoughts that Merle could hear from her friends. She had
also trained during the last three years, and she managed to master her
telepathic and precognitive abilities. However, she became fearful of
them because it meant that she could immerse into her friends minds at
her will, and it might make them distrust her.

But now wasn't the time for such worries. She had to use her powers to
help them stand up, and to help them during the fight. But before she
could use her powers, someone stood up.

"/BEHOMAZUN/" shouted Pop in order to heal his friends. Even if all he
had was an estimation of damages, he still made the right choice to heal
his friends completely, especially considering Crocodine's injuries, who
would have passed away had another ten seconds passed without any
medical care. "Everyone, get up! It's far from over, and this shouldn't
be so much of surprise!"

"Are you crazy? How can we face him when he's so strong! We couldn't
break his stance, which is stronger than Vearn's!" said Marm, who still
felt the pain from her injury, and had some troubles getting up.

"She is right Pop. He even solved the stiffness delay that you and Dai
could hardly take advantage of when we fought Vearn, by simply adding
another attack which requires no movement in order to perform it. That
gives him the fraction of second necessary to regain movement of limbs,
and he can continue his attack. I bet that he can even shoot his
/Moushousen/ in rapid succession if face by many enemies attacking form
many directions" argued Hyunkel, trying to support Marm's plea. "I mean,
look at my sword! He destroyed it with just one attack, leaving only the
handle and the hilt. It's… it's useless…"

"… You should listen to them, Magic User… not that it would make any
difference. As I already told you, I'm gonna kill you, because of…" said
the Dragon Knight, before being interrupted.

"Will you just shut it? I'm not talking to you, so please, just stand
there, and get your /Tenchi Matou/ ready for us to break it on the next
attack" replied Pop, with a face that showed a mixture of boredom and
apathy. As if he was getting really tired.

"… what? Is that some sort of jo…"

"It's no joke. I'm saying that we'll break you and your stance on the
next shot. I, the greatest magician in existence, say so"

Hym stood up, motivated by a boiling anger that was directed at Pop.
"Are you out of your mind? He didn't just beat us. He crushed us. How do
you expect us to…?"

Pop was getting tired of everyone disbelief, and simply stated the facts
that would make him the target of hatred and anger. "The last assault
was devised under the assumption it would fail, in order to measure his

No one could help but give a surprised expression, except for Lon Berk.
{So, the magic user is finally blooming. Every party needs someone to
make the hard choices, and it's thanks to that member that the party
survives. But that also turns said person into a villain. And the fact
that such a young man has to act like a monster is… simply tragic. And
the worst part is that, he is fully aware of it.}

Hyunkel was the first one to react, by taking a step towards Pop, just
with the idea of beating him to the ground on his mind. "You… how dare
you to…"

"Who told you to leave your position?" replied Pop without even looking
at his friend. "I already said I would give the orders here"

"Pop, that's enough! You can't just order us around, sending us to our
deaths!" Crocodine also managed to get up, motivated by anger towards
his seemingly unreasonable friend. Stil, he hadn't lost faith in his
friend just yet, but he was close. His friends were the same.

The next one to rise was Larhalt, who had to use his spear as support.
"I agree with them. Who are you to risk our lives with such disregard?
I'm afraid that if we keep following your orders, we are all gonna…"

"I won't let anyone die. With my magic, I won't let that happen"
answered Pop with total confidence.

Everyone but Leona and Merle showed a surprised expression. The one to
speak was the former. "Are you talking about that spell you used on
Merle when you awakened?" said the princess, waiting for the Wiseman's
response. However, all she got was a momentarily eye contact, but that
was enough. She could see Pop's resolve in his eyes, but she couldn't
understand it. "Even if that was a /Zaoriku/, you can't expect me to
believe you have enough magical energy to…" continued the princess,
until it hit her. She had *that* on her pouch. Even if half of it
couldn't be used against such an opponent, the other half might be what
they needed. Still, she couldn't let go of her doubts. "But how do you
know it actually…?"

"I've tested it twice already… once on Shishou, and the other on…"
answered Pop, with only half confidence, not because he didn't believe
on his skills, but because he had awakened from that nightmare many times:

/After //*that*//reunion with Matoriv, he decided to take his words into
mind, and made his choice. He casted /Mahokanta/and then jumped
backwards towards, down the highest cliff he could find. When he woke
up, all he could //*clearly*//remember was a bright light being
reflected on the translucent mirror in front of him, right before
everything went black. When he got up, he could see a big pool of his
blood on the ground. He couldn't help his knees buckling. He fell on his
behind, and stayed there for hours. During that prolonged "rest",
flashes of his second visit of that place within the clouds tormented
him. True, the place itself could only be described as peaceful, but
arriving to that world implied… No, he didn't want to think about it./

No one said anything. Somehow, everyone got what Pop couldn't say

Tired of hearing them talk in such a sacrilegious way, the Dragon Knight
ENOUGH ABILITY WOULD BE ABLE TO MASTER IT!" shouted the servant of the
Gods, with a solemnity that didn't fit his former self. It was clear
that he had changed, and this hurt his former friends deeply. "… Tell
me. Where do you draw the line between helping others, and abusing life
and death? Vearn himself played with many individuals in order to
control death. But that was a form of abuse. The tools and skills he
amassed were used in an evil way. What makes you any different than…?"

"Absolutely nothing" answered Pop confidently, with a grim from ear to
ear plastered on his face. Then, he took a cocky lecturing attitude
before continuing. "I might not be as ambitious as Vearn was, but I
assure I'm *at least* as selfish as he was".

To say that everyone got shocked would fall short by a mile. However,
that shock didn't last long.

"*Ha… hahahahahahahahahaha!*"


"*buah… hahahahahahaha!*"

Many different laughs got mixed up after hearing Pop's ridiculous

The one to speak was once again, the Dragon Knight: "Still, there must
be something that makes you different from Vearn, or you would be as
much of a madman has he was. *Where do you draw the line between right
and wrong?*"

Before answering, Pop remembered the last time he was asked that
question… how he brought Matoriv back from the land of the dead:

/Right after he found Matoriv completely quiet and still, without
breathing, Pop fell on his knees, and began to sob. He will almost got
demolished until he remembered when was the last time he felt like this,
and decided to use the spell he casted on Merle by chance, when she was
injured by Zaboera. Even if it was the first time he tried to use it
willingly, he decided it would be best if he trusted his feelings from
back then. When Matoriv reopened his eyes, both of them were shocked
beyond belief. Pop tried to, but couldn't say anything. Instead, he
decided to jump on him to hug him and let the tears flow. However, the
magic user met the back of hand made into a fist. After falling on his
butt, he quickly raised his sight, only to find his master's furious
eyes. Pop almost felt like his master was disgusted at his disciple./

"/I'm sorry for hitting you" said Matoriv with a serious face, without
even looking at Pop./

/The young magic user himself felt dejected, despite the words from his
master. He couldn't understand why his master rejected him so bluntly./

"/May I ask… why you did that?" continued the old man./

/That was Pop's limit. He got up, and punched Matoriv in the face.
Clearly, the old man was surprised./

OKAY IF YOU DIED ON ME? I…*//" was all Pop could say before his master
hugged him, surprising him./

/Neither said anything. They just remained like that, hearing each other
breathing. After a minute, Matoriv let Pop go, and they simply stayed in
bed and remained standing respectively./

/The first one to speak was Matoriv: "Pop… you need to understand
something. Spells such as /Zaoraru/and your /Zaoriku/were not meant for
this. You should know that my death is part of the natural course of
life. Everyone dies, be it of natural cause or because of an accident".
Pop listened to his masters words attentively, taking every word to
heart. "… However, I would like to believe that spells intended to bring
back the dead were meant to be used in circumstances such as the war
against Vearn. In times were tragedy becomes almost a routine, it's
clear that things such as the natural order and balance have
disappeared. Still, each and every death that takes place in a war, no
matter how big or small it might be is part of said natural order.
Therefore, I can only conclude that such spells are reserved for those
strong enough to use them to preserve the lives of other strong people…
Not because the strong should stand above the weak, as Vearn would
argument, but because such existences as Dai's, Baran's, and yours can
change the tides of conflict, and restore the balance…"/

/Pop was surprised that his master viewed him in that way. He wanted to
say something, but couldn't give order to his thoughts./

/Matoriv continued: "… but in the end, that's just my opinion. You might
be the HIGHEST MAGICIAN that I'll ever meet, which should be expected
given who trained you, but you are just a brat. And as a brat, you still
have a long way to. You should use that time to find your own answer to
this question: //*Where do you draw the line between right and wrong?*//"/

/Matoriv finished his speech, expecting his disciple to take his time,
give his regards, and leave pondering about that question. That was a
good last assignment before passing away. Although, considering Pop's
skills, and the feeling that remained after receiving the Zaoriku, only
God could know when that would happen. Seriously, such a troublesome
apprentice. But just like it had happened many times in the past, Pop
surpassed said expectations./

"…/Shishou, I think I've figured out were I'll draw the line…". Matoriv
was surprised, to say the least, but got back his composure, and waited
for his disciples answer…/

Pop answered to the question posed to him by his /master//friend: "I'll
just let my friends do it for me". Everyone but the magician was in a
slight state of shock. Not because of the answer, but because of the
level of irreverence that backed it up.

The first one to speak was Marm: "You really are the most selfish,
annoying, perverted and troublesome person in the whole wide world,
aren't you?"

As Marm said that, the words almost materialized and stabbed Pop though
his ears. At that time, Merle decided to put her skills to use.

"{… But that's part of the fellow disciple we all love}"passed through
Marm's mind before everyone but the Dragon Knight. To say that everyone
got a little scared would attenuate their reaction quite a bit. But
after a second, they got rid of said uneasiness, as they remembered that
this had happened before in the last fight against Vearn. They all
decided to look at the one who most likely had caused this.

"{… I'm sorry for surprising you all, but… you guys are not the only
ones who have been training. Even if my fighting ability is null, I'm
sure we can improve our teamwork if I create a mental link between you

Those were thoughts Merle transmitted to the party.

"{Did you get this power thanks to Gome-chan, three years ago}?" said
Pop via the mental link that Merle had just created.

"{Yes, it was during that miracle that this power awakened, along with a
strong precognitive power. Please, trust me that I've never used this to
invade anyone's privacy. If you want to think something to yourself,
just focus in blocking all externalities, and you'll be able to. If you
want to send a thought, focus on those who you want to transmit it to.
Please, use this power}" answered Merle.

Then, everyone looked at each other, and then to Merle, and nodded to
her, acknowledging and accepting her. She smiled in response.

"{… Then guys, if you guys are willing to trust me again, then please,
believe when I say that we can beat him in the next try"… I won't say
the same words as three years ago. I don't want your lives…}"Pop said to
his party. He remembered how he asked Hym and Larhalt to give their
lives in order to defeat Vearn. But now, he didn't want that. He wanted
to go back to those days, even if they were occasional amongst all the
fights, in which they laughed with everybody. This is why he would ask
something different from his teammates. "{LEND ME YOUR POWER!}"

"{*YEEESSS!}*",was the response he received.

"{Then this is the plan…}"
We are ready… are *you *ready?" asked Pop to the Dragon Knight.

"… Finally, you guys are done… although, I can't imagine how you could
devise a plan if all you did was fight and laugh" responded the servant
of the Gods.

"… May I ask why you waited for us?"

"… You guys got me curious. The outcome has already been decided, but it
might be interesting to see what you'll be trying next… Actually, I have
seen that there's no evil in neither of you. You don't want to harm
others, nor want to impede my mission. But you keep clinging to an
illusion. I ask you, please wake up from that dream of me being your
lost friend, and just let me continue". For the first time, the Dragon
Knight showed a sad face

"… You've really changed Dai-kun… You seem more mature, and you are no
longer the cute little Hero from the old days, but on the other hand you
look more handsome. Still, I have no intention of leaving you here…"
answered Leona, showing some sorrow in her eyes. Still, an unwavering
resolve lied deeper in them. "I'm taking you back, Dai-kun".

Despite his growing frustration, the Dragon Knight decided to remain
composed. "I'm saying this for your own good, I'm not your friend, and
there's nothing you can do about…"

Leona quickly cut her former friend with a phrase that held a lot of
power over him: "Naaahhhhh! When I say I'll do it, I'll do it…!"

Right after hearing that, something inside the former Hero's mind
clicked, and some sort of automated response initiated, almost forcing
him to give a reply, which was accompanied by a smiling face, similar to
the one he usually made in the old days: "…That's how Leona has always
been…Wa-wait, what?"

{Just as planned} went through everyone's minds. Actually, Pop had
commented via the mental link about some of his findings regarding the
fight so far:

/{This might not mean much, but I think his memories are still asleep
within his mind, just like it happened when we fought Baran. The thing
is that we need to trigger them with small suggestions of our adventure
three years ago. This will stimulate his anger, but we should do it
anyway, and take advantage of it.}/

Before the Dragon Knight could let his fury be ignited, his enemies
started their attack.

Just like last time, the first one to attack was Larhalt, who was
thinking what he had to do in order to support the group. {This time I
can't hold back… this time, I have to think not of fighting Dino-sama,
but stopping his /Dragon Tail/ with everything I've got}. Pop words
still lingered in his mind:

/{Remember guys. Against an opponent who is infinitely stronger than
use, our chances of winning are less than 1%. However, the moment said
enemy lets his arrogance and anger take the best of him, that number no
longer holds any meaning, which means that we can either lose, or beat
the enemy… So, //*don't hold back*//}/

As he had been instructed, he attacked Dai's right flank without
changing directions, and before executing his signature move, he took
another leap forward. {Surpass the limit. I can't rely only on my speed.
I have to create a blunt blade that can withstand his attack, and
achieve an impossible synergy between all the joints of my body and the
spear. But more than anything…}.

The Dragon rider began to execute what he had been developing in the
last few years, and what he had done during a fraction of a second
against his "little brother", something very different than his soft,
mirage creating speed. He had to use something more brute…

{Faster than wind itself… *FASTER THAN LIGHT!*}

Right after that thought went through Larhalt's mind, he planted his
foot on the ground, and began his attack.

Then both techniques were executed and collided. However, right before
the clash, Larhalt's body and spear accelerated before his limit,
leaving a sonic boom. He had performed something which could only be
compared to a *lightning*.

"/Dragon Tail/"


The strength of Larhalt's arms wasn't very impressive. But despite the
burden of such a leap, he achieved a godlike synergy between the lance,
his body, and the speed he reached. It was so fast and strong that it
ruined the timing of the /Dragon Tail/, reducing its strength by a huge

"*HUUUUUAAAAAAHHHHHH*" roared Larhalt as he tried to push forward, but
the sole fact he stood his ground was impressive by itself. Dai got
extremely surprised. In fact, his face showed a slightly struggling
expression. At least, the struggle someone would have when facing a
small resistance when trying to force open the cap of jar.

Then Hyunkel followed, by staying 5 meters away from Dai, and readying
his blade before attacking his opponents left flank. However, this time
it was a /Touki/ Blade what extended from the four pronged hilt of his
sword. {Nova's sword is designed to give shape to Touki withouth help
from the user, so this much shouldn't be a problem, but I have still do
my part in order to create the sharpest sword it has ever existed… one
that can pierce even his Draonic Aura}. Hyunkel got in position for his
/Avan Cross Scryed/. Despite the earlier failure of the technique, he
would try it again. Lon Berk motivated to do so through Merle mental link:

"/{Your new move failed only because you let your Touki detonate ahead
of time, and that happened only because you were nervous. Dai only felt
a shockwave of the technique. I imagine that doing three things at the
same time must be pretty hard, but in the end, they are all the same;
'focus your energy, concentrate on the target with nano-metrical detail,
and fire'. This time, it's no different. Get rid of every distraction,
stop thinking, and fire that neddle}"/

In the end, Lon Berk was probably the strongest swordsman in all the
worlds. He managed to figure out the idea behind the technique. The
reason a technique such as /Juuou Geki Retsushou/ was so effective was
because the strength of the "gust" became concentrated and compacted. In
other words, constant mass and less volume equals to higher density. The
idea behind the /Bloody/ /Scryed/ was compatible. In order to compensate
the lack of the /Kuuretsuzan/ that was needed to complete the /Avan
Strash/, Hyunkel spun his arm, which would add strength to the thrust,
working as a drill. That spin concentrated his /Touki/, making it
denser. Then, why could he not apply that same principle to his /Grand
Cross/? Not only that, he could incorporate Avan's technique in order to
make an attack that, instead of cut *anything*, it would pierce and
crush *everything*. The strongest /Touki/ attack a human could do, in
the size of a needle. Such an attack would not disperse, even against
the strongest defense.

Hyunkel mimicked the movements he used when he first attacked Dai, at
the beginning of this fight, but before that, he checked the corrections
he had to do: {Focus the power of the Grand Cross in your arm, to create
the strongest and fastest spin you can muster… Then let it be released,
following a spiral path, at the same speed as the spin of the sword.
Make them meet at the center of the hilt… use your inner eye to
visualize the nucleus of the shockwave and his /Touki/ blast…}.

Then, it hit him. He forgot the last part of Lon Berk's advice: /"{Get
rid of every distraction, stop thinking, and fire that neddle}"/.

Hyunkel finally dispersed all thoughts from his mind, and the he could
see it, even before it was there… The weak point Dai's /Dragon Roar/.
Then, he simply said inside of his mind: {JUST DO IT!}.

"/*AVAN…CROSS…SCRYEEEEEEEEEED!*/" shouted Hyunkel, emptying his lungs in
the process. And just as it was intended, a needle was released from the
tip of the immaterial sword. However, said needle was so bright its
light made it look like a huge burst of light. The greatest /Touki/
blast, concentrated in the smallest stream possible, directed to the
most vulnerable point of a defense that was yet to come.

"/Dragon Roar/" said the Dragon Knight with a dry voice. But then it
seemed like he was holding a huge weight with his hands, as he struggled
with two attacks that couldn't push him, but neither could he push pack.
Fortunately, an instant later his /Dragon Tail/ shoved Larhalt. However,
there was no major injury on him, nor important damage on the spear, as
if the attack was intended to only hold his /Dragon Tail/ without major
risks. Still, /Dragon Tail/ had not been completely expended, and the
Dragon Knight could redirect it if he wanted to. On the other hand,
Larhalt *did* surpass his limit, and couldn't move; he had overexerted
his body.

{… Doesn't matter. The magic user is next…}. Then, the Dragon Knight
focused his thoughts on the clouds in the sky, where the same circle of
clouds from before remained. All the lightning bolts contained in those
black clouds were fired to the center of said circle. Simultaneously,
Pop leapt forward.

{His pride won't let him fire it at someone else. This means there's a
100% chance of me receiving it},thought the Daimadoushi before focusing
his magic energy on his Chaos Rod. {I've also got the timing… Just like
against Vearn…}

"/Heaven's Judgment!/" exclaimed the former Hero, before executing the
spell without using his hands. He had learned to that spell without
using his hands.

As the gigantic bolt fell on Pop, something that lasted only a fraction
of a second took place. An extremely concentrated spike of magic energy
rose from the Chaos Rod. Said spike could not compare to the lightning
bolt it met in terms of raw power, but Pop had already had the chance to
actually examine the later when he blocked it with his /Mahokanta/. Then
with all the information available, he did what he did to defeat Vearn's
/Kaiser Phoenix/. He hit the weak point of the lightning, and separated
it in many bolts. Such a feat was impossible, plain simply. However,
knowing the timing, the point of impact, and Pop's natural abilities, it
became possible to tear a lighning.

{I guess I really am a genius…} thought the young magic user, before
continuing his attack. {Now, [you] take form… an inverted umbrella}
passed through his mind, and the spike of magical energy took said form.
That way, the smaller bolts were dispersed even more. {Now, Chaos Rod,
time to use your real power…}

"/*MAHOKANTAAAAAAA!*/" screamed the Daimadoushi. However, no wall of
light appeared in front of him. No, something else happened. Pop had
actually requested the Chaos Rod with one particular specification some
time ago:

"… /So, you want me to forge such a crazy weapon for you?" asked Nova,
Lon Berk's young apprentice, as he tried to figure out how to fulfilll
such a request. "It's not that I can't do it, but let's face it… You are
probably the strongest magician on earth, surpassed only by Vearn
himself, so I can't imagine why you would want something like that. You
should also consider that these are peaceful times…/

"/Perhaps, but you should be aware that we are going to Makai in order
to find Dai…" answered Pop to his friend. "… The thing is, I'll be able
to reach Vearn's proficiency in magic. And he had his Staff of Demonic
Light… If want to at least get a little closer to him, I need something
unique to me. Something that lets me use my magical energy in a more
efficient and versatile way…"/

"/Just do as he asked, and forge his damn Rod…" said Lon Berk, as he was
getting tired of all the talking that was spoiling the taste of his

"…/fine, you win… I just hope you are sure that //*such*//a feature is
what you want…"/

And it was certainly the best choice he had made. The chaos Rod not only
changed its own shape and materialized a stream of pure magical energy
that changed its shape to Pop's will. It could also take Pop's spells
and create a resonance effect within itself on order to raise its level
to the maximum, just like Dai's scabbard did when he created a magic
sword. This helped with the efficiency usage of his magical energy.
Also, the spells could be channeled into the stream of magical energy,
meaning that Pop could create something similar to the magic sword, and
said weapon could take any form he wanted. In this case, Pop created an
inverted umbrella with a /Mahokanta/ embedded in it. And so, all the
lightning bolts focused on said umbrella. As the original bolt had
already been weakened by the first clash with the Chaos Rod, the new one
was as powerful, but it could be reflected. And so it happened.

{He… he reflected it!} thought the servant of the gods as the lightning
bolt came back at him. In this situation, his right arm would be useless
despite the fact he could still follow up and complete his /Dragon Tail,
/as such a technique was intended to do physical damage. Such a thing
would be useless against the redirected /Heaven's Judgment/. Neither
could he finish his this technique middle way *and*//execute another
/Dragon Roar/. Then, a chance appeared.

According to Pop's plan, Hyunkel would have to jump forward again. In
order to pierce the "wall" created by the shockwave and the Dragonic
Aura' blast that made up the /Dragon Roar/, he would need more power. On
the other hand, the Pawn Warrio Hym was already preparing his own blow,
as he flew over Pop before taking a leap towards his target. Everything
that ensued next seemed to occur in slow motion.

{It might not be enough to reflect it, but at least with its speed and
the remaining Dragonic Aura, even if can't create another shockwave, I
should be able to use my left hand to block the lightning bolt. That
swordsman attack should have already been depleted only with the
shockwave and the little contact it had with my Dragonic Aura. Then I'll
use the remaining strength of my /Dragon Tail/ to crush him…}, thought
the Dragon Knight. Then, he devised the next move. {I've measured that
Orichalcum Warrior's attack after just glancing at it from the previous
clash and my /Monshousen/ will at least send him flying, and if misses
the timing, he'll be destroyed. Then, all that will be left are the
magic user, the fighter girl, that female sage, and that giant
lizard…}.After planning this, he couldn't help but smile a little.

And so, he moved his left arm towards Pop, effectively relieving Hyunkel
from the opposition from the stream of Dragonic Aura that flowed form
that hand. Then, as he expected, when said hand got in position, it
rejected the lightning bolt to the side. Simultaneously, Hyunkel took
another leap as planned, and in just a moment the Dragon Knight would
meet Hyunkel's thrust with his right hand, which still retained the form
of the tip of a spear. Then, he began to focus his Dragonic Aura on his
forehad to fire his /Monshousen/, however, this was also part of Pop's
plan, after he discussed it with the three vanguards of the formation:

"/{I'm not asking you three to beat his techniques… just to hold them.
I'm sure that with my intervention, he'll have to redirect his left arm
in order to block the lightning. His right arm might be a problem, but
with Ossan's Juuo…}", said Pop before being cut by Hym, Hyunkel and
Larhalt, via the mental link./

"/{//*SHUT UP!*//}"/ /thought the three of them at the same time./

/The one to speak was Hyunkel, as Pop knew him the most: "{I know these
two because I've faced them in the past, so I'm sure I'm speaking for
the three of us; We've still got more to show him, and I'm telling you,
we'll beat his two /Touki/attacks, so you get rid of his spell,
understood}". The magic user didn't answer, and just nodded, before
continuing with the instructions./

{… Now I'll show that which I've been practicing ever since I got to
Delmurin… Hadlar-sama's spirit…} thought the Pawn Warrior before his
metallic body began to emit /Touki/. Following that, he readied his
right fist, *and* took a hold of it with his left hand. His /Touki/
began to take extend from his right fist, while a *second type *was
stored inside his arm.

Now, the Dragon Knight could see that his opponent wasn't attacking him
with a fist, but with a /Touki/ Blade that extended from the external
part of his wrist.

{… So be it, your blade won't cut my /Monshousen/}.

Hyunkel still hand't reached his target, and his attack still hadn't
collided with the follow up of Dai's /Dragon Tail/. The /Dragon Roar
/had already been dissipated. Enough Dragonic Aura had been stored in
Dai's forehead. It was time.

"/Monshousen…/" said the Dragon Knight as a stream of light, even
brighter and stronger than the last one was fired towards the Pawn
Warrior. However, the servant of the Gods would soon regret not having
taken his time to think up a better course of action, as the Orichalcum
warrior released an attack different from the one used last time,
because a huge flame like /Touki/ began to flow out of the /Touki/
blade… It was /Maenki/. Hym learned how to emit /Maenki/, just like Hadlar.

"/*CHOUMA BAKUENHAAAAAAA!*/" roared Hym as he took another leap with the
intent of not only beating the /Monshousen/, but to reach his opponents

Both techniques clashed. Hym additional leap was the only thing that
prevented his body form being tossed backwards, and therefore, he
couldn't reach Dai. However, the /Monshousen /bounced back towards the
Dragon Knight with twice the speed. Still, the latter's reflexes allowed
him to lean his head to the side in time to avoid the deadly beam, but
there was no way no avoid the next blow.

"/*AHHHHHHHHHHHH*/", roared Hyunkel as his /Touki/ blade shoved Dai's
/Dragon Tail /to the side.

{Impossible… even if it's not at full power, he shouldn't be able to
beat my /Dragon Tail/… unless… he achieved a stronger attack by joining
his /Touki /"needle" with his /Touki/ blade, achieving a god-like
synergy between both? Then that means that neither the shockwave nor the
blast of Dragonic Aura could disperse the needle. But then, how did he
sincronyze a simple thrust with a spin…?} thought the Dragon Knight
before noticing that Hyunkel's arm had been twisted counterclockwise,
instead of the usual clockwise.

No, in fact, he did twist his arm clockwise for the first attack, as he
had paid attention to that little detail, but now, on closer look, he
was repeating that movement

{Don't tell me that after the initial clash against my /Dragon Roar/, he
dared to let go of his sword, got his arm back in its initial position,
regained his grip on his weapon, and after he leapt, he repeated the twist?}

Hyunkel couldn't help but remember that during the first months of his
recovery, despite the fact that he was in condition to travel, he wasn't
in a state in which he could train. However, he still wanted to improve
himself, and decided that in order to do that, he had to at least stop
depending on his /Grand Cross/. He came up with the idea of being able
to fire multiple /Bloody Scryeds/, which required him to at least reset
the initial stance of his arm, and be able to achieve the required power
with arm strength alone. And he actually did it. It was later, after he
finally began to show signs of a definite recovery that he came up the
/Avan Cross Scryed/. However, the most impressive part was…

{I still can't believe I came up with this idea just now…}. Yes, Hyunkel
came up with the idea of synchronizing his first shot with a second
thrust on the spot. {I always thought that only Dai could merge two
/Strashes/, but to think I would be able to do the same with my
technique… although, I only could do it because I knew beforehand where
and when I would meet the first shot, and that was thanks to my first
failure… I guess I ought to thank you, Dai… Thanks to you, I've achieved
the *TRUE */Avan Cross Strash/}.

Dai's left hand was facing forward with its palm opened, while his right
hand was completely extended to the right, thanks to Hyunkel's god-like
blow. It was then that the flow of the fight changed completely.

Dai's body was overexerted from the previous events; his Dragonic Aura
had been focused on his hands and forehead, and so the barrier that
protected him wasn't at fullpower. The last remains of the stream of
Dragonic Aura from his /Dragon/ /Roar /protected him form the worst
part, but he still received a considerable blow on his chest from the
/Chouma Bakuenha/, and as his body had no more protection than a thin
barrier of Dragonic Aura, said barrier was easily broken, and his body
felt the impact of the blow.

Immediately afterwards, he was hit right below his left ribs, with
nothing to protect him, by Hyunkel's technique. The Dragon Knight was
quite fortunate that Hynkel's attack had been weakened by both the
/Dragon Roar/ and the /Dragon Tail/, but the blow still sent him
backwards and slightly to his right by thirty feet; his feet never
separated from the ground, and they left two noticeable ditches. The
Dragon Knight suddenly gasped while facing downwards, or so he thought,
as something else came along the expelled air.

When the Dragon Knight's vision adjusted after the blow, he saw a red
stain on the ground. {I'm bleeding… I've seen my blood before… The
training required me to learn how to deal with pain and injuries, and of
course, that includes how to recognize when I'm harmed, but… I'm
bleeding… because of them? They've broken… my /Tenchi Matou…? …

{IT'S WORKING!}. All the team finally felt a sentiment of accomplishment
after the first successful blow. But it was far from over

The Dragon Knight saw how the ground darkened, and as a shadow suddenly
covered him, he quickly faced upwards to see what was blocking the
sunlight. He would not be able to gather Dragonic Aura in time, so he
got ready to intercept and counter the blow that the female fighter was
trying to execute, but he somehow found himself unable to move with
enough freedom. He then noticed some threads made of /Touki/ were
attached to him, just like the ones he saw on the same female fighter.
He switched his sight towards the source of said threads, and saw how
the swordsman that injured him was using the spell /Touma Kugusshou/.
This was also included in Pop's plan:

"/{… Hyunkel, I won't rebuke you for using the /Touma Kugusshou/with
Marm… Dai is right about spells and weapons being neutral. In the end,
it is us who use them, and so it is us who label them as good or bad… If
you think the Dark /Touki/you stole from Mystvearn three years ago can
be used for the good, then use it… surpass the limit of light and
darkness, and stand above it!}", communicated Pop to his friend/

"/{… I think… I think Pop is right about this, Hyunkel…}" said Marm as a
sign of support to her fellow disciple of Avan./

/This surprised Hyunkel, who still remembered how he almost fell to the
darkness again when Papunika was attacked by /Kiganjou/, Vearns castle,
and a second time when he faked to accept Mystvearns offer of salvation
in exchange of betraying his friends. How he almost let his Dark
/Touki/beat him. But now he understood that /Touki/is a tool in the end.
How to use that weapon is what decides who is good and who is evil. As
long as he didn't let his anger and fury dominate him, it didn't matter
which type of /Touki /he used. Then, he simply answered: "{… thanks…}"/

Hyunkel's actions left Dai with few options. {Still… do you think this
is enough to beat me!}, thought the Dragon Knight before he released
himself from Hyunkel's technique. He managed this by exerting his body
beyond his limits, and gathering Dragonic Aura by the sheer power of his
will. {Strange… this feeling… making an effort after another… it's
certainly difficult, but… it feels so familiar… almost… nostalgic…}.
Then, a storm of images, sounds, and emotions swarmed him. {… enough…
experiencing this floods of images is getting boring and tiring. I'll
just ignore them. They'll soon be gone… *BECAUSE I'M GONNA EXTERMINATE
THESE COCKROACHES!*}. Unfortunately, he exhausted almost all the
Dragonic Aura he managed to gather, and did not have time to gather
more. So, in face of the incoming attack, he focused what little
remained in his arms, which he crossed in front of his chest in order to
defend from it. Then, he received it.

"/*MOUKO… HASAI-KEEEEEEEN!*/" shouted Marm at the top of her lungs as
she punched Dai on his arms, which were protecting his chest. {… It was
necessary… I'm sorry Dai, but this was my best… Don't worry, with Pop's
/Zaoriku/, and Leona's and my healing, you'll be okay.}. After
delivering the strike, Marm quickly went next to Hyunkel, who had
received the most damage, in order to heal him: "/Behoimi/", she casted
on him.

The Dragon Knight only took three steps backwards in slow motion. Then,
he puked blood and expelled it upwards. {Huh… it's raining crimson… so
weird…Well, I guess those two back there are next…} thought the former
Hero, referring to Crocodine and Leona. His body seemed wobbly, but he
could still gather his strength to make swift and precise movements. He
was ready to jump at the next targets. It was strange, actually. He
could have easily chosen his other enemies, but at some point, a part of
him stirred him to face the ones he had not faced, motivated by a single
thought: *WHAT ARE THEY GONNA DO TO BEAT ME*. All those who had attacked
him had shown him exactly that. His curiosity was getting the best out
of him. He was ready to jump at Leona and Crocodine, but someone would
not let him. {So, you won't let me move with freedom… It doesn't matter…}.

"/*BETAAAAN!*/" shouted the magic user before casting the spell that
multiplied the gravity around a target. Said target managed to identify
the spell, and defended himself with his Dragonic Aura, but still could
not move. {Huh, so you won't budge? No matter, this attack is not over}.
Pop began to gather his magic energy in his Chaos Rod, before releasing
at the speed of an arrow, a spear that concentrated the power of the
strongest /Gira/-type spell available. He pointed his Chaos Rod,
imagined the form he wanted, and began to shout the name of the spell:

"/Monshousen/". A beam of light was fired from Dai's forehead towards
the remaining two members of the opposing party. {Even if I can't move,
I can still attack. Now, how do you two intend to respond…?}

{Just as planned…}. Leona got in front of Crocodine, and prepared her
defensive measure. {… No matter how much I try to put a front, fighting
Dai-kun like this is… unbearable… To think he really wants me dead… But
just like it happened with Crocodine, Hyunkel, Larhalt, Hym, and even
Baran… sometimes you have to knock some sense on people… by force.
Still, I never thought I would say this, but… No one takes *my*
Dai-kun…!}. She readied her Whip, and started her attack. "… *GO TO
HELL, YOU DAMN GODS…! …*/*KUURETSUZAN!*/". The /Monshousen/ was
dispelled almost instantly. It was an impressive feat for Leona to
target a /Touki /blast of such a reduced size. Just like trying to pass
the thread through the eye of a needle… by throwing the thread from a
distance of thirty feet. Still, Leona's job wasn't done, according to
Pop's prediction:

"/{Right after he receives Marm's blow, I'll hit him with two spells
almost at the same time. However, I'm sure he'll use his /Monshousen /to
attack whoever is in front of him. I promise you that I won't let him
shift his attention from you two, Princess, Ossan. Princess, you stop
his /Monshousen/, and you Ossan…}"/

/Crocodine decided that he would change the battle plan, and so he would
suggest something: "Pop, I know you are the one giving directions, but
please, let me decide how to proceed… I know I'm probably the weakest in
the team. All of you have been growing at a pace I can't keep up any
longer, and of course, you are all young, while I'm…" Crocodine said. /

/These words surprised Pop and the rest. Sadly, Crocodine's words were
true. Even Leona, who during the war had almost nothing to contribute,
except for her participation in /Minakatoru/, she had suddenly developed
her own fighting style, modeled after Queen Flora's, and even trained
the Whip application of the Avan-Ryuu, along with the spells included in
the Sea Chapter of Avan's Book. Adding that to her talent as a Sage, it
was obvious she would become strong in the future. But her high pace
surprised Crocodine beyond belief./

"/Of course, that doesn't mean I've given up… so let me do it my way,
and I assure you I'll make our window even wider after I'm done. All I
ask is that when my attack ends, I'll need…"/

And so, the party decided to trust him.

{So, she managed to block it… interesting… let's see what's next}. The
Dragon Knight became expectant of the next attack.

Pop continued with his attack, and finished his impending spell:
"/*…GIRAGOOOON*/". Right after saying the chant, he released the
strongest heat beam possible for him.

The former Hero didn't flinch in front of the attack, and simply
gathered his unique aura, and made it explode from his arm in order to
dispel the spell launched by the magic user. Nonetheless, an explosion
occurred, and the dust that rose from the ground blocked the vision of
the Dragon Knight. Usually, such a thing wouldn't matter, as sight
contributed to his perception by only a fraction. But Crocodine had
trained a lot during the three years that took place between the war,
and this encounter. He decided to train in order to "erase his
existence". He learned how to make his /Touki/ disappear, which enabled
him to appear in front of Dai without being detected. Of course,
Crocodine knew he wasn't fit to use the /Mutoujin/, which involved
lowering all defenses and /Touki/ in order to receive all the power of
the opponent's technique, leaving the latter open for a counterattack.
No, Crocodine decided that he simply didn't have the sheer ability to do
that, at least not Avan's version. Instead, he would create his own
/Mutoujin/, which would be put to test in just a second. Right at that
moment, the Dragon Knight noticed his opponents presence right in front
of him.

{So… we meet again. You've really been a disappointment during this
whole fight. You've hardly contributed… I'm just gonna erase you}

{I know that look… you are underestimating me. And with good reason, but
you are still young, and inexperienced. And old man like me can still
teach you a few things. And I'll have you learn that arrogance is your
worst enemy. Come… *BRING IT ON!*}

The Dragon Knight prepared himself to inflict the same attack as last
time. A simple punch filled with Dragonic Aura, ready to punch the
opponent while simultaneously releasing a /Iogurande/, with the intent
of detonating it inside the opponent, causing massive internal damage.
The difference was that this time, the magic user should be completely
depleted of magical energy, after using two /Behomazun/, along with
other offensive spells.

"Pop-kun, receive it!" shouted Leona before she threw a Silver Feather
towards the magic user.

During the war three years ago, Avan developed the Golden Feather and
the Silver Feather from the /Kiseiseki/ stone, obtaining an offensive
feather used to strengthen the Anti-Evil properties of any spell, and a
healing feather that cured and recharged magical energy. And Pop's plan
envisioned that Leona would heal Pop right before Crocodine attacked,
but not before he became the closes target for Dai.

"Thanks Princess!" said Pop has he let the feather stab his arm, getting
him back in good condition. Even if his magical energy wasn't at its
top, he was in a much better condition.

{So, they have those *too*… it probably healed him… doesn't matter, I'll
simply kill you in one shot, lizard-man}. The Dragon Knight adopted his
pose, and threw a basic, but perfect right punch, directed at his
opponent's belly. "/*Iogurande*/" was uttered from his mouth with a
soft, but compelling voice. His opponent had no defense whatsoever. He
probably screwed up when he tried to sneak in order to get to the Dragon
Knight. {… Nice try, but not good enough.}

{*I'VE GOT YOU!*}, thought Crocodine before using *his* version of
/Mutounji/. {I might be just an insignificant insect next to you, but
I've still got my pride, and my experience. And I'm sure, that my
*everything* can defeat that single punch of yours… as long as I use it
like this…}. Then, Crocodine gathered *all* his /Touki/ at the point of
impact, before the collision even took place, and released it at that
point, with all his strength, with highest density possible. Then it

The sound of a cushioned explosion was heard, followed by *two* dull
cracking sounds. The first one was from Crocodine's armor. However,
Crocodine was fine. He became exhausted all of a sudden, but unharmed.
His opponent, on the other hand, had a surprised face, as he examined
his right arm, which was getting dyed with a mixture of black and purple.

{… It hurts… my arm… is it… broken!}. The Dragon Knight was more than
perplexed. He was used to pain. His training was devised with that as
one of its purposes. But he couldn't understand how the weakest member
of that party could harm him. He suddenly entered some sort of catatonic
state, leaving him at the mercy of his enemies, with only his instincts
to protect him.

"…Don't get distracted. Learn how it feels… *RELEASE… EXPLOSION!*"
shouted Crocodine as an explosion was released from his King's Axe. Said
explosion sent the Dragon Knight upwards. Instinctively, the body of the
former Hero gathered Dragonic Aura in order to create a barrier that
covered his whole body. Still, the servant of the Gods didn't come

"NOW IS OUR CHANCE! EVERYONE, KEEP GOING!" shouted Pop, and everyone obeyed.

Leona quickly launched more silver feather to Larhalt, Hym and
Crocodine. Hyunkel had already recovered thanks to Marm, meaning that he
would be the first one to attack. He suddenly remembered another remark
made by Pop during the planning of their attack:

"/{I'm sure that his Genetic Battle Memory will act, so we have to
attack with everything we've got}"/

"/Bloody Scryed!/" roared Hyunkel to signal his most known technique,
which he executed with magisterial precision, sending his former friend
to even greater heights. However, just before the impact, Dai emitted a
burst of Dragonic Aura

"{Ossan, Marm, when he hits the ground, attack him with a /Mera/-spell
and the /Doryuu Shou Haken/}". Of course, Pop was referring to the
technique the God of Martial Arts, Brokeena, used against Mystvearn,
although unsuccessfully, when the later used Vearn's original body three
years ago. They didn't question Pop's orders. Now, it was Pop's turn to
attack: "/Betan!/" shouted the magic user to pummel Dai's body to the
earth. Then, right before he hit the ground, Crocodine reached the point
of arrival, while Marm stayed were she was, and both attacked.

"Release! Burning Fire!"

"/Bushin-ryuu… Doryuu Shou Haken!/" shouted Marm as she jumped, flipped
her body to face downward, and double punched the ground, generating a
seismic shockwave.

Then, when Dai hit the ground, like a volcano, his body received a
shockwave that would have sent him upwards, had it not been for
Crocodines King's Axe, which also brought a gigantic flare. Once again,
there was a sudden release of Dragonic Aura, which cushioned the impact
of the three techniques.

"{It almost over. Please, endure it guys}". As unbelievable as it could
sound, Pop was suffering as badly as his friends, but he had taken too
seriously the job of making the hard choices. "{Princess, you are next!}".

"{Alright, Pop-kun… Dai-kun, I'm sorry}". Then, Leona took out her
Papunika Knife of the wind that she received from Dai just before the
two of them faced Demon Lord Vearn. She couldn't help but remember that
with a bittersweet feeling. Then, she attacked in order to make sure
that at least her *second *attack would reach: "/Kuuretsuzan!/" she
shouted. Her thrust sent a /Touki/ blast that managed to create an
opening in Dai's protective barrier, which would at least ensure a
minimal effectiveness for her next attack. She quickly gathered her
magical energy, and executed one of her favorite spells. She exclaimed
"/Hyadaruko!/" before releasing a reduced blizzard against her loved one.

Dai should have suffered a great deal of damage, but when his barrier
was broken, at the moment of impact, a great burst of Dragonic Aura
exploded from within his body, protecting him from being frozen internally.

{…Still, as expected of a Dragon Knight. I'm sure that Dai hasn't
received much damage, but he won't be standing once this sequence is
over. Everyone is gonna hate me for my attack, but I think it's the best
decision. But at least that way, the fight will be over… I'm sure of
it!}, thought the magic user before giving his next indication.

During the whole fight, Merle had to perceive the internal turmoil that
ensued inside each of her friends' hearts, but she understood that what
she felt was nothing in comparison.

"Is it really necessary to punish him so much? They can't possibly think
that this is reasonable!" finally exclaimed Brass, who had to see how
his "son" was being pummeled by the party. He couldn't help the tears
that had flowed from his eyes since the battle began.

"That's because you can't even begin to grasp the size of Dai's true
power… Actually, I'm afraid that not even this might be enough?"
answered Lon Berk.

"That can't be true, Master. I mean, I know Dai is strong, but the idea
of him turning this around is…" countered Nova, but before finishing, he
saw his master eyes, and understood that his Masters fears were
rightfully funded.

"… Pop-san… Pop-san thinks that this is necessary… I trust him, so I'll
believe the same, and pray that this is over soon" finally said Merle,
who, in respect for all her friends, including Dai, she maintained her
eyes fixed on the ensuing battle.

"{Larhalt, Hym, NOW!}"

Before executing his move, Larhalt remembered another key point of Pop's

"/{Even though I told you all to give it your best, once we are done
breaking his /Tenchi Matou/, //*and*//with the first sequence of
attacks, we have to switch to a speed strategy. Don't use your maximum
attacks. Instead, use techniques that require less preparation time, and
that are easier to synchronize. So, during the first sequence, deal all
the punishment you can muster}"/

{I'll listen to you… Let's finish this!}, thought the Land Warrior
before attacking. "/Haken Distall!/" said the Dragon Raider as he
slashed his "little brother" with a superhuman speed and accuracy. Once
again, Dai was protected by his Dragonic Aura, and still remained in his
catatonic state. Then, Hym appeared in front of the former Hero, focused
his /Touki/, and prepared his move.

"{Hym, make sure he is left standing!}", shouted Pop through the Mental
Link to the Pawn Warrior.

"… With this, victory will be ours... /Aura Knuckle!/" shouted the
former Pawn of the /Shinei Kidan/ as he released his technique. In order
to do as instructed, he made sure to hit Dai beneath his center of
gravity, or his navel, in an upward direction. Having noticed that Dai's
Dragonic Aura had been acting automatically during the last blows, he
decided that using all his strength would do the job. And in fact, Dai
was left standing; the punch lifted him a little and propelled him
backwards. When he touched the ground, his feet drifted, and given his
slouching pose, once he stopped, he stayed like that. However, this
time, his Dragonic Aura was less impressive.

Just as Pop had planned, at some point of the fight, if they continued
to attack Dai before he could react, his own body would take care of
defense, by emitting bursts of Dragonic Aura, effectively draining it.
This was only possible thanks to Merle's Mental Link, with which the
coordination time between them had been reduced to just a fraction,
allowing more swift sequences. In fact, that mental link even allowed
them to share mental images, making things even easier. However, that
would be discovered in the next few seconds.

{Now… it's my turn…}, thought the magic user before letting go of his
Chaos Rod. However, with his magical energy, he made it float between
his hands. {Take form… become a Bow!}, was the idea that went through
his mind, and as ordered, the Rod took the form of a dark, mesmerizing
Bow, with just *one *arrow, although there was arrowhead in it. "{Sorry
guys… but no matter what, I need you to trust me}". Then, the magic user
casted two spells, one in each hand: /Merazoma and Mahyado/.

These two equally strong spells would be merged, in order to attain a
*spark* of pure energy, by acquiring the energy that must be infused
into to make atoms vibrate so that matter burns, *and* the energy that
is subtracted in order stop the atoms so as to freeze matter. When such
a pure energy is channeled, the Spell of Total Annihilation /Medoroa /is


Before his friends could reject the idea and stop him, he focused
completely on the way he visualized what he intended to do. "{I hope
this works}", thought Pop, before giving the final push. A vivid image
of his intentions was created, and said image was seen by everybody. And
then, they decided to leave it to him.

As Dai was left standing, still paralyzed, not of fear, but because of
utter and pure confusion, Pop created an arrowhead by infusing the arrow
with the pure energy of the /Medoroa/. Now, the arrow hardly resembled
one. It looked more like the blade of a giant harpoon, like the ones
used when hunting whales. Then, he increased the length and the
"sharpness" of the energy blade, and decreased its width and thickness.
{This way, I increase the strength of the spell, while decreasing its
area of impact. With this, I'll pierce his barrier, no matter how thick
it becomes}. This was apogee of what he wanted to achieve with the Chaos
Rod he requested. {I even trained in the application for arrows of the
Avan-ryuu. Certainly, I can't use /Touki/, so it's impossible for me to
learn how any of the three slashes, much less the /Avan Strash/. But I
can at least train half of the concept behind the /Kuuretsuzan/, and
learn how to find the core of a /Touki/ concentration, such as a spirit…
or the weak points of a /Touki /barrier… Dai… You are going down!}

Dai's body began to feel the danger, and started to gather the last
ounces of the Dragonic Aura available in his *current* state. On the
other hand, Pop already readied his shot. All he had to do was to
release the /Medoroa /arrow. A second passed.

As he was about to release the arrow, its arrowhead fluctuated, twisted
around its own "body", becoming even thinner, shorter, and denser.
"/*MEDOROAAAAAAAA!*/" shouted Pop has he let go of the arrow. Its shaft
and flexing disappeared, and only the harpoon remained. Simultaneously,
Dai seemed to react to the impending danger.

The Dragon Crest sparkled as never before, releasing the last ounce of
Dragonic Aura which was concentrated on his left hand, which he could
still move, unlike his broken right arm. Because of the arrow's
elevation, he would have to block it using the back of his hand.

"*!*"shouted the dragon boy. The clash took place, and it ended as fast
as it began. Days later, reports of an arrow of light flying through the
capital of Papunika and other neighboring villages and cities would be
heard. Luckily, no one was harmed, but many goods and buildings had been
damaged in the process, each one having a hole bigger than the previous
one. The arrow finally stopped after it hit and pierced a mountain.
After that, it couldn't maintain its stability, and simply exploded.
That mountain was located on the other side of the world.

Dai's hand had been pierced, along with his abdomen. Luckily, no vital
organ blood vessel had been pierced or damaged; Pop's latest studies
included anatomy of many species, as he had gotten tired of killing
during the last war.

The Dragon Knight puked a big pool of blood, both was still standing.

"… It's over. You can't expect me to believe that you want to continue.
If you go on, you'll die of blood loss. Then, who will complete your
mission? Just stop, and come with us. Please Da… Please, Dragon Knight"
said Pop with a tired but resolute face.

"Let's stop this nonsense Dai-ku… no, Dragon Knight. I'm sure we can
talk this. If you want to, we can discuss the details of your mission,
and maybe we can lend you the sword. So please, just… stop…" continued
Leona, who couldn't keep going with her strong front, and fell to her
knees, letting her tears wet the ground. "… Let's stop hurting each
other, I beg you…"

No one had the will to say anything else. No matter how extraordinary
the fight was, or the progress and growth they all experienced, in the
end, *this* particular fight, had no meaning whatsoever. It was a
complete waste. Nothing was gained. At least that would be the case if
the fight didn't stop now.

Finally, Dai spoke. "You… you are right. I can't keep going like this.
It's ridiculous to fight in this condition". He was facing downwards,
and didn't move at all. He could barely breathe.

His friends began to show relieved expressions. Even Leona face began to
recover its color and glow. Pop was starting to smile.

"Had I taken things more seriously… had I not let my anger, arrogance
and curiosity take the best of me… had I not wondered 'what are they
gonna do now?' during the whole fight… I would have won just like this.
But that no longer is an option, isn't it?"

Leona began to get up, and Pop decided to take a step forward. However,
he stopped when he saw that Dai's Dragon Crest began to glow. However,
this glow was different. I wasn't a bright blue glow. This crest was
emitting a golden light. Its color resembled the sun that had been over
them during the whole fight, despite the blocking clouds. Soon, the sun
would set at the horizon. Dai's new glow began to cover his whole body.
His bleeding stopped, and the wounds left by /Medoroa/ began to heal.
Even his broken bones merged and healed.

"You… you can't blame me for taking things this far, right…? …Masters?"
said the herald of the Gods, before unleashing the roar of his inner
dragon: "*!*"

Then, his golden Dragonic Aura got denser, and for an instant took the
form of wings. However, unlike a Dragon's, these wings were feathered,
like and Angel's. He lifted his head, showing that his crest separated
from his head, and the six horns of the dragon silhouette extended over
his now even more spiky hair. His eyes resembled those of an animal that
was calculating how to kill his prey, yet his facial expression showed a
strange solemnity.

"And you definitely can't blame me for reaching this stage, *insects*.
During this whole fight, you've used your powers to stop me. And yet, I
can feel no malice from you… I think I've finally figured you out. To
all of you, *power is justice*, isn't it? Well, you've reaped what you
sowed. If you think power as justice..." said the Dragon Knight. Despite
the calmness in his voice, one could perceive with all five senses his

After that roar, a gust of wind was released in reaction to his power.
Despite the flashes that invaded his mind, the herald of the Gods simply
focused his mind in shattering those images. Even the tears that he
shed, just as he did the last time he said those sad words, were ignored.

"/Ry/… /Ryuumajin/?" was all Pop could manage to say after seeing Dai's
state. There was no major change in Dai's physiology, but the
transformation of his eyes and crest reminded Pop of said form.

"You know that form? Then you should all understand what it means. To
sacrifice your reason in exchange for winning, but remember, none of you
can claim innocence of such act. You all attacked me without any remorse
or shed of compassion. You would probably get rid of your souls. The
idea behind this act is quite simple: 'Even if I can never return to
normal, one word makes it all worth it…" said the awakened Dragon. His
former friends were listening attentively, despite the fear they and
been instilled with. "*… VICTORY!*"

Then, everyone shed tears, as their friend seemed to have lost his
humanity. However, they had not lost hope, as they saw the tears his
friends shed before. It seemed that even he began to trigger his own
memories himself, without even trying. They all thought the same:


However, the challenge now would be to survive the rampage of the
strongest being in the world, going at full power, with no remorse or

"… However, I would appreciate it if you called this form by its true
name… The /Ryuumajin/ is a primitive and obsolete form, that loses its
ability to reason, but that failure has been corrected in *me*. I've
been created as someone above any other Dragon Knight. My masters have
called me the The Ultimate Knight, The Angel Sent By Heavens, The Herald
Of The Gods, and even… …HEAVENLY DRAGON GOD. Which is why, I would like
you to call this form… /*TENRYUUJIN*/"

… To be continued

Capitulo 5
TENKAI - Someplace no living being could reach

In a region of Tenkai where the Gods seldom set foot, at a separated
"corner", two individuals were standing, facing each other. One had a
slightly bulky frame, short black hair, and despite being in the land
were spirits travelled to in order to find their final rest, he
preferred to dress himself with some sort of battle gear, not because he
was wary of a potential threat, but simply out of habit. Strangely, he
had a scabbard hanging on his back, but there was no sword. Another
worth noting aspect of this individual is that from his right hand, a
blue thread made of pure energy extended from his right hand. He was
offering said hand to the person in front of him.

"I know this is too much to ask, given the circumstances… Actually, I'm
not even sure if it'll work, but if I become a sort of "channel" between
you two, you might use my link, and communicate with him", said the man
as he was showing a face with some remorse, because of the guilt and
mixed feelings that were welling up in his chest.

"… Why do you look like that? It is my duty to do this when you are at
your wits ends. It has always been like that… or at least that is how I
imagined it would have been" said the woman in front of him.

She was a black haired beauty, but in a different sense from the norm.
She wore simple and traditional clothes, but that didn't make her look
old. She resembled an angel of love and mercy, as her charming and
compassionate eyes shined because of the tears that were welling up but
refused to fall from her eyes, but moreover, because of the inner
strength that the man that was with her always loved. The man couldn't
help but notice the tears aforementioned, and tried to reach her face.
However, the woman stopped him, grabbing his right hand with both hers.
There was definitely love in that simple but touching act, the sort of
love that transcended mere romance. Seeing his concern, she shook her
head from side to side in order to reassure him.

"Don't worry about these tears… I'm actually happy to have the chance to
see him again, even if only for a moment, and for this purpose", said
the angelic lady, before letting her tears fall. Still, her smile never
left her face. "Still, scolding is another form of love, don't you think
dear?" continued the woman who expelled a motherly aura.

"But such an opportunity won't present aga…" tried to say the man, with
a face that reflected remorse deeper than the bottom of the sea, before
he was interrupted by *his* wife.

said the merciful angel to appease her husband, with a serious face that
didn0t spoil her beauty. In fact, it gave her an air of solemnity, which
lasted even when she changed her expression to a warm smile. "It's not
at the happy moments in which we should be there for our children *the
most*, but when they need us to be there when they are troubled or in
pain, just like now. He needs to wake up and be out in the right way
again. And as his mother, I'm the right person for the task… even more
than his father" finished the beautiful lady as one tear fell from each eye.

They simply stared at each other, although for them such a thing is far
from simple, considering all the feelings that flow from one to the
other through such a simple stare.

"I'm ready" said the relatively young woman reaching for her husband's
extended hand as a smile full of love and resolve adorned her beautiful




NINGENKAI - Papunika Kingdom

"…Which is why, I would like you to call this form… /*TENRYUUJIN*/"

"… seriously, things look so ridiculously hopeless that if it was
someone else dealing with this mess, and I was afar, looking at this as
it was some kind of show, I would be laughing", said Pop in response to
the solemn declaration of his opponent, who radiated a surge of energy
with each breath.

This same overwhelming god of destruction heard the magician's words,
and couldn't help himself from simultaneously dropping his head slightly
and making a hard to describe expression. "… Huh?" was all he could say.

"Sometimes I wonder if Avan-sensei thought you would be the disciple
representing courage from the beginning, based only in your
foolishness…" said the Magic Sword Warrior Hyunkel.

Pop simply made forced smile after hearing his companion's harsh words,
before scowling. "That was completely uncalled for Hyunkel".

"No it wasn't Pop. You really have to learn to keep your mouth shut"
lectured Marm to Pop. "Seriously, this is a serious situation, and you
are here, telling bad jokes".

"Let him be Marm. That is his 'strange' way of dealing with this
'ridiculously hopeless' situation we are" interjected Leona, only
because she didn't want to be left out of the conversation.

The young magician was unable to feel grateful with Papunika's princess
because of her choice of words. "Why do I feel like you all are against
me? I mean…"

"I think it would be for the better if we stopped this little quarrel,
and began to discuss our next move" quickly interrupted before letting
the little quarrel escalate unnecessarily.

"I agree with Crocodine. This isn't the time for this stuff. Right now,
we need to think how to deal with Dai-sama. No matter how 'ridiculously
hopeless' things look" said the Magic Spear Warrior Larhalt.

Having caught the thread everyone was following, the Pawn Warrior Hym
also entered the conversation. "So… we all agree on struggling to the
end with this 'ridiculously…'"

Finally snapped the magic user, as he figured out they were teasing him
for his choice of words. In order to show his anger, he pointed his
finger to all the members of his party as he complained. "I mean, come
on, Dai has already shown he is at least as strong as Vearn, and now
comes up with a power up scarier than /Ryuumajin/. Someone has to
relieve the stress, right?". Everyone but the magic user had a smile in
their faces. However, such a funny situation demanded something more
than just smirks.

To anyone who did not know these warriors, or to a newbie, this
situation would suggest that the party wasn't worried at all, that the
opposing demon that somehow changed into a warrior angel descended from
heavens wasn't a threat. However, the spectators of the battle knew the
party very well, and their opponent, even though his memories with them
were clouded, was no newbie.

"… You people are forcing it so much, it's pathetic." Finally said the
Dragon Knight after noticing the cold sweating that was protruding from
each of his enemies' bodies, as well as the stiff movements and subtle
micro-expressions. His natural purity that has characterized him since
his birth… since his time as Dai, has always let him notice the
feelings' of the people around him.

No one could move. Everyone in the party realized that their ruse had
been seen through, and said stunt was the last thread holding them. The
last, except for…

"You guys should realize that what differentiate me form you isn't just
strength. I exist in a different level of existence. I was born in
/Tenkai/, designed by the Gods to be above any other mortal being, and
trained by them to nullify the only thing that can beat a Dragon Knight.
Something that can surpass even the greatest power: hard work" the
/Tenryuujin /said while looking at his opponents. He was getting ready
to attack, and had no intention of letting anyone live. After all the
insults, all the offenses, their sins had piled up too much to forgive
them. The only reason he was speaking to them was to make things easier
to them. After all, a prey that has given up is the easiest catch of
all. He closed his eyes, turned his head a little to his right, and
smiled. "Just stay still, and I'll make sure that you get an end as
painless as possib…"

"*YOU ARE WRONG!*" screamed all the members in the party, interrupting
the herald of the Gods as he was speaking. Somehow, the mental link they
shared synchronized their thoughts and actions, allowing them to speak
as one, even for just a moment. " *IT'S NOT HARD WORK… IT IS HEART!*"

As they were listening to their enemy, their last hope, the different
perceptions they had conceived of a smiling, pure hearted little boy,
passed through their minds. Some saw him as a little brother, others as
a friendly rival, or even as their dearest person. However, that image
of Dai they all shared had something in common: A pure heart. That same
pure heart was also the greatest power, which allowed him, NO, all of
them, overcome the hardships they faced. Also, there was one more image
they all shared through their mental link, which strongly opposed their
opponent's declaration:

"… /Pop…"/


"/Do you… Do you think I'm strange?"/

That memory remained strongly in their hearts, especially in Pop's. They
all understood the meaning of that question. Dai was asking Pop if it
was okay to remain in the same world as them.

On the other hand Leona had a memory that was reserved only for her.
Actually, two events that were directly related to Dai's question:

"… /I still like humans! I like all the beings in this planet that have
raised me to what I am today! If what you said was really true… That the
people on this planet don't want me here… Then… I… will defeat you… and
then disappear!/




"/I don't think I have to worry about something like that, Dai-kun. You
won't go anywhere, will you?/

"/No way! I… I wanna stay right here"/

Such were the memories Leona held. However, the warrior in front of her
held no recollection of that. Neither did he hold the love for humans
nor the wish to remain by their side. The whole party was ready once
again for the fight.

"Come with all you've got, and get ready for a permanent nap… we are
sending you to bed, and we'll make our Dai wake up!" said Pop to his
enemy. Their last memory of Dai, wanting to stay with them had been
stained, and that renewed their will and resolve.

"… As you wish" said the Dragon Knight before initiating his attack. He
crossed his arms in front of his chest, and then it began.

They had already casted away any doubts and fears. All they wanted was
to make one last stand in order to recover their friend. However, there
was something they had not accounted for: *Pure Strength*.

Without showing any pre-motion that could give away his attack, he
simply moved forward, right in front of the magic user. Just a simple
leap… no, not even a leap; he simple kicked the ground lightly in order
to give himself the impulse required to reach his target as he prepared
a simple chop with his right hand. During the first fraction of a
second, what Pop saw was Dai in front of him, a few meters away, with
his arms folded, and right after, he saw his friend, at the ideal
distance to be hacked by his hand, in the exact same pose, except for
the position of his arms. However, the one most surprised after the
attack took place was the Dragon Knight.

"… I messed up". The reason for his failure was simple: His almost
undetectable leap generated two shockwaves.

One shockwave was generated when he initiated the leap and the second
one when he stopped. They sent Pop flying backwards. Still, the magic
user did not come unscathed. Even though the attack did not touch the
/Daimadoushi/, a two millimeters slice reached from the right side of
his belly to his left shoulder, as it was traced by the Dragon Knight's

The young magician could only endure the unexplainable pain. "How… how
did he do to…" was all he could mutter.

At least something came out of this attack. Dai's first target was the
strongest magic user in the group, including the strongest healer. It
was a very tactically logical course of action. Of course, the first one
to react was one of the most experienced, although not necessarily
strongest members of the party.

"POP! GET BEHIND ME AND TAKE COVER!" shouted Crocodine as he jumped
forward with his right fist ready to fire a point blank, hyper
compressed /JUUOU GEKI RETSUSHOU/. However, his opponent was waiting for
the attack…No, he wanted to receive it.

"I guess your insult will be the first one I'll be paying back for" said
the herald of the gods before relaxing his body.

Crocodine's intention was to transmit the shockwave of his sure-kill
move into Dai's body. Sure, someone normal would have all his internal
organs ruptured by such and impact, but Dai's toughness, as well as his
healing speed should be enough to live out the attack. Crocodine wasn't
underestimating his opponent. It was just that no one in the party was
capable of measuring Dai at first glance. Crocodine's fist collided with
Dai's chest.

"Wha… what's going o…" managed to say Crocodine. Right when the impact
took place, there was a shockwave, followed by a sound that Lon Berk was
very familiar with. It was the same sound his arms made when he defeated
Zaboera with his swords, the /Sei Ou Ken/. The /Sei Ou Juu Ji Ken/
executed with said blades was so strong that neither his body, nor his
blades, could withstand the sheer power. However, this time, it was
different in two aspects:

One, Crocodine's attack was not beyond what his body could withstand.

And two, Crocodine puked blood right after they clashed. His internal
organs had been ruptured by the redirected recoil of his own technique.
Still, Crocodine wasn't done yet.

"Now I've paid you back. Although, with my Dragonic Aura I managed to
reflect your attack further than just your arm. I'm wondering how long
you'll remain with us" said Dai with a completely unemotional and
dejected expression. Right at that moment… no, the moment he took the
/Tenryuujin /form, Crocodine and the rest of the party became little
more than ants. They had been labeled a pest. And when a pest is
exterminated, one does not feel pity, just relief that the annoyance is
finally gone. "Don't worry little pests. I promise I'll be faster with
the rest of yo…"

"It's not over yet" managed to mutter the King of Beasts before he
launched a second strike, identical to the previous one, with his
remaining arm. However, his hand never reached his opponent, and the
/Touki/ was never released. Dai simply trapped his opponent's arm
between his palms, and pushed slightly stronger in opposite directions.
The result was Crocodine's arm being severed as if it had been
amputated. Crocodine could only scream. "*AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH*". Luckily,
Dai's body was so charged with his golden aura that he cauterized the
wound. The only thing the party could do was to watch Crocodine pass out
because of the pain. There's a limit to one's tenacity.

"*Don't you dare touch me, you pest*" were the only words the Dragon
Knight offered to the honorable, but ultimately unworthy opponent.

"*YOU BASTARD!*" shouted Pop as he had already readied another /Meodoroa
/arrow with his transformed Chaos Rod. Before attacking, Pop quickly
casted a /Behoma/ on his fallen friend. Then, the arrow was released,
the shaft disintegrated, and the arrow of light became a harpoon flying
straight to the same spot Pop had attacked previously.

However, this time the Dragon Knight was ready to respond. It was time
to execute the *perfect form* of each of his attacks, starting with the
defensive technique.

"/*Dragon Roar*/" said the servant of the gods as he quickly clenched
and unclenched his left hand, while simultaneously twisting his arm and
releasing Dragonic Aura from his open palm. If the synergy of the
previous version was devastating, this one could utterly reflect a rain
of high level spells in one go. Still, for a second, the arrow of light
presented some resistance, but it quickly lost its stability, and became
a giant arrow of light like it was originally supposed to be shaped
like, before bouncing back towards its caster. This should have been the
end for the magic user, but another party member quickly jumped in and
shoved his companion to the side. Hym received the /Medoroa/, and lost
almost half of his body. Without one of his legs to support his body, he
fell backwards.

"*HYYYYYYM!*" roared Pop as another partner fell before the strength of
the monster they were facing. The magic user quickly got next to his
friend and casted a /Behoma/. Hym's metallic body began to regenerate,
but he would not wake up.

"You should've waited patiently for me to pay you back; I reflected that
spell as 'compensation' for that magic user's insult", muttered the
Dragon Knight without giving it much more significance.

Pop was really shocked. Seeing Dai having total disregard for other
people's lives was unthinkable until today. Step by step, Dai was
slipping away from them, becoming more of an enemy than a friend. Still,
the magic user tried to gather his mind and focus. "[I'm afraid that
neither Crocodine nor Hym will be able to join the fight. They won't
die, but we have no time to wake them up. Hynkel, Larhalt, I need you to
stall him and buy some time. Marm, my magic energy is running out, and I
need your help with these guys. Princess, once Marm and I are done with
healing, throw me another silver feather. QUICKLY]", instructed pop to
his companions, who simply followed. Marm was closer to Crocodine, so
she jumped forward with enough strength to reach him in one step. On the
other hand, Hyunkel and Larhalt leaped towards their enemy, ready to put
their lives on the line.

However, this Dragon Knight had been trained by the Gods, and was taught
how to be ruthless and methodic. Right before Hyunkel and Larhalt swung
their weapons, he lightly kicked the ground beneath his feet. But that
was enough to disappear from Hyunkel's line of sight, while Larhalt's
eyes could follow Dai's move with hi, but the former couldn't change
directions and follow his adversary. Both warriors managed to hear a
faint comment from Dai: 'Too slow'.

Meanwhile, Pop kneeled next to Hym in order to heal him. Marm was about
to reach Crocodine, but in front of her a shadow appeared and took the
form of the most terrifying opponent she had ever faced.

"Going somewhere?" said the Dragon Knight without showing any facial
expression. He simply appeared in front of his former friend with his
arms crossed. Not even his opponent's shriek baffled him.

Marm quickly asserted the sudden change in the situation, and decided to
attack giving her everything. "/*MOUKO… HASAI-KEEEEEEEN!*/" roared the
fighter lady before releasing her right fist with all her power.

Unfortunately, the power of just one person tends to be too little and
insignificant, especially against the power of the world… and even more
so against the power to take hold of it. [If I remember right, she
almost crushed my ribcage with her punch… Let's see if she can endure
the same] thought the Dragon Knight before executing and storing an
/Iogurande /in his fist. An instant later, both fists collided. The next
thing everyone saw was Marm's arm being propelled backwards, while Dai's
fists collided against her chest. She coughed blood before falling
backwards. The blood stained the face of the herald of the Gods.
"…disgusting…" was all he said. Pop recognized the type of attack. It
was of the same kind used by Knight Warrior Sigma, from Hadlar's /Shinei
Kidan/. If Marm received that attack, then it could only mean…

The one to speak was the perpetrator. "Her heartbeat has stopped.
Finally, one's down. The rest of you will follow shortly, so be patie…"

"*AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!*" roared Hyunkel as he immediately leaped to

"Pathetic. Letting your feelings get the best of you…." responded the
Dragon Knight, letting his disappointment become obvious through his
words. However, something weird was happening to the left side of his face.

"/*AVAN CROSS SCRYED!*/" shouted Hyunkel as he released his newest,
strongest attack. Blinded by his anger, he wasn't able to notice the
subtle change in Dai. He only wanted to crush the man in front of him.

"Get out of my sight! /*Dragon Tail!*/" said the herald of the Gods
before answering his opponent's challenge with an attack of his own.
However, now that he had assumed the /Tenryuujin /form, he could afford
to use his attack in its strongest form. This time, all the strength of
his twisting arm, twisting body, arm thrust, and Dragonic Aura were
focused in the index finger of his right arm.

The spinning /Touki /needle collided with the finger, and began to
disperse. Unfortunately, Hyunkel´s attack, which had managed to face on
equal grounds Dai's /Dragon Roar/, was no match for the perfected form
of a Ultimate Attack performed by the Dragon Knight. Just when Hyunkel's
/Touki/ Blade and Dai's finger were about to collide, the latter simply
sidestepped a little, and attacked in a similar fashion to a counter,
piercing Hyunkel's left pectoral. That little clash did two things.

One, left a hole of a diameter of three centimeters on Hyunkel's chest

And two, send the Fighter flying ten meters backwards. Larhalt looked
behind when Hyunkel's body flew past him.

"Wha…" was all Pop said before waking up from the shock. Instead of
panicking, the magic user focused all the magic energy left in him. It
was clear that he was about to do something crazy.

"/*ZAAAAAOOOOOORIIIIIKUUUUUU*/" shouted the magic user as he released
that spell form each hand. He quickly double-casted the reviving spell
that had a 100% chance of working, on Hyunkel and Marm. The deadly
wounds healed immediately, although the less dangerous ones were left as
they were. His two companions remained on the ground, without opening
their eyes. Pop ran towards Marm, while Leona went to check on Hyunkel.
The Dragon Knight did nothing to stop them.

"Hyun… Hyunkel is fine Pop! It was… a success…" said Leona to her
partner after she made sure that he was breathing once again. However,
when the fact that Dai had killed two of his friends struck her, she
simply froze. She entered some sort of catatonic state. [Dai… Dai-kun…

On the other hand, Pop had already made sure that Marm was alive. Sadly,
neither she nor Hyunkel were in condition to continue fighting. After
relieving himself from the fear of their deaths, instead of feeling
glad, he could only remember *why* was it that his two fellow Avan's
disciples had crossed to the realm of the dead, and back to the world of
the living. "… Dai… how could you… Is there… *Is there any trace of you
inside there any longer!*" screamed Pop as tears left his eyes. He
looked up, and saw something strange.

Dai was crying. To be more exact, from Dai's left eye teardrops were
falling. However, strictly speaking, he wasn't crying. But at least, he
was scared. [Why? Why are tears falling from my face? I'm not sad… This…
pieces of shit. How dare you to continue with your attempts of
manipulation… It doesn't matter who is the direct responsible for this.
I'm going to exterminate you all!" said the Dragon Knight, pointing his
finger towards the clouded sky.

For a second, Pop felt glad that in fact, some traces of his friend were
left. However, that happiness was short lived. Pop knew very well what
was about to happen, but after saving Marm and Hyunkel, he was depleted,
and couldn't cast any spell.

"PRINCESS, HURRY, SEND ME A…!" managed to say the /Daimadoushi/ before
the lightning bolts in the sky concentrated in the center of a circle
free of clouds. "[…it's too late!].

"/*Heaven's Judgement*/" said the Dragon Knight without showing any care
in his voice, although his crying left eye might suggest otherwise.

"Everyone, get down!" said the magic user before jumping to the ground
and covering his head. Pop's eyelids were penetrated by the flashing
light, and managed to blind him for a second, even with his eyes closed.
However, there was no explosion because of the impact of a lightning
bolt against the ground. He opened his eyes, and turned around to see
something extraordinary. Somehow, Dai had taken hold of the lightning
bolt with his right hand. Said lightning bolt began to shrink. On the
other hand, small bolts of electricity were fired from one part of Dai's
body to another, getting reabsorbed. Pop noticed that the Dragon Knight
was floating a few centimeters away from the ground. [Is… is he for
real. He took that /Jigodein/, and is channeling it through his body,
absorbing it? But… why did he do that?]

"It seems you figured out what I did, magic user. However, let's see if
you even have the time to figure out why…" said the herald of the Gods
before disappearing from Pop's sight, leaving some glittering pearl like
tears on the air.

What Pop saw was his opponent in front of him, and then, he saw a blur
of the environment. He wasn't sure what he was looking at, nor
understood what was going on. All he knew was that he was feeling an
extremely numbing and agonizing pain which originated from the right
side of his abdomen. Pop was rolling in the air. When he finally was
able to distinguish what was in front of him, he was looking up to the
sky, and suddenly, the shadow of a man appeared in front of him, with
glowing dots floating in front of that man's face. Just before a stomp
fell on his face, another shadow kicked the first one, allowing Pop to
simply hit the ground.

What actually happened was that Dai kicked Pop 'lightly', sending him
flying. However, the impact was pretty strong, and the electrical power
that coursed through Dai's body flowed into Pop, hence, the numbness.
Just before Dai stomped on Pop's face, Larhalt attacked his 'brother'.
But for some reason, Larhalt did not experience the agonizing numbness.
Thankfully, Nova redesigned the Magical Armors so that they don't
conduct electricity.

"So, you can keep with my speed, even in this state, huh?" said the
Dragon Knight in response to the surprising intervention from the Land

On the other hand, Larhalt recovered from the clash, and got himself in
position. The Dragon Knight did the same. Both of them jumped forward,
aiming at each other, simultaneously and clashed. Larhalt managed to get
past Dai, leaving a shallow, bur definite cut on the latter's back.
[What is this feeling? I'm winning, but, it doesn't feel… right?]. Both
men stopped on their tracks.

"So, it's true that you are faster than me… Well, it's not like I
expected otherwise. After all, just because I've harnessed my /Heaven's
Judgement/, doesn't mean I can't move at the speed of lightning. I guess
that it's enough with measuring you… Get ready" said the Dragon Knight.

[What is he talking about? Just now he said that Larhalt is faster, so
why is he so confident?], thought Pop as he witnessed a battle in which
he could not interfere, if he wanted to keep his life.

Both fighters disappeared once again, and engaged in combat. The
difference in speed became clear. Larhalt was pushing himself to the
limit, just like during the very first successful engagement he had
against Dai, and was having the advantage during the current one,
dodging every attack and connecting many strikes, although all of them
where blocked by his master. [So… this is what he meant] thought the
Land warrior. Despite the apparent advantage, it was Dai who was having
the least troubles.

Suddenly, there was a change in the flow. Larhalt decided to break the
stalemate, and used his /Haken Distall/ at its best speed, in order to
finish things. However, Dai did something impossible. Not only he
blocked the strike, but managed to grab the weapon of his opponent.
Then, Larhalt received a normal, but devastating punch to his solar
plexus, which sent him backwards by 5 meters. [What was that!? I… I'm
sure I sharpened my senses in order to hit him. Even if he's doing that,
this is too much. Even more so, after he blocked my /Haken Distall/, I
got ready for his counter, but he landed it during my "getting ready"]

"I guess you figured out by now. The true objective of "incarnating" my
/Heaven's Judgement/ is not only to strengthen my attacks, but more
importantly, to accelerate my reaction time!" said the Dragon Knight

[So that's what worried Larhalt. But if he can shorten his reaction
time, it means that…]

"So, as you can guess, even if your speed is superior to mine, my
"acceleration" from zero to top speed is superior. Also, I'm processing
information, reacting earlier and perceiving faster than you can imagine
is possible."

[Damn it! I hoped that with Larhalt having this advantage, we could
drain Dai before Larhalt loses his stamina. But under these
circumstances, there is nothing we can do. Why… why does this have to
happen? Why did he suddenly… heh?], thought the /Daimadoushi/, when it
hit him. He finally saw a glimmer of hope in the well he had been thrown
into. "[Larhalt, don't give up yet, you can sti…]". However, this hope
was quickly shattered when the Dragon Knight decided to finish things,
readying his perfected /Dragon Tail/.

Fortunately, Larhalt still had his hope. Facing death incarnated,
Larhalt thought process accelerated beyond the imaginable. [Dai-sama,
I'm sure your father would be proud of the strength you've reached. You
really are the strongest in the world. Maybe I should give up… but, that
man who is devoted to you and whom you consider your closest friend…
That man who I've come to respect and recognize as the only one who is
as loyal to you as I am… he's telling me not to give up. I don't know
what he is looking at, at the horizon that only those of his kind can
gaze. Unfortunately, all I can see is what's in front of me. But, in the
end you are responsible, Dai-sama… If you trust that man, then… I'll
trust him just as much]. As his executioner was about to pierce a hole
into his opponents skull, the Land Warrior continued to think, trying to
psyche himself up. [I have to be faster… so fast that no one can see me…
beyond my limits. It doesn't matter that my bones and muscles shatter
after this. All that matters is that I can surpass my limit… For
Dino-sama… I have to be faster than the wind… than sound itself… beyond
this realm… *FASTER THAN LIGHT!*]

A shockwave was released. The Dragon Knight, with his heightened senses,
predicted the path that would be followed by the object from which said
shockwave generated, and quickly turned 180° in order to grab the skull
of said source, and crush it. However, all he managed to grab was air,
as a second shockwave appeared, and then, the herald of the gods
received a new injury on his back, a deeper and sharper one. The attack
was so fast that after both combatants stopped, the Dragon Knight still
felt no pain. Both warriors were facing opposite of their opponents.

"An attack so fast that surpassed even the almost non-existent lag
between my senses and my body's response, pierced my defenses, and even
cauterized the nerves around the wound because of the heat generated
from the friction between the spear and air?" Dai said as he and Larhalt
stopped after the clash. "… Just tell me, how did you do it?"

"It's quite simple. I've just gone beyond the limit." The Land warrior
answered as he twisted his head, showing a resolute and confident face.

"Huh… so, you can muster a speed that overcomes my advantage of a
superior reaction time and acceleration. Well, I guess, that all that's
left is see how long you can keep it up. I'm talking about that "beyond
the limit" thing you just referred to."

"You are right. I don't know how long I can go on. My body will crumble
any time now, but that doesn't matter, I…" said Larhalt before being
interrupted by the /Daimadoushi/.

user to his partner.

"What are you trying to sa…?" replied the spear user, shocked, at the
words of his friend. 'What is he talking about?' coursed through his mind.

"Just think about it. Why hasn't he used these "perfected" versions of
his attacks until now? Also, why did he have to use a spell superior to
/Jigodein/ in order to accelerate his senses, instead of using a less
damaging and less consuming spell? The only spell that's strong enough
and can last long enough to be used in combat the way he is using it, is
his /Heaven's Judgment/, but the only way he can withstand that spell
and his two other attacks is as a /Tenryuujin/. But I'm sure that even
in that state, he can barely endure so much strain. On the other hand,
he suffered major injuries before, bu after turning into the
/Tenryuujin/, he suddenly healed. That must have been his Dragonic Aura,
not a healing spell, and therefore, it was a inefficient method, which
wasted God knows how much of his power. He must be struggling in
balancing his Dragonic Aura and /Touki/ consumption with his
/Tenryuujin/ mode and his attacks. Just endure a little longer" declared
Pop. Even though much of said declaration was based on assumptions, they
were quite reasonable, and they should be taken seriously.

The Dragon Knight maintained his stoic expression, although his left
eyed continued to twitch and cry. Larhalt was waiting for his master's
response. He needed a denial or a confirmation, anything that could
dispel the doubt and uncertainty originated from Pop's declaration.
Leona on the other hand, was still frozen. Her spirit was about to
crumble definitely.

"… It's true that my strongest attacks can only be performed when my
body is hyper-charged with Dragonic Aura, or in other words, as a
/Tenryuujin/. And it might be true that I've wasted much Dragonic Aura.
But don't be mistaken. I have enough power left to crush you all. That
spear user might be too fast for me to touch him, but he'll succumb
before I do".

And with that, Larhalt began to sink in despair. He could tell that his
opponent was not lying, and knew himself that his own body would crumble
if he kept moving at "light speed".

"Larhalt… don't falter yet. It's true that this is a race against time.
But this is more important than winning a fight… Just look at Dai for a
second" said the magic user to the spear user. Leona was still in a
catatonic state. The Land Warrior did as requested, and saw his master
standing, waiting for the re-start of the fight, without caring for
other people wellbeing. And then took notice of the tears falling from
Dai's left eye. "He is crying because he is trapped there, having to
witness how someone similar and yet different to himself is hurting
others indiscriminately. He… *Our Dai needs our help*." Then, Popo
decided to talk through the mental link. "[Also, I'm sure that his own
power will work on our benefit, because…]"

Those words pressed some buttons on everyone. Nova, Lon Berk, Brass,
Merle, Larhalt, and even the frozen Leona reacted to those words. It
even managed to get a slight reaction of the unconscious people.

The Dragon Knight sighed. The magic user was partially right, and the
fight had been leaving a bad taste since the beginning. "That's enough…
please, I never intended to fight anyone on Ningenkai. Yo guys have
proven to be too much of a threat to be tolerated. You've made me harm
myself, injected weird images in my head, and even made me cry against
my will. I can't let you go, but please, stop resisting and I'll at
least give you a quick…" said the herald of the Gods before sensing a
shock wave and being attacked.

Larhalt decided to go at full throttle from the beginning. After the
successful hitting his opponent with his knee, the Land Warrior twisted
his body and lowered his upper half in order to avoid the claw attack
from his opponent; right after the hit, the Dragon Knight swung his left
arm backwards with the intent of carving his fingers in his opponents
back, but failed. [Not good enough? Let's see how long you can keep it]

The spear warrior swung his weapon upwards, carving another wound on his
opponents back, before circling around him while ducking and avoiding
another hit, followed by another slash at the back. Whenever the Dragon
Knight received an attack… no, whenever he felt a shockwave he would
immediately respond, only to hit air. However, it wasn't a complete
waste. With each little clash, the herald of the Gods made his blows
more compact, adjusting his attacks. And Larhalt felt that each failed
strike was getting closer and closer to the mark.

Larhalt was being forced to make tighter and sharper movements at such
highspeed. His body was succumbing to the G-Force of his own speed, and
the sudden changes of directions were only aggravating it. [His blows
are getting sharper and sharper. Even at "light speed", he is getting
closer to the mark. I have to make more critical damage in order to
deplete his Dragonic Aura]. He then faced a left punch getting closer
and closer to his face. Once it was at a distance of less than an inch,
he moved his head to his right, barely dodging the blow, and with a
cross counter he struck his master's abdomen with the tip of his spear.
It wasn't enough to pierce through Dai's body, but at that speed it was
enough to send the herald of the Gods backwards. Right after that, the
Land Warrior went for another blow, dodging one more attack before
successfully striking again.

The witnesses of the fight were unable to discern anything, except for
Lon Berk. He knew that Larhalt was struggling to keep moving beyond the
capabilities of his body, and could also detect that Dai was sharpening
his blows, but also was getting tired. [The energy of that lightning
bolt should be depleted in short. He probably adjusted his body's
resistance to maximize that time. If what I'm discerning is right, he
should succumb to exhaustion at the same time his lightning mode is
over… However, as for his /Tenryuujin/ mode, I can only hope it also
goes away].

Pop on his end, was trying to keep up with the events unfolding in
front, but he wasn't able to follow the fight with his eyes. Not that he
was seriously trying to, as he was concerned over other matters. [I was
only half-bluffing back then. I'm not sure how long can Dai keep his
/Tenryuujin/ mode, but he shouldn't be able to last much longer. He had
to heal the wound I inflicted on him, and I can't to imagine how much
energy is required for something like that]

Finally, Leona was beginning to recover from the previous shock. She
wasn't ready no move yet, but at least was figuring out what she was
meant to do [Seriously, what am I doing. Larhalt is fighting with
everything he's got, and Pop is trying to figure out how to contribute.
And… Dai-kun needs…]

The fight was getting more and more complicated for Larhalt. His armor
had begun to show signs of little cuts and dents, and he was getting
exhausted and muscle strained. There was no sign of Dai getting closer
to his limit, despite the multiple non-critical injuries his body had
sustained, and the only strange thing on the Dragon Knight were the
tears falling from his left eye, and some little sweat droplets on his
face. Suddenly, the former Hero jumped backwards, after "reading"
Larhalt's movement; the Land Warrior was getting ready to leap forward
in order to land a critical hit. However, the Dragon Knight anticipated
to this movement.

[It's time to finish this]. The Dragon Knight suddenly increased the
output of his Dragonic Aura, releasing a burst of energy, and then
focusing it on his right arm. He readied himself to jump forward in
order to land one of his sure-kill moves. "/Dragon Tail!/" shouted the
dragon warrior as he twisted his right arm inwards and released a spear
like blow, with his index finger at the tip of the lance.

There was not much for Larhalt to do. He couldn't change the direction
of his leapt as his muscles were giving in, and he had already readied
his next move. So, all he could do was either receive the blow or… face
it forward.

[Once more, just like last time… faster than wind, faster than sound…
*FASTER THAN LIGHT*…] though the Land Warrior before executing his
attack. He spun his spear above his head as he moved forward, and found
himself in front of the index finger which would pierce a whole through
his skull with almost no effort. He realized that it was not even
necessary for said finger to touch him in order to kill him; the air
pressure and the spinning /Touki/ that surrounded said finger would be
enough to get the job done. But Larhalt was already aware of that, and
simply kicked the ground once more, shifting his body to his right, and
readying his blade. The Dragon Knight's heightened senses and speed
couldn't follow the spear user's movement. Larhalt was at the ideal
distance, and unleashed his attack, as he shouted its name: "/*LIGHTNING

The Dragon Knight only saw a shining, blinding vertical line falling
towards his face, to which he responded by generating more Dragonic Aura
by force, and focusing on the front of his body. The next thing he knew,
he was facing upwards, lunging towards the sky, feeling the whole pain
of the attack. Immediately after that, he heard another shockwave, but
at least he managed to twist his body in the air, and use his arms as
cover. He received the attack, and then another shockwave followed,
which hurt his unprotected back, and then another one, and another one.
He managed to partially protect himself from five out of the ten hits he
received. Fortunately for him, the hit and run strategy used for this
combo attack gave Larhalt little choice about the trajectory.

When Larhalt landed after the tenth strike, his muscles finally got
torn. His bones were about to shatter, and his energy was also depleted.
He almost collapsed, but he at least wanted to turn around and see his
victory [This should be good enough, right? After all, *that* should
have helped]

The Dragon Knight managed to stabilize himself before landing. He was
about to forcibly turn around and face his opponent, but when he face
him, instead of jumping forward to take his rival's head, from his body
small, atomized clouds of blood surfaced. He then began to feel the pain
of all the small injuries he had sustained, in one go. On the other
hand, he felt how the energy of his /Heaven's Judgment/ abandoned his
body, and finally, he could barely feel the explosive energy of hid
Dragonic Aura. Then, he understood. [Until now I haven't felt any pain
form those injuries, because the nervous terminals in those spots have
been cauterized by the speed of his spear. But my Dragonic Aura has been
healing my nervous system from the slight damage from my /Heaven's
Judgment/ since the beginning, and all my other injuries. And now… my
nervous terminals have finally healed, and I'm feeling the rebound pain?
And also, has all my energy been depleted? Am I also feeling the pain
from the multiple lacerations caused by my /Tenryuujin/ mode?]

"That's right, this was already planned. Although, I had my doubts since
the beginning… Seriously Pop, your plans are too crazy, don't you
think?" said the Land Warrior to his partner, who simply grinned.

"But it worked, isn't it? Fighting while injured, no matter how
extraordinary the healing rate of the person is, will eventually pile up
and take a toll on the body. Eventually, the stamina, /Touki/, and
pain-easing effect from the adrenaline will wear out, leading to an
explosive torrent of pain and exhaustiveness…" said the magic user as if
he was giving a lecture. "You said so yourself, had you not been wasting
your time, you would have won long ago… You lost"

However, the Dragon Knight could not accept such a result. Even with all
the injuries, he would not fall. He had been designed, created, and
trained as the ultimate life form. He took great pride in the effort his
masters put on his development. [I'm not done yet!], exclaimed the
herald of the Gods in his mind as he gathered Dragonic Aura from God
knows where, and focused in his Dragon Crest. "/Monshousen!/" said Dai
as he released a golden stream of light from his forehead. Once that
technique made contact, it would kill his opponent, leaving only the
exhausted magic user and defeated sage for him to take care of.

"*SHIT*" exclaimed Pop and Larhalt simultaneously. The never thought
that Dai would force his own body so far. It was the end.

Or it would have been, had it not been for Pop's words echoing on
Leona's mind and heart. She finally decided to stand up and *help* her
dear Dai-kun. And so, she defended Larhalt. "/Kuuretzusan/" said the
Princess of Papunika as she cut through her opponents attack, using her
Papunika Knife.

The Dragon Knight was astonished. He was sure the female Sage was
incapacitated, and would not fight any longer. When he saw her smile,
something similar to nostalgia stirred from within the depths of his
being. The tears in his left eye, began to flow more profusely, and the
"nostalgia" froze him for a second, enough time for his new opponent to
follow up with another attack.

"/Daichizan!/" shouted the young lady before releasing said attack from
her Magic Whip. The trick for using the Avan-ryuu techniques with a whip
was to make sure only the tip hit the opponent, ensuring that all the
energy of the swing was transmitted. And she had become quite proficient
in the use of the whip as a mortal weapon. The strike connected into the
opponents face, sending him backwards, and making him fall on his back.

"[Finally, it's over…]" thought the magic user as he allowed himself to
feel some relief. Everyone who was not unconscious experienced said wave
of relief, specially Larhalt, who fell on his back, tired and injured,
not so much because of the opponents attacks, but mostly from his own
recklessness. However, that relief was short lived.

Without anyone noticing, the Dragon Knight rose, and stretched his arms
upwards, joining his wrists, and spreading his fingers. Somehow, from
somewhere in his body, he began to gather Dragonic Aura, which should
have been depleted long ago, into said hands. Some blood began to flow
from the corners of his lips.

"No… No way. He is gonna use *that*? Where does he get so much energy…
screamed a terrified Pop as his opponent continued to gather energy. He
decided to stop because he realized he could not reason with his friend.
At least not as long he was trapped in the cage named Dragon Knight.
user to his companion, who quickly obeyed and threw him a Silver
Feather. Once he grabbed it, his body felt energized, and his magic
energy got recharged. Unfortunately, he didn't have much time to think.
/*Doruurora*/ could hardly be called a spell, but still mixed magical
energy with Dragonic Aura into the most destructive attack that could be
imagined. But because of the Dragonic Aura, /Mahokanta/ would be
useless. Even /Ruura/ would be of no help as the explosion would catch
them while in flight, and he could not carry everyone with himself. So,
he came up with an attack that was very unpractical, but it was crazy
enough to work. Something that could surpass his own limits [I guess
this is the time to surpass the boundaries of a human being, heh? Marm
and my parents are so gonna kill me]. The magic user once again formed a
Bow with his Chaos Rod, but this time, he would cast not one, but to spells.

The Dragon Knight, on the other hand, moved his arms, and pointed the
"Dragon Mouth" towards his opponents. [So… they've *also* got that…
interesting. It doesn't really matter. This is it. They are too
dangerous to allow them to live. This whole fight has been a waste, and
also, a chance for *them* to sort out my battle level. If I don't finish
this soon, I will succumb, and give *those* people a chance to kill me]
said the Ultimate Warrior as he reconsidered his mission.

On the other hand, the rest of the party was finally waking up, and the
first to look up to the about to begin collision was Hyunkel. [What…
what is going on… is that… oh no, the only one left is Pop. How is he
gonna get through that?]. "[Marm, Crocodine, Hym. You all have to get
up. I don't know what iPop is thinking, but we have to back him up]" At
thos words, all his fallen friends struggled to get up, but managed to
give the sword fighter a half-confident smile, telling him that they
understood what had to be done. After all, they all heard Pop saying
that Dai needed help.

"This is the end… prepare to be incinerated and casted away from this
world. Maybe you'll be lucky and won't spend an eternity of suffering
for your sins" said Dai, about to explode form anger.

"We'll see about that. I… We'll keep struggling. *It may just be an
instant…* *a sudden flash of light! But it will burn so bright… so
spectacular… And it will persevere so that it can shine for even one
YOU PIECE OF SHIT!*" declared the magic user, as he quoted himself from
when he challenged Demon Lord Vearn.

"*Just disappear, you insect! */*DORUUORAAAAAAAAAAAA!*/" finally roared
the Dragon Knight as he released a golden stream of pure energy that
could destroy anything. Nothing could stop it, nothing, except for.

"*Like hell I will! */*MAHOKANTA! MEDOROAAAAAAAAAA!*/" responded the
Daimadoushi, as he released a translucent wall in front of him, followed
by a harpoon like needle made of energy. However, the combination of
spells should be self-destructive, so why would the Wiseman try to get
his by his own spell? It lasted for only an instant, but the complexity
of the attack would put any other magix user in shame. The /Mahokanta/
released by the magic user quickly changed form, taking the shape of a
funnel, into which /Medoroa /entered. Right after that, the funnel like
/Mahokanta/ changed its shape once again, transforming into some sort of
puzzle box in which the harpoon began to rebound and rebound again and
again. This effect caused the spell to resonate positively, increasing
its strength. Finally, Pop allowed the box to transform again in a
funnel, redirecting the "hyper" /Medoroa/ towards his opponent. Finally,
when both spells clashed, Pop reshaped his /Mahokanta/ into a simple
wall, and pushed it forward to push his /Medoroa/ along.[I've already
worked it out on paper, but I still can't believe it worked so
magnificently in practice]. "I guess I really am a genius" said the
magic user, before his luck finally run out, as his body began to feel
the after effects of using strong spells consecutively. Even if it were
only two spells, they were of such a high level that combined with his
fatigue and injuries, proved to be too much for his body. [Shit… why now
of all the times]. Pop began to lose hope,as blood dripped from his mouth.

"Hahahahahaha, I got scared for a moment there, but I guess you are just
a human who can't accept his limits… Not that I can make any responsible
remarks on that area, given how I've behaved today. But, in the end,
this is all you can achieve. YOU ARE FINIS…" managed to say the Dragon
Knight before seeing something extraordinary.

All the fallen members of the party managed to get up, and were holding
Pop from behind, impeding him from falling to the ground.

"Now is not the time to falter you idiot. You said so: Dai needs our
help" said Marm as she was struggling with the injuries. Even if she was
healed, the fact was that for a moment she was dead and now had to
endure the pain of already healed massive injuries she had sustained.
"Don't worry, I'm using /Behoma/, so you just focus one the /Doruuora/"

"Marm is right; we can't give in just yet. I'm sure that a light will
shine upon us on this darkness" complemented Hyunkel, who could only use
his right arm, as the left one couldn't be moved because the attack
which pierced Hyunkel's had also damaged some muscles required for him
to use the left arm.

"You just focus on maintaining the attack. Once his /Doruuroa/ subsides,
we will take care of the rest" assured Crocodine, who despite missing an
arm, got up to participate in the conclusion of the fight.

"You are the man who defeated Sigma. You can't give up with just this.
I'll never forgive you if you do". The Pawn Warrior Hym tried to
encourage his friend on his own way, as he also supported Pop.

"Dai-sama trusts you, so I'll trust you, just as I said before. Prove me
that you deserve that trust" declared the Land Warrior Larhalt in order
to motivate the magic user he had come to appreciate.

"You are Dai-kun's best friend. Under normal circumstances, I should be
the one helping him, but in a fight of this level, there is not much for
me to do. If there is someone besides me who can get him out of that
cage, that's you Pop. So… *Kick his ass!*" finally said the Princess,
who decided to heal her other teammates as the also used her body to
prevent Pop from collapsing.

Pop was astonished. He rally had thought that his friends had reached
the limit. Seeing Marm and Hyunkel on their feet reminded him of the one
who put them on the floor in the first place. For a second, he had come
to hate Dai, but after seeing his tears, he understood that he was
acting against his true own volition. Thus, he understood that his
friend needed his help. [I guess that they are breaking through their
limits. And I'm here, complaining of this insignificant pain. I'm sure
/shishio/ must have endured a much worse pain, and worst of all, at such
and old age. I'm still young, I can still fight, and *I will help my
best friend!*], said Pop to himself, as he lowered his head and let a
single tear fall from his left eye. Then he got ready to finish the
the /Daimadoushi/ as he endured the internal bleeding and poured more
magical power.

"This… *this is impossible*!" exclaimed the Dragon Knight as he noticed
how his attack was being stopped. Suddenly, there was a flash of light,
and when it subsided; he saw that both attacks had canceled each other
without a huge explosion. They simply disintegrated the ground, leaving
a huge hole. "How could this happen?" said the Ultimate Warrior as
surprise, fear and anger began to fill him.

"So… are you finally giving up? I really can't believe you have any
energy left. So, what are you gonna do?" said the magic user as he
finally lost the support from his teammates, and fell to the ground,
exhausted, injured, but satisfied.

The herald of the Gods froze after hearing those words. His mission was
now in jeopardy. He had to figure out the pros and cons of the possible
courses of actions available to him. Finally, he decided to give up… on
concealing his last Ace on the Hole. "I guess this is finally the last
straw. There is no choice for me, but to give up on saving up resources
and depending on the element of surprise".

Everyone at the opposing party was surprised. Was he serious when saying
that he had been holding back?

"Don't get me wrong. I certainly gave it my all in this fight. As a
matter of fact, I've learnt a lot from it. However, by letting it drag
on, it turned from a illustrative experience, and a suitable punishment
for all of you, it became into a waste of time and resources. I'll have
to give up on surprising my enemies with *these*. Thanks to you, my
mission has gotten harder. Although, *these *should not come out as a
surprise for you all…" said the Dragon Knight as he pulled out an
envelope… no, a package from his clothes. He unrolled said package, and
from it, 30 objects fell, and the floated, thanks to the energy from the
knight. Each of those items was gold and silver colored, and served two
purposes at the same time. They were… feathers.

The whole party was taken aback. They had struggled so much, and had
finally exhausted their opponent, only for him to show them that he
could have always recovered. Still, Pop refused to give up just yet.
"Princess, please hand me another silver feather, and together with
Marm, heal everyone. We should try to take those feathers away before…"

"That won't be possible, as I'll be beyond your reach" said the Dragon
Knight before controlling 5 feathers, making them stab him, renovating
his vitality, which allowed him to maintain his /Tenryuujin/ form. Then,
with his renewed strength, he surrounded the feathers with his Dragonic
Aura, and positioned them all into 15 pairs of wings, extending from his
back. After that, he took flight. Now, Pop would be unable to grab his
opponent's feathers, even if he used /Toberuura/. "I'm sure you all must
be familiar with the secret of the Heaven Feathers. As a matter of fact,
any overcharged set of magical object, arranged in a certain pattern can
multiply the power of the spell or power used."

Of course they were familiar with that. After all, Vearn had tried to
use that along with the power of the Black Cores in order to incinerate
the whole surface, by arranging the pillars that contained those bombs
of mass destruction into the shape Star of Evil.

"Now, I want you all to ask yourselves. What is the nature of the power
of a Dragon Knight? He holds the magic of Demons, the heart and form of
humans, and the power of Dragons. He has the blood of those three races.
Now, it is true that humans are more akin to Light /Touki/, while demons
are aligned to Dark /Touki/, although this fact is quite biased, ads the
origin of said energies lies in the raising and environment of each
person… But getting back to the main point, what do you all think
Dragonic Aura is?"

That seemed like a stupid question to everyone, except for Pop, who
wondered why his opponent was bothering with such an explanation. It
surely had something to do with the feathers he had displayed. [Why so
many feathers… Why does he need so many to create the Five Points Star
of Justice… wait, five plus six, plus… *NO WAY… IS IT POSSIBLE THAT
HE…?*], thought the magic user as he matched up the info he got from the
previous war with the almost rhetorical questions posed by the Dragon
Knight, clearly showing his fear.

"It seems you figured it out, magic user" said the Dragon Knight with a
smile crossing from cheek to cheek, as the released the feathers and
made them move in spiral at high speed first, then slowly, as they began
to get arranged into three different shapes. "The Dragonic Aura is
simply the natural energy and vitality compressed into something akin to
/Touki/, and at the same time akin to magical energy. Therefore, such an
energy should also be affected by some sort "holy arrangement" as the
Star of the Human God and Star of the Demon God do affect spells and
other forms of power", said the Dragon Knight, revealing the true name
of the symbols of humans and demons. Finally, as his Dragonic Aura Wings
flapped to maintain him in his current position, the feathers arranged
themselves in front of him, forming three symbols that overlapped each
other. Five Heaven Feathers form the Star of the Humang God, 6 for the
Star of the Demon God, and finally, 19 for the Dragon Crest. [Well, at
least with this 10 times stronger /Doruuora/, I should be able to cause
major damage to the enemy before I reach them. My masters told me to
take the proper measures in case I found obstacles. Now that the element
of surprise has been lost, I have no choice but to give make a
preemptive attack before I go to Makai]. Now, prepare to receive the
ultimate spell of destruction, which became possible thanks to the
balance of the three /Toukis/ in my body, and the knowledge I've been
imparted with. With this three layered arrangement, I'll maximize the
three energies, and at the same time, contain it with the repelling
force that exists between both Stars. This should make a whole that will
reach Makai, wrecking it and giving me a tactical advantage against
*them*". With those words said, the Ultimate Warrior launched the
feathers to the ground, expanding the arrangement so that it could
encompass the whole battlefield, preventing anyone from escaping from
the blast. The he harnessed all the energy he could muster, and focused
in his hands, getting ready to fire. All this happened as tears
continued to fall from his left eye.

The whole party fell to the ground, mentally scarred, exhausted, and
terrified. But if they were still feeling despair and fear, it was
because they had not lost everything within them. They still could not
let go of their lives, and thus, they decided to get up once more, and
they all screamed as one. They understood that if Dai was crying, he was
not only asking for help. He was struggling on his own. "*DON'T GIVE UP…

As they screamed, the sun finally set at the horizon, and its light got
reflected onto the Sword of Dai. The light reflected on the red jewel
that adorned the sword, and spread on every direction.

His opponents' words began to stir something extremely strong inside
him. The heart of someone else inside his being was getting torn apart,
and now both eyes began to cry. Even his hands were trembling because of
the doubt. [The infection has spread too much. I have to eliminate
them]. "This is the end… /*DORUUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…!*/" was all he managed
to roar, as the light from the sword blinded him. And with that,
something warm enveloped him. It felt familiar, yet distant. It felt
comfortable and joyous, and yet he felt a little guilty and sad about
it. Even his sense of smell perceived a delicious and nostalgic aroma.
When he opened his eyes, he saw a black haired angel of love and
compassion, although she had no wings. Her eyes were beautiful, and were
demonstrating nothing but love, as if she was holding her child.

"[It's enough. You can go to sleep. You've already struggled long
enough. Just rest for a while, and wake up from this bad dream. Go with
your friends, apologize, and tell "I'm back". That should be enough. You
can worry about *him* later]" said Soara to her son as she held his head
and soothed him with her caring touch.

"O… Oka…chan" said Dai, the Hero, as he finally woke up form a three
years long dream that turned into a nightmare. He dispelled the energy
from his hands, and the three layered arrangement he created lost its
power, leaving only the shape. His crest finally deactivated, and the
energy dissipated. His body became limp, his wings dissolved, and he
fell to the ground. His mother watched, and began to vanish. Still, she
said one more thing before returning: "I'll always love you, my dear Dino".

All the members in the party took notice of this ghost, but instead of
wasting time wondering about what happened, they all ran to catch Dai;
they already had a prettu good idea of who might have helped him. Pop
still had some energy left, and just like he had done three years ago,
he flew to get Dai, and they both fell flatly. Except that this time,
Dai was heavier, and pop felt a lot more pain, although he did not
mention this.

"Dai… Dai… It's you, isn't it?"







They all reunited around the two friends, and waited for Dai to answer.
He suddenly opened his eyes.

"Pop… Leona… Everyone…" said the "little" Dragon as he struggled with
the events he had witnessed and had half-incited. He knew what had
happened. He had been rescued by the Gods, reconditioned, and trained.
Despite what had just happened, he did not resent his masters, as he
understood the position the where. Still, he couldn't avoid feeling
anger. But instead of releasing it, he decided to do as his dear other
instructed. His eyes released many tears, but he managed to say the
words: "I'm… I'm sorry… I'm… I'm back". Right after that, Dai simply
fell asleep.

Leona quickly kneeled and hugged her dear Dai, joined later by Brass.
The rest simply let their tears flow. Without saying much, they decided
to return to Papunika Castle after a while, in which they healed
themselves to the best of their abilities. They decided that instead of
flying, they would be better on foot, considering the after effects of
the battle. Still, their injuries and pain was not reflected on their
faces. Despite all the anger and despair, they were happy, and they all
carried a smile, with some of them crying tears of joy. Despite the
protests, Pop carried Dai by himself all the way, without stopping to
rest. He gave the excuse that with his friend there, he had unlimited
energy. No one mocked him. Today, they had had their so awaited REUNION.
Tomorrow would be the day for them to make amends, answer questions, and
bring back all the pieces together, in order to finally reach a CLOSURE.




MAKAI – Former territory of Intelligent Dragons

Or so they hoped, as the reason for the Dragon Knight's descent lurked
in the shadows of the world of demons, along with the minions that
served him.

During the previous fight, he had watched with interest, and once it was
over, he took something from the battlefield. It wasn't a weapon. It was
a key to the maximum evolutionary power, which, along with the one he
collected three years ago, and with the metal scraps found at the same
time and place, he would once again rise, and fulfill his ambition.

"I guess that I'll be winning this bet Vearn. It's such a shame that you
are not here for me to collect. Heheheheheheheh"

… To be continued.

Capitulo 6

MAKAI – Former territory of Intelligent Dragons –

In a lair that would seem unworthy of its master during his days of
glory, laid a cocoon. Dense waves of energy emanated from the cocoon as
an old being matured into a "new" life-form. Said energy could not be
described as new, as it was the mixture of a few different ones. One of
them was nothing more than a refined version of the life-force he had
prior to this transition.

The remains of other cocoons surrounded the one that remained intact.
Forming a circle around their leader's cocoon, several hooded
individuals kneeled, waiting for orders.

"… Even though that fight was quite entertaining, it did not provide
enough intel on his full capabilities. Having all this *pieces* finally
together certainly means I'll be victorious no matter what, but as a
Dragon Knight, his abilities are still in the realm of the uncertain"
came from the pulsing cocoon. *Its* voice demanded obedience, and it
carried an arrogance that knew no boundaries. It was clearly the voice
of someone worthy of being Lord of at least one territory of the world
from which demons originated. "Therefore, Volac and Valu, you two go
measure him up… kill all the people who fought him, and leave nothing… I
might not be able to torment Baran, but at the very least I'll torment
his son…"

"My Lord, is there any specifics you would like us to focus on during
this mission?" said the eldest of the twin dragons that were part of the
elite warriors that surrounded the cocoon in which their master resided

"Sir, if you would please listen to my suggestion…" said the youngest of
the twins as he waited for his master's permission. Instead, the
Overlord of Makai simply remained silent. Despite all the energy his
body released, he had to save it for his transformation, and so tried to
avoid talking more than necessary. The long pause in the conversation
gave the young underling the indication to continue. "… I think it would
be better to let Volac-nii-san and me injure him, maybe take one of his
limbs, and kill only *one* of his friends. That way, he'll be weakened,
but still able to fight… he'll definitely come to keep fighting, and his
friends will follow. We'll kill them one by one along the way until he
reaches here… let him taste a portion of your power, make him bend over
his knees, and finally beg you to finish his misery… That's the kind of
torment that will completely break him"

It wasn't only their Lord who resented the deceased Dragon Knight Baran.
All the creatures that surrounded the cocoon had a grudge that
accompanied them ever since their previous lives ended, and it was
carried on as they began their new lives.

Volac and Valu waited for their orders. The blue and red eyed twins were
eager to go to the surface and get their revenge. Volac tended to be
passive and patient, while Valu had the tendency to make rash decisions,
which is why the former was slightly afraid of his master's reactions.
Who did Valu think he was, suggesting something to their master? Sure,
it was a beautiful vengeance, but they could not cross the line with
their lord. If they made a mistake, they would both die. They were loyal
to *him*, so they would lay their lives if asked, although that did not
mean that they did not cherish their lives. All they could do was… to wait.

They waited and they waited, but no response came. Instead, they felt a
shift on the released energy. They could feel that the intensity
increased, but instead of aggression, it was more akin to… laughter and
joy. That was all they needed. Unfortunately, this also meant that they
could not receive more orders. Their lord had finally entered the last
stage of his "evolution", and would remain in stasis.

"It's clear Lord Velther is satisfied with your suggestion. Make it
work, come back and… leave us something to chew on" said a hooded
individual, from whom the second most overwhelming presence originated.
That last line came along a cocky smile.

"Yes, Lord Ziz!" answered the two brothers, as they finally got rid of
their hoods. It was time to commence their so awaited vengeance.

– NINGENKAI – Papunika Kingdom – The Palace –

"*AGAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIN!?*" screamed the current ruler of Papunika
Kingdom, as she grabbed her head in frustration, to later jerk it to one
side and to the other, as she muttered incomprehensible, but clearly
filled with frustration words and curses.

After bringing the Hero to the palace, they put him to rest on a room.
Pop, Marm, Leona and the rest of the party remained by his side during
many hours, making the room quite cramped. To say that the three sages
and Baduck were overjoyed would be a slight understatement. But after
hearing about the events that transpired, they all froze for a moment.
The three sages in particular were reluctant to believe that the Gods in
which they believed, and whose teachings they preached, would do
something like brainwashing an innocent 12 years old kid. Baduck was
more open minded, and actually dared to speak slightly ill of the three
creators of life. However, whether the Gods had done wrong or not,
considering the purpose of the Dragon Knight, among other things, was
not the problem with the highest priority.

Their main concern laid on the fact that Dai had managed to slip past
the guards, and left the palace, just like he did in Karl Kingdom during
the war three years ago, when he had been overwhelmed by the pressure.
This repetition of events brought a bunch of concerns. For one they were
not sure in which mental state their friend was, meaning that there was
no insurance that the "Herald of the Gods" had been completely
suppressed. Also, they could not forget about the "mission" had referred
to so many times. But there was something else that bothered them.
Something they all tried to bury deep within their minds.

"I can't believe he pulled it off again" said Pop as he slapped his
forehead while showing a frustrated expression.

"I guess that… we should have expected this, given our past experience"
continued Marm.

"I can't believe how incompetent the staff of this palace is" criticized
Larhalt, earning the spiteful look from Apollo, Marin, Aimi and Baduck,
who were also present.

"Larhalt, you are being a little too harsh. Sure, Dai's still weak, but
he is more than capable of slipping past *any* palace, castle or
fortress' security. *We* should have been more vigilant" said Crocodine.
After getting back to the Palace, he got his severed arm sutured, and
then got it healed by Leona. It was not ready to be used, but at least,
given time, he would be able to use it.

"To be fair guys, things came out too conveniently easy, despite all the
hardships" commented Hym. "The world isn't so kind as to bring back the
Hero just like that".

"I guess this was bound to happen. No matter what, it's been three
years, and we could have expected some changes in him… although, nothing
like we faced" complemented Hyunkel. "I think we should consult with
sensei. He might give us a hint in how to approach this matter".

"If I may propose… I can teach Pop how to send messages through mirrors
in order to send a message quickly to Karl" interceded Lon Berk. "It
might frighten them for a moment, but it's faster and more efficient
than traveling with /Ruura/. Of course, I'll include an instructive for
them to do the same and reply".

Surely, Avan-sensei should be able to help them get through Dai. The
three years old wall that separated them and the additional layer which
originated from the battle to death should disappear once Avan takes action.

"I… I guess there is not much for me to do in this situation… is it?"

Everyone shifted their gazes to a small monster with a cane. When Brass
saw his "grandchild" fighting against him and the party, the small sage
felt a sorrow deeper than any abyss.

"Brass-dono", muttered Leona after hearing those words. Neither she nor
the rest of them could understand what a "father" could feel after
seeing his son acting like that. Still, she wanted to try to comfort him
a little. So, she simply kneeled and hugged him, much tio his surprise.
"I'm sure that the moment Dai-kun sits to talk to us, you'll be the one
he'll need the most… So please, don't say such sad things… after all,
you are his jii-chan".

It was nothing but a few words. But that was enough to bring back some
glow into Brass' face. Then, a smile followed. No one said anything.
They all knew that Dai leaving was nothing more than a little setback.
Once they talked, everything would be okay.

But before that, someone had to bring back their friend. And who best
than the one who knows him the best? After a moment of silence, Marm
poked into Pop's side with her elbow, prompting him to glare at her. The
people around stared at them, wondering what was going on.

Marm ignored those glances, and simply looked at her friend with a
slight smile on her face, as if telling Pop to "hey, it's your call, get

Pop understood the message, and stopped his glare. Then he took his
easygoing attitude, and turned 180 degrees. "Well, I guess it's time for
me to go look for Dai".

"Eh? What are you saying Pop? If you know where to look for him, then
tell us…" said Leona in a very demanding manner, as she grabbed the
magic user by his sleeve, and began pulling and pushing him.

"She is right. If you know something, you have to…" tried to say
Larhalt, but he was interrupted by Hyunkel.

"I hate to say this, but this job is meant for Pop…" said the Magic

"Hyunkel is right. There are some things that neither a parent, sibling
or a 'partner' can do" said Crocodine, with half the intent of teasing
Leona a little, managing to make her blush and a little mad. "People,
especially children tend to fear facing either of them whenever they've
done something wrong", continued the King of Beasts, further supporting
Hyunkel's standpoint.

Everyone wanted to participate of the search, but Crocodine's words held
some truth. Dai was probably too afraid of facing them. The one who had
the best chance was… him…

"I guess that this is the kind of job that only his best friend can do…
In that case, please Pop, please bring me my Grandson back" said Brass,
almost begging the Magic User.

– NINGENKAI – Teran Kingdom –

After the war, considering the exploits and contributions both Baran and
Dai had made, and more importantly, the fact that the King decided to
accept the technological development within Teran and cultural exchange
with other countries, the shrine which had been erected at the shore of
the lake were the Dragon Temple had once been submerged, had been
expanded and renovated, although it still remained in the open, with no
ceiling nor walls. Offerings were left on weekly basis, and people
prayed for the protection of the Dragon God.

The current Dragon Knight was sitting on the floor, lying against the
pillar that made the center of the temple. He was currently looking at
the star filled sky, with a face that reflected a very small semblance
of sorrow. However, he wasn't just sad, nor was just pondering on the
sins he committed just a few hours ago. His expression wasn't just one
of a sinner… it was the face of someone waiting for his trial, or more
exactly… someone on death roll.

A few minutes later, he felt a very familiar presence arriving after the
use of a /Ruura/



"Man… you really lack originality if you do same thing as last time…
Can't believe you would make me go through this again"

The Dragon Knight was about to smile, but he quickly stopped himself. He
wasn't waiting for the magic user to have some small talk. He was
waiting because he wanted to pay for his crimes.

"Dai… tell me, why we are doing this again" asked Pop with a somewhat
sad smile, like the one people give whey trying to convey to others that
they are acting ridiculously.

"Pop…" said Dai as he began to tremble. Tears were about to fall from
his eyes, as he looked to the ground has he remained seated. "Why… why
aren't you…"

"Why am I not, what? What are you trying to say Dai?"

"Why… why did I wake up at the palace, in a room and not in a cell…?

Pop got so puzzled at Dai's question that he wasn't sure what to say in
response. "Wha… what are you…?

Suddenly, Dai turned his head, facing Pop, surprising the latter. Dai
had a guilt ridden expression on his face. "After all I did to all of
you… Why have you not killed me?

To say that Pop's eyes almost popped out from his skull would be an
understatement, as he simultaneously jerked his neck to face Dai. The
Dragon Knight could not bear his friend's gaze, and turned his eyes
downward, trying to escape eye contact.

Pop's gaze became somber. He squeezed his fists, and tensed his muscles,
before going for his Chaos Rod, stored at the back of his waist, hanging
by his belt. As he grabbed it, he poured magical energy, which did not
come unnoticed for the Hero. The magic user stepped forward, getting
closer to his "friend".

"… You are right. You still have to pay for what you did to me… to us.
You forgot about us…" said the magic user, as he watched how his partner
slouched at his words. "… You cursed us…" continued Pop, watching Dai
slouching even more, even in his seated position. "… You hurt us… you
almost *killed* some of us… You even *betrayed* me…" pressed on the
/Daimadoushi/. Dai was reaching his limit, his eyes got filled with
tears which the Dragon Knight held back, as he felt he had no right to
cry. He pressed his head on his knees, and covered it with his arms.

[I guess Pop has been holding back… I hope that with this he can get
peace of mind… I'm sorry, Pop], thought Dai as he sensed the incoming
threat. Being fed with magical energy, the Chaos Rod changed its shape,
becoming a "tool of punishment", with which the Dragon Knight would
finally pay for his crimes. The magic user got in range to strike the
criminal, and finally execute the sentence.

"I hope you are ready…" said the Wiseman, to which the Dragon Knight
jerked his head to the side, opening his eyes and looking downwards,
willingly offering his head to the executioner. [Everyone… please take
care. I'm sure you'll be able to deal with *him*]

"THIS IS YOUR PUNISHMENT…!" roared Pop as he rapidly raised his
transformed Chaos Rod, grabbed it with both hands, and performed an
overhead strike on his friend's head with the strongest magically
enhanced… folded paper fan, as he shouted "… YOU IDIOOOOOOOOOT!".

Of course, such a weapon should be completely ineffective, but with such
a magical enhancement, and with so much "heart" behind it, it propelled
the Dragon Knight's head to the ground on impact. "Wha… what? Po….
AHHH!?" managed to say the Dragon knight after he raised his head, just
as he received a head-butt, which made both of them flinch of pain. Each
grabbed his head, slowly jerking it vertically, in reaction to the pain.

Sucking up the pain, they faced each other again. The first to act was
once again the /Daimadoushi/. "OUCH! Your head is too hard, you idiot!"
responded Pop, as he put his thumbs inside his friend's mouth, and began
to pull in opposite directions

"Auh, Auh, Auh, Auh, Auh, Auh, Auh, Auh, Auh, Auh, Auh, Auh!"" answered
Dai as he received the unexpected, but equally (¿?) painful punishment
from his friend. "Whath ar shiu dointh…?

"I'M JUST EXECUTING YOUR SENTENCE, YOU IDIOT" answered the magic user as
he pulled with more strength.

Strangely enough, the screams of pain did not cause a commotion nor
attracted people.

– NINGENKAI – Papunika Kingdom – The Palace –

"So…" said a beautiful, elegant blonde lady, who clearly showed signs of
frustration, anger, and boredom, as her right eye twitched every now and

"So…? So… what, Leona?" answered another girl, who was equally beautiful
as the other, although what she lacked in elegancy was compensated in
serenity, despite the 2 years difference in their ages.

Both girls were in a studio, seated next to each other at the table in
the room, resting their chins on their palms, as their elbows pressed
against the shiny and expensive wood, looking at nothing, despite the
beautiful night scenery that extended towards the horizon, right on the
other side of the window.

"… I just wanna know when Pop-kun is coming back with Dai-kun. I know
they haven't been out for too long, and they have a lot to sort out,
but…" said the Princess of Papunika as she continued looking at nothing,
her eyes seemingly devoid of emotion, but to an expert, they were
containing an almost unstoppable rage, which was about to explode. The
small pulsing vein popping from her forehead was also evidence of this

"... Sigh… But?" answered the Female Fighter with resignation in her
voice, accepting that she would have to deal with a fit of rage from a
lady that from time to time tended to act immaturely. It almost seemed
that Marm was waiting for it, to deal with the fit, and get over it at
once. Better sooner than later.

Another vein popped up, and it seemed it was about to burst open. She
princess with all her might, apparently shoving Marm slightly to the
side only with the force of her voice. The female fighter flinched a
little because of the intensity of the sound, closing one eye, while the
ruler of Papunika used so much air she had to pant to get her breath
back. "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, huff… I mean, what if, because of this
incident, he once again decides to *dissappear*".

"SIGH". Marm heavily sighed, while holding in her face the kind of
expression an adult has when dealing with a kid's rant, but still
understanding the reason behind it, and forgiving the fit. "Leona, I
understand how you feel, but in the end, it all comes down to whether
Dai can forgive himself or not. Sure, talking could certainly help and
influence him in the direction we want him to take, but only *he* can
make 'his own right choice'. And the one who can help him get rid of
unnecessary thoughts and out him on track to make a decision *at once*
is neither a "big sister" like me nor someone who longs for him like
you…" said Marm, stopping herself for a moment to giggle, as she saw
Leona glare at her with a slight blush on her face.

"Wha, what are you sayi…" tried to protest the Sage Princess.

"BUT, his best friend, who instead of trying to shove his own ideas,
despite the good intentions behind such action, will make Dai think *on
his own *and will accept his decision" continued Marm, as she shifted
her eyesight towards nothingness, changing her expression towards a more
solemn one.

"But if what you are saying is right, the Dai-kun might…" fearfully
wondered the young lady, lowering her gaze to her feet, with concern,
doubts and a little fear filling her head and eyes.

"*That's something different altogether. As for what choice he will
make, all we can do is have faith*" strongly stated the Healer and
Fighter "hybrid" as she quickly jerked her head, facing Leona, before
giving a reassuring smile. Leona reacted to the change in tone, and
after seeing that smile, she managed to find some relief. "And I believe
there is no one who believes in Dai more than you do. Isn't that right,

The princess changed her expression into a cocky one, closing her eyes,
and putting her hand in front of her chest, showing an arrogant
demeanor. "AH! Do you even have to ask? And on the unlikely case
Dai-kun's decision is the wrong one, I'll just have to go and get him".

In the end, Marm's words only managed to help Leona get some peace of
mind. Marm sighed through her nose only and looked at the princess with
an expression that said 'you are hopeless'. [And if you say you'll do
it, you'll just do it. Isn't that how she has always been Dai?]. Marm
then shifted her eyes to the window once again. [Pop, you better bring
Dai back, or Leona is gonna chew it on *both* of you]

– NINGENKAI – Papunika Kingdom – On an open field located at less than 1
kilometer of distance from the Capital –

Walking towards the capital were two black hooded figures of same
height. People usually used the roads that the kingdom had facilitated,
but these individuals would probably attract too much attention if their
faces were revealed by accident. The first step of their mission
required precision, and the element of surprise.

"So, we are doing *that*? Volac-nii-san, I know I suggested attacking
his friends and kill one to make him despair, but we could have
perfectly attacked him directly at that kingdom called Teran. He had a
friend with him, so it would have been perfect" spoke the youngest of
the twins sent by Velther to initiate the Dragons' vengeance against the
Dragon Knights.

"I'm sorry Valu, but I disagree. After killing that magician, the Dragon
Knight would have persecuted us on his own, and therefore, he would have
not been completely broken by the time Master Velther fought him"
rebutted the eldest twin, having already grown used to his brothers rash
decisions. At least, his quick thinking had proved to be useful from
time to time before they were killed by Baran years before. "Besides, by
attacking the people at the capital of this kingdom, we can kill some of
them more easily, and even injury the rest. Their morale will crumble
before our power, and so will the Dragon Knight's once he comes and sees
what transpired".

"Tch. I guess you are right" answered the frustrated youngest at his
brother's solid argument. "So, how much longer do we have to walk? I
mean, it's not like we will draw their attention if we fly without
consuming our energy" asked Valu.

Volac kinda "loved" his little brother, but he had always had to deal
with the impatience of a kid. Fortunately, as the eldest, he had a
bottomless pit of patience, at least when it came to Valu "They've
already fought flying enemies in their last war, and might be vigilant
of the sky. Once we get closer to the palace, we'll fly and quickly get
in position… speaking of that, have you already figured out the layout
of the palace?" asked the eldest, looking a little more demanding than
usual, at least to his brother's eyes.

The youngest frowned a little at the last question and answered: "I
already told you that I can't figure out the structure of a building,
but at least, by detecting the position of living presences and checking
the behavior of said presences I can infer in where are the walls and
doors, and in which floor people is located…" said the youngest in

"Isn't that what I said?"


"Whatever. I think you underestimate yourself a little too much, which
is quite weird considering how hotheaded you tend to be"

"I don't know if you are insulting me or praising me"

"Take it as you want. So, in which floor is *that* one? I really think
that taking that person out will deal the most damage to the Dragon
Knight's psyche, and also a major blow to a lot of people"

"Is that the reason you don't want to leave it to Velther-sama, even
though he would probably enjoy being the one to do it?

"It's because I'm thinking of the future, of what comes next to our
revenge. On the other hand, *I seriously want to deal as much pain as
possible to that Knight, in revenge for what his father did to us*"


Both brothers tensed up, and were about to screw up their cover by
increasing their energy, making their presence obvious to their enemies.

"Wait, we should calm down, or they'll detect us" said Volac to his
little brother, who complied with some resistance.

"Alright… *that person* is at the fourth floor… From other presences'
movement, I think the room is in the middle of the palace. But there is
one more person in that room" answered Valu with his eyes closed, with
which he could block any distraction from the world, and focus on
presences within a range of 10 kilometers.

"It doesn't matter" said the oldest of the twins. After taking some time
to think, he continued: "You take the East side and I'll take the West,
and we'll do *that*. Let's fly there at full speed. We are close to the
city, and even if the palace is at the center, it doesn't seem to take
too much time to reach it once one is inside the city. More importantly,
I bet the air vigilance is lax *within* the city. Even if we are
detected, they won't be able to report to the palace quickly enough"

"You are in charge Volac-nii-san" answered the youngest with a smile on
his face.

Each sibling flapped open their wings, one pair blue and the other red,
and got ready to take off.

– NINGENKAI – Papunika Kingdom – The Palace –

In the castle, at different locations, the party members and their
allies has formed groups and were simply letting time pass until Pop
returned with Dai.

Despite the events that transpired, Brass and Larhalt were relaxingly
spending time together, the latter enjoying the stories the former told
him about Dai's growth.

Hym decided to kill some time with Baduck, Nova and Lon Berk at the
blacksmith's workshop, the latter two checking the workshop out of
curiosity; in order to repair the damaged weapons he needed the tools
back at Lon Berk's home, and so trying to work at the castle's workshop
would be a waste of time. Of course, Baduck wasn't happy that the two
blacksmiths were underestimating the workshop.

Finally, Merle decided to wait for Pop and Dai's return by joining the
three sages at the chapel. She was praying that both could return, so
that everyone, especially Pop, could finally move on, return to being
themselves, and once again walk towards the future.

At the courtyard, Crocodine and Hyunkel were spending time in silence as
the former was doing push-ups as part of his self-imposed rehabilitation
program, although in a few minutes the sun would rise. Also, Leona had
warned him to avoid using that are for at least two months. Both were
too restless.

"The princess is gonna yell at you for doing that Crocodine" said the
Magic Swordsman as he examined the hilt of what was formerly known as
his new sword. Lon Berk and Nova said that after they had sorted out
everything with Dai, they would take the damaged weapons and repair
them. Of course, Hyunkel wasn't very satisfied with the fact he would
have to wait for so long, but he did not have much to say. After all,
Nova was working for free.

Crocodine was listening to Hyunkel, and actually got mad at the
hypocrisy of his friend, giving him a 'are you kidding me' face. "Marm
and Aimi will tie you to the bed when they find you" said the King of
Beasts with a serious face as he continued the routine.

"… I guess you are right. But it all depends in if they can find me or
not" answered Hyunkel before getting up to start practicing his form
even with only the handle"

"Don't worry. I won't rat on you, so just pay attention whenever you
feel someone is coming. I'm too busy right now to worry over your love

"Lo…? Are you trying to be funny Crocodine" said Hyunkel as his eye
almost popped out of his skull, before closing his eyes and regaining
his usual composure.

The two of them remained in silence while doing their respective
exercises. Their friendship was one that doesn't really need many words.
They know they can trust each other, and if they feel confused, they can
ask the other. But right now, both had questions that neither could
answer. They could only speculate about the answers.

Suddenly, Crocodine stopped, and looked at his friend. "Hey Hyunkel…
What mission do you think Dai was talking about?" The King of Beasts was
clearly nervous.

Hyunkel also stopped, and finally began to show some emotions that
reflected his internal nervousness. "I really don't know, nor can
imagine it. What worries me is that Dai affirmed that he needed his
sword, which means…"

"… You are thinking that said mission involves an opposition, *no*, an
enemy which would require the strength of the /Teryuujin/, supplemented
by a weapon capable of withstanding such power, in order to defeat it."

"Yes, that's what I fear". Hyunkel was really worried over the matter.
After seeing how Dai got stronger every time he got up after falling to
the ground, the idea of someone stronger than that frightened him. Such
worries distorted his usually stoic expression a little.

Fortunately, his friend Crocodine was there. The King of Beasts pushed
his own worries to the side, and tried to give a reassuring smile to his
friend. "Hyunkel… I'm not saying you have nothing to worry, but remember
that Vearn was also a monster at the time, and working together we
managed to overcome. And I assure you that *none* of us will let Dai
face his enemy alone"

And nothing else was necessary to be said. Hyunkel looked at Crocodine
with a surprised and slightly dumbfounded expression, which immediately
shifted into a calm smile.

Unfortunately, Dai did not have *one* opponent to defeat. Two of them
made their presence noticeable for an instant. Hyunkel was the first one
to react, followed by Crocodine. On other locations at the castle, the
members of the party and other companions reacted to the presences that
appeared outside the main structure, appearing at the same height of the
fourth floor of the palace, one at the east wing and the other at the
west wing. Hyunkel couldn't see much of the intruders because they were
wearing black hoods. What he could recognize were the blue and red pair
of wings. Both individuals looked at Hyunkel, and the former's gazes met
the latter's, and Hyunkel could have sworn he 'felt' how those two
smirked. They raised their arms, one his left one and the other his
right one. Had they been next to each other, they would have been
pressing their palms against each other.

Hyunkel acted as fast as he could, as he remembered Marm and Leona were

Suddenly, the two strangers appeared to be surrounded by some sort of
energy and immediately afterwards were propelled towards the center of
the palace. However, Hyunkel did not recognize the *use of any spell*,
nor noticed the *use of the wings* they possessed. Right after the
bodies touched the external side of the walls, they both crushed
everything in their path, as if the castle /Kiganjou/ had returned, and
had pierced the palace with its fingers. Then an explosion originated
form the center, probably from clash between both enemies at the center
of the structure, right at where the studio Marm and Leona had been
occupying was located. "No…" was all Hyunkel could say with an
astonished face, before noticing that Marm had managed to do as
instructed, and had Leona in her arms.

Marm showed a frustrated and angered expression, while Leona clearly had
no idea what was going on. Hyunkel felt relieved, until the two
intruders came out from the ensuing explosion of rubble, with the same
palms they previously had ceremoniously raised before attacking pointing
at Leona and Marm, and with their arms and shoulders pressing against
each other. The latter of the two girls managed to feel their presence,
and jerked her neck to look at them, noticing the incoming attack.
"*MARM, WATCH OUT!*" yelled Hyunkel. Marm started a motion right after
the former screamed.

The two enemies gathered respectively a /Mera/ class and /Hyado/ class
spells in their palms, but something completely different was fired;
something much brighter and destructive. Everyone got blinded by the
flash of light.

– NINGENKAI – Teran Kingdom –

"Huff, huff, huff, huff…"

"Ow, ow, ow, ow…"

"Huff, huff… so… did you learn your lesson?" tiredly asked the Magician.
He was sweating like a pig and his clothes had sweating stains all over,
but except for a large bump in his forehead, he was unscathed.

"Ehhhhh… something tells me that you had more than one point to make,
so… which lesson are you talking about?" reluctantly answered Hero. He
was not tired at all, but his cheeks, ears and nose were quite red, but
at least no mark whatsoever could be found on his forehead. After such a
'beating', the Hero had momentarily forgotten his own depression.

*Pop*, the sound of a vein popping out was suddenly heard, and Dai knew
it might have been smarter to keep his mouth shut.

"Daaaaammn youuuuuuu!" exclaimed Pop at his friend's aloofness. The
former proceeded to grab the Hero by the collar of the shirt he was
wearing, but instead of looking at him with eyes filled with annoyance
and anger, Pop could only see at his friend with pain and sorrow. "The
lesson… the lesson was to stop being an idiot" said the magic user as
tears flowed from his eyes.

"Po… Pop?"

"You are an idiot for running away again because you can't stand the
guilt… you are such an idiot for asking me to kill you because you can't
stand the guilt… you are an idiot for thinking we won't forgive you… you
are an idiot for thinking you can't atone…" berated Pop at his best
friend, releasing all the pain that their separation had caused him, and
venting all the anger he had to hold back. He let go of his friend's
collar, and grabbed him by the shoulders. "YOU ARE AN IDIOT FOR NOT
Pop was finally done with his fit, and started to cry, lowering his
gaze, and closing his eyes.

And so Dai began to cry too. One way or another, Pop… no, everyone's
feelings had finally reached thanks to Pop's rant. He also let his head
hanging as he cried.

After a few minutes, the sat next to each other, both showing a slight
smile, and staring at the starry sky.

"Pop… I'm sorry for being an idiot" said Dai as he looked at his friend.

The magic user changed his expression for an unemotional one, and moved
his eyes towards the Hero. He then closed his eyes and smiled.

Pop knew that Dai did not regret his decision of taking the Black Core
to the sky by himself instead of letting Pop accompany him. But at least
Dai had understood that despite all the pain they had caused each other,
it wasn't Dai's will, and in the end everything had ended well, so only
one thing remained.

"It's okay. Just don't do it again… Now, down to business" answered the
Magician, as he changed his smile into a serious face.

"Eh? What business are you talking about?" said the Dragon Knight in

"In the end, I'm not here to bring you back…" responded the
/Daimadoushi/ without looking at his friend, who felt dumbfounded at
Pop's answer. It didn't make sense for Pop to come and do all he did if
he had no intention of bringing Dai back. "What I came here to do is ask
you if *you want* to come back, and accompany you if you want to"

It was then that Dai understood. Even if he had found the desire to go
back to his friends and family, he had being making the same mistake he
did for the time he "served" the Gods. He was letting others think and
decide in his place. It was time to finally step forward and change for
the better. "Even… even if the time comes when it's no longer okay for
me to stay with you all, I'll do my best to change myself, in order to
make it right again… *I want to stay with you all forever!*"

Pop felt extremely surprised and looked at his smiling friend. After
seeing that smile, the magic user smiled at Dai. "Dai… you've changed.
That was a very decisive, bold, *and selfish* answer… You've grown."

Dai was looking at his friends eyes looking almost horizontally,
deviating them a little downwards. The Hero smirked. "You've also
changed… I don't know how, but you've shrunk… a lot".

*Pop*, the sound of a vein popping out was heard again, and Po's left
eye twitched. "You… you insolent little…" said the magic user as his
mouth curved into an evil smirk, showing his teeth a little. The
/Daimadoushi/ proceeded to grab his friend by the neck, and put him in a
choker arms lock. Not so much for the semi-good intentioned insult, but
because of the painful truth that a 15 year old kid was in fact, taller
that the 18 years old magician.

Despite the sudden loss of air, the 'uncle, uncle' pat, the arm lock,
and the evil smirk, these guys began to laugh, and it continued for a
while. After a while, they decided it was time to go back to the Palace,
and so decided to use /Ruura/. They were expecting Dai would get
lectured and maybe a little smacked, but everything would be okay. Pop
did not forget about Dai's mission, but when it was brought up in the
conversation, Dai promised him he would explain everything in front of
everyone. However, what they found when they arrived…

– NINGENKAI – Papunika Kingdom – The Palace –

"Wha… WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!?" was the first thing Pop said when they
arrived, after seeing that the palace had collapsed, leaving only the
first floors standing, or at least that's what it seemed like from the
outside. However, the remains showed some strange and eve unique
features that caught his attention. "Wait… doesn't this resemble…?"

"Don't… Don't tell me that it was *them*?" said Dai after seeing that
some trees had been burnt, the ground had been leveled and filled with
holes from explosions, there were many soldiers and a few civilians
collapsed within his sight, and many of the presences he had felt before
he left the palace and disappeared.

"POP, DAI, PLEASE COME HELP US!" said Marm, who was next to Hyunkel,
Crocodine, Leona, Hym and Larhalt. She and Leona had seemed to be the
least injured, as they were trying to heal the other party members with
the use of /Hoimi/ class spells. Unfortunately, Larhalt, Hym, Merle,
Crocodine and Hyunkel were too injured to even sit, and couldn't speak.
The Merle, the Sages, Baduck and Brass were unconscious, while Lon Berk
and Nova were nowhere to be seen.

Right when Marm was about to get hit by the attack that was launched
against her and Leona, the former maneuvered in the air, and lightly
kicked Leona to one side. As a reaction to her kick, her own body got
impulse, so both girls budged in opposite directions, successfully
avoiding the attack.

"DAI-KUN!" screamed Leona with a mixture of happiness and relief. Even
if her injuries were light, her clothes were stained and damaged, and if
one paid attention, some bruises could be found.

Before they could even take one step towards their friends, a wall of
ice came out of nowhere, blocking their path

"*Finally… YOU ARE FINALLY HERE, SON OF BARAAAAAAN!*" simultaneously
roared two individuals that were standing on the rubble of the
demolished palace.

The Magician and the Hero jerked their necks in the direction the voices
apparently came from, and saw two hooded individuals. Both heroes felt
the killing intent, almost tasting it, especially the Dragon Knight. Of,
the sources of the emanating malice had equally malicious smiles, which
were seen by Dai and Pop despite the distance and the hoods.

"Sigh… Dai, what have you got us into this time? Who are these two? I
ask because they seem to know you" asked Pop, who had somehow regained
his composure, or at least that is what it looked like, and was again
acting in his easygoing mannerisms

Dai, and everyone else who managed to remain conscious were surprised by
Pop's easygoing demeanor. "Huh… Pop, what are you…?"

"*Human, I recommend you stay out of this conversation… for your own
good*" said one of the intruders, as he raised a blue scaled right hand,
trying to indicate Pop to stop speaking. Of course, the magic user
noticed the strange details of the limb.

"Hooooo… Well, I appreciate your concern, but I believe I can take care
of myself, especially since I'm not trying to *provoke* anyone" answered
Pop with a defying tone and a cocky smirk. "You two, on the other hand,
were not invited, and even worse, introduced yourselves too *bluntly*,
and in a too roundabout way. Therefore, you can't blame us for getting a
little irritated and asking who you are"

The other intruder, as well as Dai and the rest of the party were too
shocked to interfere. The conversation was taking a very bizarre
direction, considering the situation and scenery where it was taking place.

"Je… You are completely right. Even if you are a human, for my own sake
and reputation, I shouldn't forget my manners. Allow me to introduce
ourselves…" responded the individual with blue hands, as he made a
reverence. "My name is Volac *Of The Glacier*, and this is my brother
Valu *Of The Conflagration*. We have come in representation of our
Master, to extend to the Dragon Knight, an invitation to his domain in
Makai" said the enemy in front of the heroes.

"Hoh, what a generous invitation is the one you are offering, maybe too
generous. Was this overwhelming greeting some sort of fee?" answered the
/Daimadoushi/, still keeping his cool.

"Tch! My, my, you insist on butting in on this conversation. But aren't
you smart. Unfortunately, my master requires something in exchange for
such an offering. And the fee hasn't been completely paid. We need more
blood, including a little from the Dragon Knight" corresponded the blue
handed enemy, with a smile that started as a forced one after hearing
Pop interfering again in the conversation, but later turned into a more
natural one. "Such an smart *human* should be able to understand then
that this conversation doesn't concerns him, and should stay put, and
wait for these… 'Negotiations' to be finished"

Pop simply closed his eyes, and smirked even more, pissing off his
interlocutor even more. "I understand, but unfortunately, my friend here
hasn't been exactly himself lately, and also he has never been a good
negotiator, so I hope you don't mind me representing him so that he
doesn't *waste* his *precious *energy and time with you" said Pop to
further infuriate his opponent even more "… Of course, I'm also doing
this out of concern for you" continued the magic user with lots of
*obvious* sarcasm.

Volac was trying to keep his cool, thinking that an insignificant human
should not be able to push his buttons, but the more they talked, the
more he wanted to rip Pop's head off. "I am touched by your concern, but
unfortunately, I've been ordered to, and also have a personal interest
in dealing with the Dragon Knight directly. Besides… *you* could be part
of the *fee* we have to collect"

"I see your point. But unfortunately, my friend here has to deal with
the *two *of you. Now, I'm sure that he is pretty capable of dealing
with you two, but to make things fare, I'm joining the negotiations.
Besides I think I would be perfectly fine dealing with you two on my
own" continued Pop with an evil smirk that fit him quite well, strangely

Suddenly, a red hand came out of the second hood, pointing its finger at
Pop as it trembled of anger. "*YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! ARE YOU
YOU?*" vociferated Valu at Pop after the daring declaration.
fiery creature as it removed its hood, revealing a form that shocked

"Sigh… I guess the cat is out of the bag, as you humans would say" said
the eldest of the two siblings before removing his own hood, showing an
appearance that mirrored his little brother's, except for the colors.

Their resembled that of an adult's, but their eyes indicated they had
lived much longer that a human lifespan. They had probably lived even
more than some demons. They had spiky black hair, and eyes of the same
color as their hands. Actually, their bodies were completely blue in
Volac's case, and red in Valu's. Some parts showed clearer tones, and
other ones darker tones, but in general terms they were blue and red.
They also had wings that resembled a bat's, or even a dragon's. Their
bodies resembled a known lifeform, but their skin was more scaled.
Finally, what astonished the most was the Dark Symbol made of energy
that floated in front of their foreheads.

"A… a Dark Dragon Crest… /Ryuumajin/?" said Dai as he looked at his
opponents, at first with surprise, then fear, but finally, anger. "HOW

with a twisted smile on his face, enjoying Dai's rage. "What… do you
think Killvearn was only looking for the chance to kill Vearn or
enjoying life in this world? Had that been the case, a hyperactive guy
like that would have had so much free time he would have used it to
actually destroy his marionette while testing different ways of dying,
only to make it stronger".

Dai still did not understand what Valu was trying to convey with his
words "What are you…"

"You freaking idiot, I'm saying that while no one was looking, Killvearn
collected samples from Baran, you, the Hyper Demon investigation, and
*other* sources. And the most important one, VEARN'S /KIGAN/!

Dai was too surprised to say anything. He was sure he had destroyed
Vearn and his /Kigan/ during the final battle. But *he* has managed to
recover the remains and use his power to create these abominations.

"Dai, what is the /Kigan/?" asked Pop, somehow still maintaining his

Dai failed to notice that Pop had remained calm, and answered almost
automatically. "It was… *is* Vearn's source of magical power. It was his
third eye. With it he was capable of making major physiological changes
in any life form. I bet his Magic Furnace was an example of that… He
even turned himself in some sort of Demonic Monstruosity that almost
killed me. He called it /Kigan-Oh/"

"With that power, our Master was able to give new life, and by combining
his original powers with the samples and the /Kigan/, he has gifted us
with strength that surpasses your father's… *even yours*. And right now,
he is using that same power on himself. As we speak, he is undergoing
the *ultimate* *evolution*" continued the now calm Volac.

All the members of the party that remained conscious got terrified. They
endured hell when they faced Baran's /Ryuumajin/ and Dai's /Tenryuujin/.
And it was possible for someone to surpass even that. The only one who
remained calm was…

"I see… so Velther decided to use that tactic. So you guys are
Intelligent Dragons that were brought back to life, and given a form
similar to the /Ryuumajin/.Well, in that case, I withdraw my last
statement. But that doesn't mean I won't join Dai in this conflict. Not
that he needs my assistance, but still" said the Magician with an
unemotional expression.

The siblings were surprised that the human remained calm, and also that
he had figured out the identity of their master.

"Did we make it that obvious, human?" said Volac.

Pop directed his eyes to the one who asked. "Well, when you showed me
your scaled hand, and mentioned Makai, I began to suspect. Then you
mentioned a master, and Dai seemed to know beforehand who you two work
for. That person is probably the target in Dai's mission. Then, the only
threats to the Gods I imagine have existed in the last few centuries are
Vearn and Velther; any other one was probably exterminated by those two
when they were consolidating their power during a period where I imagine
Makai was filled with Warlords, including those two. Finally, I doubt in
only three years a new Warlord in Makai would rise *and* consolidate a
power similar to Vearn, and any new *potential* monster would have been
annihilated by the many servants I imagine Velther has besides the
already deceased Killvearn. *ALL THIS* leaves only one option". After
explaining his masterfully meditated deduction, Pop cockily smiled at
Volac and Valu.

"For a human… no, you are clearly smarter and cleverer than many demons.
I can't describe how disgusted I feel by doing this, but my pride and
honor compel me to do it" said Volac with a slightly dignified
expression. Then, once again, he made a reverence. "*I HAVE

On the other hand, Valu would not change is posture. Volac knew his
brother too well to even suggest him to do the same.

Pop smiled. "Apologies accepted… I have to say, Velther is a real loser,
not to mention an imbecile" said the magic user with a smirk,
infuriating the twins. "I mean, once again, he is employing all the
revenge thirty losers that got killed by Baran and want to get even,
putting them against his son who has surpassed him, and he is so
pathetic he is using the weapon his rival lost with when he faced Dai…
ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, so lame…"

That insult made the thin thread that was their patience snap at once.

Marm predicted what would happen next, and decided to do all she could.

"SHUT IT AND WATCH! I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING" answered Pop with full

The two brothers jumped forward, ready to kill Pop, but he was still
confident. Fortunately, Dai had not been losing his time. From the time
he saw their forms, he was gathering Dragonic Aura, and the same instant
the rubble under the brothers' feet dispersed in every direction because
of their leap, Dai did the same, and without letting it explode, he used
the gathered energy to partially adopt his /Teryuujin/ form.




At the last instant, the brother pushed each other to the side using
their palms. They managed to get to a safe distance even from the
shockwave. Dai passed them, but instead of crashing on the ruins of the
palace, he used his /Touki/ to reduce his momentum, landing hard, but
not crashing, on the rubble. Immediately, afterwards, the now fully
transformed /Tenryuujin/ rotated his body 180 degrees, and got in
position to attack from that distance.

Dai extended the index finger in both arms, and flexed both limbs
inwardly. Then, he attacked. "/DRAGON TAIL!/" roared the Hero as he used
each hand to execute one of his Ultimate Techniques. [Even with their
wings, they won't avoid this].

However, the same strange phenomenon Hyunkel had witnessed when the
brothers arrived took place again. They were surrounded by some strange
energy, and while pointing their palms at each other, making it so that
if they were next to each other, they would be pressing their hands
against each other, said energy became a thread that connected them.
That thread contracted, and the brother swiftly got right next to each
other, right in front of Dai. Everyone became surprised.

Right after getting his mind right back on track, Dai felt a little
uncomfortable for a moment. He simply dismissed it, and prepared himself
to fire a /Monshousen/, but the weird feeling became exhaustion. [CRAP…!
IT DOESN'T MATTER! I'LL USE MY FISTS!]. Now that the brothers were in
front of him, The Dragon Knight once again gathered Dragonic Aura and
took a leap. But there was one problem. He failed to *contain* the
forcefully gathered energy, reducing his speed by half. [SHIT!]



The brothers now had enough time to rotate in midair in opposite
directions, letting Dai get past them. They used this opportunity to
kick Dai upwardly. "GAAAAHHHHHH!" blurted the Dragon Knight as he felt
how his Dragonic Aura barrier shattered, and his /Tenryuujin/ state

The brothers then got in the same position they took when they almost
killed Marm and Leona. Strictly speaking, they did not use /Mera /or
/Hyado/ class spells. In their /Ryuumajin/ mutated form, they became
capable of releasing something akin to their former dragon breath
through their hands. Also, their new bodies could generate magic energy.
And with the knowledge left by Killvearn, added to their *evolution*,
they had learnt how to imbue their breath with a bit of magic energy,
and combine their breath at the time of release.

"HEY FUCKHEAD, LET'S SEE YOU FIGHT AFTER THIS!" said the fiery brother,
as he gathered his Fire Breath in his left hand.

"WE'LL BE TAKING YOUR LEGS, SON OF BARAN!" said the cool brother, as he
gathered his Ice Breath in his right hand.

All of a sudden, they both held an energy sphere made of the recently
created *Annihilation Breath*. The Twin Dragons fired with an evil smirk
and a satisfied smile on their faces.

"… *DAI-KUN!*" cried Leona.

"… DAI!" roared Marm.

Dai's legs were about to be disintegrated and leave nothing behind, not
even the dust. Dai got scare for a moment, but then felt that a presence
was increasing its power, and the nostalgia that presence made him feel
changed the fear for relieve. He also changed his expression for an
annoyed smile. [Geez, you are a little late].

Fortunately, there was a clown of a person who tended to get into other
people businesses, even when he was told not to. "/*MAHOKANTAAAAAA!*/"
vociferated Pop with a smirk on his face, right after he got between the
flying Dai and the Annihilation Breath using /Toberuura/

The moment the brothers heard the scream and recognized the meaning,
they provoked the same phenomenon as before, but this time, instead of
being attracted, they repelled each other, avoiding their own
Annihilation Breath, which further damaged the palace, not that it made
much of a difference. The two brothers then began to float using their
wings, and looked at the source of the counterattack.


"… Bastard"

Dai and Pop landed at the same time, looking up to their opponents.

Pop watched the brothers with a cocky smirk and eyes. "If you don't want
to leave clues about your skills, at least choose a different location
for each encounter, or clean it up before the enemy you *truly* want to
fight arrives. In this case it's because I was here, but let me tell you
that I've trained so much with /Medoroa/ that I've become overly
familiar with the damage /Mera /and /Hyado/ spells, and /Medoroa /leave
in the environment. Also, The Glacierand The Conflagration? Really?
Could you not have been a little more obvious?"

Everyone but Dai were astonished at Pop's genius, especially the Twin

"Now, that repulsion and attraction skill couldn't have been figured out
from the evidence left here, but I had already heard Hym talk about
Block's especial skill used to save Hadlar and the rest of the Shinei
Kidan. And when you mentioned the samples and showed me that skill to
escape Dai's /Dragon Tail/, I figured that you developed a similar
skill. I'm guessing that being twins and having opposing powers has
something to do with it". With every word, Pop's smirk got more and more
twisted. "Let me give you a piece of advice: Use other people techniques
only if you are sure there's no one left alive who might know about
them, or if you have no choice."

Marm and Leona woke up from their trance, looked at each other, and
sighed out of relief. [That idiot…]

Pop abandoned his smirk because what he had to say now was not some form
of boasting or teasing. "Finally, I made the mistake of underestimating
the toll our fight had on Dai, especially how he forcefully healed his
wounds with the /Tenryuujin/ transformation. Was he at full power, he
wouldn't not have problems dealing with you two. And if it wasn't
because of your Repulsion-Attraction skill, neither would I"

The Twin Dragons were getting more and more impatient. Their blood was
boiling, and their anger was about to erupt.

"*But the worst mistake was that you underestimated me*. I said I would
also participate in this 'negotiation', so deal with it" Pop's smile
became a challenging smirk.

The brothers' thoughts were synchronized, and all they wanted to do was
kill the human who had humiliated them. Their faces reflected their
collective rage and frustration. [*This is the one we'll be killing
after all; GET READY, HUMAN!*].

"If you two are /Ryuumajin/ and Dai is a /Tenryuujin/, *don't forget... *".

Everyone from the party who was still awake got scared at the expression
Pop held in his face. His smirk changed into an evil and psychotic smile.


The greatest 2 vs 2 in history was about to begin.
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